1. INTRODUCTION AND OPENING HOST2. READING QUR'AN VERSES and translations3. FOR SECOND READING Creed Bride4. REQUESTED BY blessing PRINCESS BRIDE5. Asked READINESS SECOND Bride6. Consent QOBUL (GUARDIAN hands with BRIDEMEN)7. CONTINUED PRAYER AND sholawat8. Kiss HAND WIFE TO HUSBAND9. WEDDING MAS DELIVERY (OPEN AND RINGS USED)10. READING OF LIABILITY HUSBAND11. LETTER SIGNATURE NIKAH (HUSBAND, WIFE, GUARDIAN, WITNESS)12. Khutbah NIKAH13. CLOSING14. Acknowledgments-shake SEAMAT AND GREETINGS AND PHOTOS WITHMUSLIM WEDDING CEREMONY SEQUENCE DETAILOpening (by Host)Assalaamu 'alaikum wr.wb.Ladies and gentlemen, the Prophet Muhammad in a hadistnya states that 'Annikaahu sunnatii, faman roghiba' an sunnatii falaisa minnii (Nikah is my Sunnah, then who does not like my Sunnah is not from from me). For that, let us go together, God willing, the wedding ceremony is about to take place soon with reading 'Basmalah'. Bismillahir RAHMAANIR Raheem. Further along we hereby wedding arrangement as follows:Recitation of the Qur'an and its translationLadies and Gentlemen. To add to the glory and blessing ceremony, let us listen with recitation from the holy Quran verses to be sung by Mr. ........................................... and its translation by Mr. .................. to take note .............. ......... paragraph ................ s / d verse ............... To those we invite both.Reading the Shahadah and its meaning (by the prince followed the bride and groom)Ladies and gentlemen, in particular to prospective bride both, let us renew our pledge and witness the oneness of God that our faith is being added all the time. To the bride alone, let follow me:ASYHADU ALLAA ilaaha ILLALAAH, WA ASYHADU ANNA Muhammador RASUULULLAAH (3x)(I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah)Parents ask for prayer RestuLadies and gentlemen, also mentioned in a hadith that: "RidholLaahi fii ridlhal waalidain" (Ridho Allah lies in the pleasure of the two parents). Therefore before marriage should apologize and ask for permission to both parents. But for the bride whose parents are not Muslims, legal guardianship of a fall that parental permission is not required. The bride has asked Mr Tachrir Fathoni as guardian judge. For that I'm emo .................... apologize and plead with her guardian to marry her.Bride:Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem, Mr. Wali judge, now ananda apologize for any errors that ananda ananda either intentional or unintentional. Furthermore ananda beg and beseech the blessing wed Mr. emo with Mas .......................... Ananda "Ikhlas", ananda ananda wedding blessing father perform.Father / Guardian:Ananda ................., As Mayor ananda judge gave the mandate, Mr. forgives all your iniquities have and bless your marriage with Mr. Ananda ................... God willing, the wedding will soon Mr perform. Teriring prayer marriage blessed hope and peace and obtain the blessing of God Almighty, Amen yes Robbal alamin.Readiness Both BridePrince:Asked each prospective husband / wife candidates alternately:Ananda .................. / ................ Is ananda .................. / ................... voluntary sincere love emo .................. / ................... and is ready to marry a Muslim?Bride:Yes, I am sincerely without coercion love .................. / .................... and ready for marriage in Islam.Prince:Alhamdulillah, in the presence of community leaders, religious leaders, witnesses and the audience here, both prospective bride has to marry his own consciousness in Ikhlash without coercion. For that we come to the most important event in the bride and groom are kehudupan Ijab Qobul. To the parent / Father Guardian we invite judges to marry the bride.Consent-Qobul MarriageGuardians / Parents (while shaking hands with the bride male):(While shaking hands with a male bride):(While shaking hands with a male bride):Bismillahir RAHMAANIR RAHIIM.ANANDA ...................... BIN WITH YOU ......................... marry MY daughter ANANDA ........................ ........................ FORM WITH dowry.............................................................Bride of the man:I THANK MY MARRIAGE WITH .............................. ................................. daughter's dowry FORM WITH ............................................................ ..............Prayer (By Ustadz / prince)BaarokalLaahu Lakuma bi Barookatil Faatihah,A'UDZU billahi MINASSYAITHONIR ROJIIM, Bismillahir RAHMAANIR Raheem, ALHAMDULILLAHI ROBBIL 'aalamiin, ARRAHMAANIR Raheem,MAALIKI YAUMIDDIIN, IYYAKA NA'BUDU WA IYYAKA NASTA'IIN, IHDINASSHIRAATAL Mustaqeem, SHIRAATHAL LADZIINA AN'AMTA 'ALAIHIM, GHOIRIL MAGHDHUUBI' ALAIHIM, WALADDHOOLLIIN. . Amien.ALHAMDULILLAHI RABBIL 'aalamiin, Hamdan YUWAFII NI'AMAHU WAYUKAAFI'U MAZIIDAH, YAA RABBANAA LAKAL hamdu, KAMA YAMBAGHI LIJALAALI WAJHIKALKAL Kareem WA'ADHIIMI SULTHONIK, Allahumma SHOLLI' Alaa Muhammad SAYYIDINAA WA'ALAA alihi WA ASHHAABIHI AJMA'IIN. Allahumma ALLIF Baina ............... BIN WA ..................... ........................ ........................ bint KAMA ALLAFTA Baina NABIYUKA Eve ADAM WA, WA KAMA ALLAFTA Baina ROSUULIKAL Kareem Muhammad SAW WA Khodijah AL-MUKARROMAHAllahumma, Yaa Allaah, satukanlah the bride's heart as you have to unite the hearts of your Prophet Adam and Eve and the glorious RasulMu Muhammad and Siti Khodijah.Allahumma, Yaa Allaah, would bless the bride and groom, with a life full of happiness in this world and akherah.Allahumma Yaa Allaah, anugerahilah both families with pious offspring pious, devoted to you, and obedient to his parents and is useful forReligion, Nation and State.Allahumma, O Allah, our rahmatilah all present here a happy life in the world from up in the Hereafter and hindarkanlah us from the torment of hell. Robbanaa hab lanaa min azwaajinaa wa lil dzurriyyatinaa qurrota a'yun waj'alnaa muttaqiina imaama. Fid aatina Rabbana dunyaa repertoire, wa fil akhirati waqinaa adzabannar repertoire, alhamdulillahi robbil aalamiin.Prince:Ladies and gentlemen, in the presence of the witnesses whose noble and honorable Ladies and gentlemen, thank God the wedding ceremony as well as consent and qobul been going smoothly according to Islam. Therefore, since the completion of the consent qobul, the relationship between the ananda ananda ............... ................. according to Islam was legitimate ashusband and wife. Hopefully the bride and groom live stream blessed grace of Allah SWT, and happy in the world and in the Hereafter. Ameen.YAAA ROBBIGHFIR MUSTHOFAA, BALLIGH MAQOOSHIDANAA, WAGHFIRLANAA MAA MADHOO, YA WAASI'AL KAROMIII. (4x)Kiss Hand & Delivery dowryLadies and gentlemen, furthermore, as a symbol of love and devotion of a wife to my husband, I asked Ananda ............. kissed his hand Mas ................... After that my husband put a hand over dowry and wedding ring to his wife.Readings spousal obligations (sighat takhliq)Furthermore, we ask the bride and groom alternately willingness to vows and obligations to their respective spouses. Promises and obligations should be remembered particularly well in the future if problems later arise relationship between the two. (Text obligations of husband and wife, see Contents sighat takhliq below)Marriage file signaturesLadies and gentlemen, the next event signing marriage file. To that end, we ask the bride and groom, guardian of marriage, as well as witnesses to come forward to sign the marriage documents.Marriage sermon (by Ustadz)Closing (the Host)Hadirtin gentlemen, with the completion of the marriage sermon, the entire wedding ceremony rangkian according to the teachings of Islam have been completed. We pray together hopefully the bride and groom are always getting the guidance and mercy of Allah SWT stream and happiness in this world is given up in days to come. Let us cover this event along with the readings 'HAMDALAH'. Alhamdu lillahi Robbil 'aalamiin. Wassalaamu alaikum wr.wb.Congratulations and picture togetherThe entire audience please stand to congratulateBoth the bride and her family accompanied by a reading sholawat. Thencontinued group photo.ISI SHIGAT TAKHLIQBismillahirrohmanirrohim After the ceremony, my son .................. .................. Vows to sincerely, that I will fulfill my duty as a husband, and my wife would I pergauli named .................. well (mu 'asyarah bil ma'ruf) according to the tenets of Islamic law.Later I read on my wife's sighat ta'lik as follows:At times I am:1. Leaving my wife is two years in a row,2. Or I am not obliged to provide for him for three months,3. Or I hurt the body / physical my wife,4. Or I leave (do not care) my wife was six months old,Then my wife does not Ridla and complained to the religious court or officer authorized to take care of the complaint, and the complaint is justified and accepted by the court or clerk, and my wife was paid Rp. 1000, - (one thousand dollars) as' iwadl (replacement) to me, so I fell down one divorce him. To the court and the officer had me kuasakan to receive money 'iwadl (replacement) and then submit it to the State Welfare Mosque (BKM) Center for the purposes of social worship.Husband.DUTIES OF HUSBAND WIFE1. Courtesy applies to wives2. Giving full attention to his wife, and always sweet-faced3. To be fair, patient and cuddle / guiding the wife on his mind and character deficiencies4. Trying to enhance intelligence and faith wives and give meaning in everything that is useful, in a way that may be implemented5. kewibaan as husband and preserve the road not use the farm violence6. Give freedom to his wife to get down and move in the midst of society, if only walking on the law of God7. Prohibit wives from performing work that may result in ma'siat and munkar8. Do not give orders that weigh a wife and a disgraceful / illicit9. Make a living by the power of the husband's business results10. Trying to immediate household needs can be quite simple even on the basis of mutual help11. Respect and be polite to the familyDUTIES OF HUSBAND WIFE1. Obedient and submissive to their husbands in everything that does not deviate from the teachings of Islam2. Courtesy applies to husbands3. No sense torturing her husband and mempersulitnya4. Not valid jealous unwarranted5. To be fair, honest and patient with his / her family and the disadvantage of their manners6. Ornate and preen to please husband7. Apply sparingly, carefully and not spenders8. Acts as the mother of the son and daughter, always educate and Melaya-ninya and be fair and honest with them9. Ask permission and deliberation to the husband when about to do something beyond her duties as a wife10. Organize and arrange household11. Be blessing and gratitude12. Help her husband in leading safety and happiness of the whole family, especially for childrenMay be usefulSources:
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