Thursday, August 30, 2012


Circumcision VIEWS IN ISLAM

Written by Muhammad Yusuf arifinCircumcision is a language means cut. In terminological meaning cutting the skin covering the male genitalia (penis). In Arabic Circumcision is also used as another name for male and female genitalia as in the hadith that says "In case of the two-circumcision, it has been mandatory showers" (Muslim, Tirmidhi etc..).In Islam, circumcision is one of self purification media and proof of our submission to the teachings of religion. In this hadith the Prophet s.a.w. He said: "Purity (fitrah) that there are five: circumcision, shaving the pubic hair, plucking the armpit hairs, shortening the mustache and cut nails" (Bukhari Muslim).Benefits of circumcision: As expressed by medical experts that circumcision has health benefits for members of the body for wasting the hiding place of dirt, viruses, unclean and bad odor. Urine contains all the elements.
When it comes out through the skin that covers the genitals, the sewage sludge is partially restrained by the skin. The longer the sediment is more and more. You can imagine how long someone did pee in a day and how much sediment deposited by genital skin cover in a year. Therefore, some medical studies prove that people with venereal disease more than kelangan are not circumcised. Likewise dangerous disease AIDS, genital cancer and cervical cancer even more also suffered by couples who are not circumcised. It's also one reason non-Muslims in Europe and the U.S. do circumcision. [1]Law of CircumcisionIn Islamic jurisprudence, the law of circumcision to distinguish between men and women. The scholars differed concerning the law of circumcision for men and women.The law of circumcision for men:According jumhur (the majority of scholars), the law of circumcision for men is mandatory. Proponents of this argument is the imam Shafi'i, Ahmad, and some followers of Imam Malik. Imam Hanafi said that circumcision is obligatory but not an individual duty.According to popular history of Imam Malik, he said sunna circumcision law. So is the history of the Hanafi and Imam Hasan al-Basri said sunnah. But the imam Malik, sunnah if abandoned sinners, because according to the Maliki madhhab sunnah is between fadlu and nadb. Musa ibn abi of Hanbali scholars also say sunnah muakkadah.Ibn Qudama in his book Mughni said that circumcision is obligatory for men and women glory, suppose an adult male circumcision in Islam and fear it is not obligatory upon him, together with the obligations wudlu and showers could fall if the fear of life-threatening, then circumcision too.The proposition is premised that circumcision is not obligatory.1. Salman al-Farisi when Islam was not told to circumcision;2. The above Hadith mentions sunnah circumcision role in practice rounds like shaving armpits and memndekkan book nails, then logically also sunna circumcision.3. Hadith Ayaddad bib Aus, the Messenger of Allah said: "Circumcision is Sunnah for men and women preferred. However said in a hadith sunnah often expressed to the traditions and customs of the Prophet whether mandatory or not and circumcision here including mandatory.As for the arguments used as the basis of the scholars who say Khitab required is as follows.:1. From Abu Hurairah the Prophet s.a.w. Ibrahim said that the Prophet perform circumcision at the age of 80 years, with an ax he circumcision. (Transmitted by Bukhari). Prophet Abraham when commanded to do so circumcision when he was aged 80 years. This shows how powerful the command of circumcision.2. Skin exposed genitals in front of unclean when urinating, if not the same as those circumcised were touching unclean in his body so that his prayer is not valid. Prayer is obligatory worship, everything that is required in obligatory prayers.3. Hadith narrated by Abu Dawud and Ahmad, the Prophet said to Kulaib: "Dispose of hair and berkhitanlah disbelief". Allah commands s.a.w. showed obligation.4. Allowed to open private parts during circumcision, when opened genitalia forbidden. This shows that Khitab mandatory, because not permitted something forbidden except for something very strong law.5. Cut limbs that can not grow back, and accompanied by pain is not possible unless the matter of obligation, such as cutting off the hands of thieves law.6. Circumcision is a tradition of Islam since the time mat Prophet until today and no one leaves, then there is no reason to say it is not mandatory.Circumcision for womenLaw of female circumcision has become the talk of the scholars. Some say it is sunnah and some say it is a virtue alone and no one says mandatory.Differences of opinion regarding legal scholars circumcision for women is due to a history of the hadiths regarding female circumcision is still disputed power.There is no authentic hadith that describes female circumcision law. Ibn al-Mundhir said that no hadith which can be used as a reference in the matter and no female circumcision sunnah that can be used as the basis. All the hadiths narrated female circumcision has sanad dlaif or weak.The most popular Hadiths about female circumcision is a hadith Umm 'Atiyah ra, Rasulllah said to him: "O Umm Atiyah, berkhitanlah and do not overdo it, the real circumcision is better for women and more fun for him." This hadith narrated by Bayhaqi, Hakim of Dhahhak bin Qais. Abu Dawud also narrated a similar hadith but all history and no dlaif strong. Abu Dawud narrated this hadith itself is said to show kedlaifannya. Thus described by Ibn Hajar in the book Talkhisul Khabir.Considering there is no strong hadith about female circumcision is, Ibn Hajar reported that some scholars Syafi'iyah and history of imam Ahmad said there was no suggestion that circumcision for women.Some scholars say that Eastern women (the Arabian Peninsula) is recommended circumcision, while the women of the West African region is not required circumcision because it has no need to cut the skin that often disrupt or cause a lack of comfort women themselves.What was cut from womenImam Mawardi said that female circumcision is a cut above the skin shaped like a woman's vagina cengger chicken. The recommended is to cut some of the skin is not to eliminate in its entirety. Imam Nawawi also explain the same thing that female circumcision is to cut the bottom of the skin is in the woman's vagina.However, in its application many mistakes made by Muslims in carrying out female circumcision, which is the exaggeration in cutting the genitals of women. As dikutib Dr. Muhammad bin Lutfi Al-Sabbag in his book about circumcision that fatal mistake in carrying out female circumcision prevalent in Muslim societies Sudan and Indonesia. Errors in the form of cutting not only the skin of the upper female genitals, but also cut up all the meat that is prevalent in female genitals, including the clitoris, leaving only the urinary tract and cervix. Circumcision is a model in the Arab community known as "Circumcision Pharaoh". Some medical studies prove that circumcision like this could have a negative impact for both women and psychological health, such as causing unstable women and reduce sexual desire. Even some medical experts claim that circumcision models can also cause a variety of statement, genitals in women.If the hadith about female circumcision in the hold, so there was the Messenger of Allah prohibits extravagance in menghitan girls. Prohibition of the Prophet s.a.w. could indicate legally forbidden act. Especially when it is proven that excessive or errors in performing female circumcision can cause negative effects, then certainly forbidden act.With the above considerations in some circles of contemporary scholars stated that if not secured properly implementing female circumcision, especially when it is committed against a girl who was a baby, which is generally difficult to carry out female circumcision in moderation, it should not do female circumcision. After all, there is no authentic hadith underlying.Time circumcisionWhen circumcision is compulsory when the Hero, due to the time required to carry out that prayer. Without circumcision, prayer is not perfect because the saint who is praying legitimate requirement will not be fulfilled.The Sunnah is the time before the Hero. While time endeavor (a good option to be implemented) is the seventh day seytelah born, or 40 days after birth, also recommended by the age of 7 years. Qadli Husain said should undergo a circumcision at age 10 because at that time the child begins ordered prayers. Ibn al-Mundhir said that circumcision makruh ruling nation of 7 days because it was the Jewish tradition, but there is a history that the Messenger of Allah menghitan Hasan and Husayn, the grandson of him at the age of 7 days, so Abraham is said to circumcise his son Isaac at the age of 7 days.Walimah CircumcisionWalimah means celebration. Ibn Hajar quotes the opinion of Imam Nawawi and Qadli Iyad that walimah in Arab tradition there are eight types, namely: 1) Walimatul Urush for marriage, 2) Walimatul I'dzar to celebrate circumcision; 3) Aqiqah to celebrate the birth of a child, 4). Walimah Khurs to celebrate the safety of women of divorce, reportedly also used for food designation given childbirth; 5) walimah Naqi'ah to celebrate someone from traveling far kadatangan, but that provides people who are traveling. If that provides people at home called walimah Tuhfah; 6) walimah Wakiirah to celebrate the new house; 7) walimah Wadlimah to celebrate the safety of the disaster, and 8) walimah Ma'dabah the celebration without a reason just to entertain relatives and friends taulan.Imam Ahmad narrated the hadith of Uthman ibn Abi Ash that circumcision walimah including those not recommended. However imam Nawawi explicitly asserted that circumcision walimah be executed and legal Sunnah invitation like other laws.

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