Friday, December 7, 2012


Allah Taala says which meant:
"Men's women leaders. Because God has favored some of them (men) the base of one another (woman) and because they (men) spend their wealth was. Solehah So women are those who are obedient to Allah and maintain themselves when her husband is not according to what God wants. "
"The women that you will not worry about you disobedient, admonish them (educate) them., And be separate from their beds (not to be fucked) and beat them. Then if they mentaatimu, so do not be cheated. Verily Allah is Most High, Most Great. " (An Nisa: 34)

The Prophet SAW said that meant:
"Anyone wife who died, while her husband redha to his departure, he will enter Paradise."
(History Tarmizi)
The Prophet SAW said that meant:
"If a wife has set up five daily prayers and fasting during Ramadan and maintain his honor and obey her husband, then said to him: Come Heaven from the gates of heaven wherever you want."
(Reported by Ahmad and Thabrani)
A woman came to the front of the Prophet and said, "O Messenger of Allah, I represent the women to face the host (to inquire about something). Warring was required by God just for men, if they are exposed to injury, their reward and If killed, they are still alive in the sight of Allah. again paid back sustenance (fruits of Heaven.) And we women always do his duty toward them (ie serve their needs and help them) and if we could take that fight reward ? "
Then the Prophet SAW said that meant: "Convey to the women you meet that obedient to their husbands with full awareness of the reward equal to the reward of war to defend the religion of Allah. However few of you who run it."
Hadrat Ali k.w.j. said: "As bad as the worst of nature for the men it is the best of nature for women are stingy and tough and scared. Due to the real woman if miser, he maintains her husband's property, and if it be hard, so he keep himself from talk to everyone with smooth words (tender) which raises the suspicion that bad, and if timid. then he is afraid of everything, therefore he did not venture out of his house and he was away from the places that raise suspicion for fear of bad to her husband ".
Should a wife knows her position as if a 'slave' woman possessed by her husband or as a 'prisoner' is weak. Therefore he should not spend any of his money (alone) except with the consent of her husband because he was thought of as people who are in the Guard (attention).
Mandatory for a wife:
Condescending attitude to her husband.
Not betrayed her when her husband was not there as well as his property.
Fulfill the intention husband (if invited by her husband) even at busy times or difficult (ditamsilkan are camelback by the Prophet).
Husbands permission to get out of his house. If you leave the house without her husband's permission he was cursed by the angels until he repented and returned.
Narrated from the Prophet SAW that the king said, meaning:
"No-nonsense asking forgiveness for a devoted wife to her husband is a bird in the air, the fish in the water and the angels in the sky as long as he is always in readiness husband. And whoever among wives who are not devoted to her husband, then he got the curse of God and the angels and all mankind. "
Anyone among surly wife in front of him, then he is in the wrath of God until he is able to create an exciting atmosphere and begged her willingness.
R.ha Aisha said:
"O ye women wish to understand the obligation of the husband, a wife will surely sweep the dust from the soles of her feet with most of his face."
. The Prophet SAW said that meant:
"Three people who received prayer (prayer is not rewarded) by the goodness of God and lifted them to heaven are: servant who ran away from his master hinggalah he returned, the wrath of a wife by her husband hinggalah she forgave him, people who are drunk until he regained consciousness . "
The Prophet SAW said that meant:
"If a wife says to her husband: I never saw goodness at all, then destroyed leburlah reward his good deeds."
The purpose of this Hadith is that if a wife her husband memperkecilkan well as in efforts to provide for and give clothes then destroyed leburlah reward his good deeds.
Prophet Muhammad SAW said, meaning:
"Anyone wife asked for a divorce from her husband without causes are much needed, then haramlah Heaven to smell it."
This usually happens to a wife who had no interest to him again unless she asks him for a divorce is not afraid to run against her husband's obligation to avoid the disappointment of her husband.
The Prophet SAW said means:
"Verily Allah does not look to a wife who is not grateful to him."
It is common in poor husband and wife are wealthy. Then the wife that her husband spend their wealth, then brought it up.
The Prophet SAW said that meant:
"The first affair was asked of the wife on the Day of Judgment is the prayer and the affairs of her husband (if she runs obligations to her husband or not)."
The Prophet SAW said that meant:
"Four women are in Hell are:
Women are dirty mouth against her husband. If her husband was not home and she did not keep her if her husband with his memakinva (scold). Women who forced her husband to give her what her husband can not afford.
Women who did not keep his private parts of men and shows her beauty (to appeal to men).
Women who have no purpose in life except eat and drink and sleep, and he did not want to serve God and do not want to devote to His Messenger and do not want to devote to her husband. "
A woman who is with the properties will be cursed unless he repented.
Al-Hakim said that a woman said to the Prophet: "Verily, my brother asked me to marry the son of the father. Therefore warn me what the duty of a wife to her husband. Obligations if it's something I can afford to run, then I'm willing to be married." Then the king said: "If the flow of blood and pus from the nostrils and her husband (wife) lick it, then it was not yet considered its obligations to her husband. Suppose humans are allowed to prostrate to another human being, of course I ordered: an adoring wife to her husband. '
The woman said, "By God who sent Sir, I would not be married for the world's still there."
Thabrani Imam tells us that a wife is not considered its obligations to God until he runs obligations to her husband and asked if her husband (for clocked) is she (wife) on the camel's back so he can not refuse.
Hadrat Ali k.w.j. said: "I went into the house along with the Prophet and I find Majesty Fatimah was sobbing, and then I said:" Mr. Ransom was my father and mother, O Messenger of Allah, what makes Mr. crying? "His Majesty said," O Ali! On the night I was lifted up into the sky I see the women of my people being tortured in Hell with an assortment of torture, and I cried because it was so heavy that I saw their torture. I saw women hanging by her hair and her brain boiling. And I saw the woman hanging by her tongue while the hot water was poured on his throat.
And I saw the woman who is really tied both legs to both milk and tied both hands until top of his head and God directs menyengatinya snakes snakes and scorpions. And I saw a woman whose pig-headed and gigantic ass and torment he inflicted million. And I saw a woman and a dog-shaped fire coming from his mouth and out of the anus (back road) while the Angels hit his head with a big stick from the fire of Hell. "Then Sayidatina Fatimah Az Zahra r.ha stood up and said," O my beloved and my eyes light ! What acts performed by them until overwritten seksaan this? "So the Prophet SAW said:" O my son! The women's hair was suspended because he did not cover her hair from the view of men Ajnabi.
The woman who was hanged with his tongue because he had hurt her.
The woman who was hanged both milk because she had invited (by others) to occupy the bed of her husband.
The women were tied both legs up keduadua milk and tied both his hands up to the crown of his head and God directs the snakes to bite and when jengking to menyengatinya because he did not junub bath after menstruation and she toying (left) prayers. The pig-headed woman and donkey body because he is an expert pitting and liars. As for the women who shaped dogs and fire into his mouth and out of the anus as she Experts vituperation again the instigator.
O my son! Woe to the women who are not devoted to her husband. '
A wife ought to realize that a husband for a wife is like a father to a child due to his father's Meekly a child and pleaded keredhaannya A husband is obliged to obey the wife did not obligatory
A driver and advisor in matters of goodness.
Understand the things loved and hated by the husband.
Any actions ought to please the husband.
Always add the science of religion and amalan.amalannya a variety of ways such as reading, listening to tapes of religious lectures and follow Majlis-Majlis religion.
For the love of her husband as a wife would do reverence and devotion to her husband by way of things. magnitude to the smallest things like cutting the nails, trim the mustache and hair meminyakkan husband. Prophet Muhammad once said to Siti Fatimah: "O Fatimah, if a woman's husband meminyakkan hair and beard, mustache and cut his nails cut, God will give him a drink of water flowing in a river paradise river and Allah relieved him breathe didapatinya kubumya maul and will be a beautiful garden and a landscaped garden of Heaven. "
Always provide water at the side of her husband. As long as he did that so that he prayed for forgiveness by the angels.
Cook food according to taste preference or husband.
Patching clothes or clothes that bad.
Prepare objects to use in his pocket like a comb, mascara, brush your teeth. makeup and perfume (follow the Sunnah).
Come willingness husband at the time joking, massaging, flutter, and so on.

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