Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Brushing your teeth is a daily routine to keep your teeth and mouth, especially in the holy month of Ramadan. Because in the month of Ramadan we are faced with compulsory worship, namely berpuasu. Where we have to hold to eat, drink, and lust from dawn to sunset.

Brushing your teeth in the morning when fasting would use toothpaste and we know that almost all the existing toothpaste taste. So here arises a question what our problems are not brushing their teeth when fasting, what fasting is off when brushing your teeth?.

Some scholars have argued brushing teeth in the holy month of Ramadan legal permissible (allowed), so long as we are careful brushing. Do not let the water used to rinse his mouth in.

Brushing your teeth from dawn until noon (midday) legal or permissible, but when it is past midday when brushing makruh ruling.

From the above we may conclude brush my teeth in the holy month of Ramadan does not break the fast as long as we gear enyikat careful not to get water splashing up in our throat.

Not a few of us Muslims do not consider this, for reasons of shame because of bad breath odors. They do not care when brushing your teeth, there is even time to brush your teeth after midday. Remember the Rule of Brushing Teeth In The month of Ramadan is makruh, mean fasting charity will receive discounts. Obviously we want to get our fast deeds are in the highest degree.

Do not for reasons of bad breath brushing our teeth at the time of fasting, do not be embarrassed by bad breath.

Because bad breath fast high value side of Allah Ta'ala, as in the hadith was narrated from Abu Hurairah ra, the Prophet SAW said "for the sake of God, who himself muhammad is the power, the smell of the mouth of the fasting person more fragrant than the smell of musk beside Allah ( HR AL - Bukhari and Muslim). "

We should brush your teeth after the meal (before the Ruling).

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