Sunday, December 30, 2012


Here is presented Ustadz Sarwat Ahmad while answering various questions about the law AD celebrate the new year and fill it with an Islamic activities.

There are so many different opinions about the law celebrate the new year AD. Some forbid and others allow it with conditions.

1. Opinions Proscribe

Those who forbid the celebration of New Year's Eve AD, berhujjah with several arguments.

a. New Year's Eve celebration is a kaafir Worship

That New Year's Eve celebration is essentially a religious ritual worship of the nations of Europe, whether Christian or any other religion.

Since its entry into the European doctrine of Christianity, pagan diverse (idolatry) into teaching. One is the New Year's Eve celebration. Even being an integral part of Christmas celebrations wrongly believed by Europeans as the birthday of the prophet Jesus.

As a result, new year's eve celebration BC it was a great celebration of pagan religions. So haraam done by Muslims.

b. New Year's Eve celebration Resembling kaafir

Although there may be a celebration evening found hanging in his intentions, but at least not a Muslim who celebrate the coming New Year's Eve was like a pagan ritual. And just like it had been unlawful, as the words of the Prophet Muhammad: "Who is like the work of a people (a particular religion), he included one of them."

c. New Year's Eve Full Maksiat

Difficult to deny that many people celebrate New Year's Eve by drinking alcohol, adultery, laughing and rah-rah. Even staying up all night to spend time in vain. And Allah has made the night for berisitrahat, not to awake the whole night, except when there is a suggestion for evening prayers.

So New Year's Eve celebrations forbidden for Muslims is the effort to prevent and protect the Muslims from the bad influences commonly done immoral experts.

d. New Year's Eve celebration is on border

Sharia Islam brought by Prophet Muhammad is Shari'a complete and exhaustive. No more left.

While the phenomenon of some Muslims who held a New Year's Eve celebration at the mosque AD-masijd by performing the night prayers in congregation, for no other reason than because of the coming New Year's Eve, is an act of heresy that was never done by the Prophet Muhammad, his Companions and salafus Salih.

So when a special legal heresy for New Year's Eve event held religious rituals, such as qiyamullail, prayer, istighatsah, musings night, tafakkur nature, or other mahdhah worship. Since there is no basis syar'inya.

2. Opinions justify

Opinions that justify departing from the argument that the New Year's Eve celebrations are not always associated with AD specific religious rituals. All depends on the intention. If intended for worship or heathen bandwagon, it is haraam. But it was not intended to follow ritual unbelievers, then there is no ban.

They took her off the comparison with Muslims in Christmas. In fact every red dates in the calendar for christmas, new year, an increase Isa, Easter and the like, Muslims also chimed off work and school. Even Islamic banks, Islamic schools, boarding schools, the department of Religious Affairs and other Islamic institutions also off. Is her off Muslims as holy days of Christianity that includes celebrating their big day?

Generally we will answer that it depends on intention. If we intend to celebrate, then it is haraam. But if it was not intended to celebrate, the law is fine.

Similarly, the follow-up New Year's Eve celebration, when intended bandwagon worship and pagan traditions, then it is haraam. But if no such intention, it does not matter jurisdiction.

The habits of the people celebrating New Year's Eve by drinking alcohol, adultery and immorality series, certainly is haraam. But if that do not immoral, certainly keharamannya no. Which is haram-vice, not celebrate new year's eve.

For example, Muslims are utilizing new year's eve event to do positive things, like feeding the poor, sympathize orphanage, cleaning up the environment and so on.

That is a brief summary of the differences among various law Muslims celebrate New Year's Eve.

Feast Muslims Only Two

In Islam, the name day feast there are only two, that is the day 'Eid ul-Fitr and' Eid al-Adha. The rest, no pensyariatannya, so as a Muslim, there is no interest whatsoever to celebrate the coming new year.

But when it has to answer, whether if will come celebrate sin, of course the answer would be diverse. What is clear is illegitimate when following a particular religious celebration. The statute has been agreed haram. That is, a Muslim is forbidden to follow the ritual religion other than Islam, including celebrating the day.

Thus all forms of Christmas together, or any other religious rituals, unclean by Muslims. And the ban is absolute, not just making it up.

Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) on March 7 in 1981/1 Jumada al-Awwal 1401 H has issued a fatwa prohibition Christmas together signed by its chairman KH M. Shukri Ghazali. One quote is:

Christmas celebrations in Indonesia despite the aim to celebrate and honor the Prophet Isa AS, but Christmas can not be separated from the problems described above.
Following a Christmas ceremony for the Islamic Ummah is haraam.
In order not to fall to the Islamic Ummah and prohibitions of Allah SWT doubtful advised not to follow the activity of-Christmas activities.
But what about the celebration of unrelated elements of religion, but only related to the habits of a people or a nation?

Some people still insist on linking the celebration of the coming new year with activities of nations non-Muslims. And although not directly related to the issue of religious rituals, still considered haram. Because the act was a tasyabbuh (like) the unbelievers, although not associated with religious rituals. They put forward the argument that the Prophet forbade tasyabbuh bil kuffar

From Ibn Umar. said that the Messenger of Allah said, "Who menyerupa a people, he was among them. (Reported by Abu Dawud)

Abdullah ibn Amr said that the man who founded and Mahrajah Nairuz above ground idolaters and resemble them until death, then on the Day of Resurrection will be raised with them.

Tasyabbuh here bersaifat absolute, either related things which are rituals or unrelated.

But some people clearly provide restrictions, namely only the things that are associated with religion are forbidden for us to resemble. While on the other things that are not associated with religious rituals, there is no prohibition. For example, in celebration of the new year, they said most people do not associate the new year celebration with a religious ritual. In many parts of the world, people do in fact accompanied by a party and lainnya.Tetapi not in the house of worship, nor religious celebration.

Thus, basically no one when the nation was celebrating, even if they converted to Islam.

However, apart from the two poles of this disagreement, at least make us Muslims who are not Westerners, I think we need to look in the mirror and evaluate yourself against the celebration of New Year's Eve.

First, no matter what the celebration of New Year's Eve no admonitions of the Prophet Muhammad. If it is done there is no reward, even some scholars say it is heresy and imitation of the disbelievers.

Secondly, there is no advantage whatsoever morally and materially to make the celebration. Talkative and just generally went along, especially for our nation being degraded eastern influence western lifestyle. Even more often than just the party wasted treasure in vain

Third, when the celebration is always going to be a tradition done idiosyncrasies, feared at one time would be considered a liability, even a religious ritual. And the celebration is not just a cultural import native culture of our nation.

Fourth, because of all the above considerations, as Muslims we should not need mentradisikan any event, although tahajud or mabit or the like in bulk. Even if wanted to make a night of coaching or whatever, you should avoid to do on New Year's Eve, so as not to seem as part of the celebration. Although not necessarily be unlawful.

Middle Path Difference Opinion

The scholars with different walks of life, must have good intentions, that as much as possible to be careful in issuing fatwas, so people do not fall into the abyss munkar.

One form of polemics on the issue celebration is mandated rest days or red date festivals of other religions. Its so debate, whether if we dismiss school or office on the 25th of December, we've considered come celebrate?

Some argue that the only holiday that can not be said to be celebrating, lha wong dismiss the government does, so we take it off. But the intent in my heart is not at all to celebrate.

Others resisted, when on December 25 that Muslims wear show off the bandwagon, like it or not, all the same they are included to celebrate the feast of other religions. So some madrasah and pesantren decided that it was not on holiday. Classes continued as usual.

Now as well, when on January 1, adopted by the Government as a national holiday, there is also a difference of opinion. Can Muslims take off in the new year? Did that take a holiday meant to celebrate the big day including other religions?

Then came another alternative, rather than a holiday filled with acarahura-rah, why not fill it with religious activities are beneficial, as do the recitation, dhikr or even qiyamullail. Let's just take advantage of opportunities in the narrowness.

And the result was to be expected with certainty, there are people who refuse yaituakan raw skill. They said the recitation, dhikr or qiyamullaih on New Year's Eve is an innovation that diada-invent, no examples of the Sunnah Prophet Muhammad.

Even worse, there are even more extreme to say that the New Year's Eve we held a recitation, dhikr, or qiyamullail, not just innovation but are misguided and go to hell. Wah ...

So all it will be back to our paradigm of viewing, whether we will be a very mutasyaddid, mutadhayyiq, tight and overly cautious? Or are we going to be mutasahil, muwassi ', loose and not too fuss about?

Both of these flows will continue to exist throughout the ages, as the first in the Companions we also know the two characters. That mutasyaddid represented by Ibn Umar radi 'anhu and several other companions, was a muwassa' represented by Ibn Abbas radi 'anhu and others.

Is there a middle way?

Insha Allah, if only there is a middle ground that we can consider. For example, if essentially there is no culture or habits for new years with activities like lectures and the like, should it not have conceived from the beginning. Let not a new innovation.

But if we are in a society that is set in stone to celebrate the new year, like it or not remains to be no activity, it might be a different story. Our task as it might be just a little diplomacy. For example, there is no harm kalaukitamengusulkan that made such a positive event study.

Of the activities dangdutan, stay up all night or a concert, it's better if held only in the form of recitation. Think of it as a process leading to a better understanding of Islam later on, but by slowly.

If we can not eliminate the culture is already rooted with a single cut, then at least that justified him slowly. Approximately Thus the basic idea.

But we call the middle way does not mean fixed price. It's just a view, which may be true and it might not. His name alone just opinions. Still leaves room for different opinions. And maybe one day we repeated correction.

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