Friday, January 4, 2013


Allah said, "Actually (the angels) is a glorified servants, they do not precede Him in speech and they do His commandments. God knows everything before them and behind them, and they do not give intercession but to the people - those who diredhai God, and they always take care of his deep fear Him "
* (Surah Al Anbiya 26-28)

Here is a list of people who got prayer by angels:


Imam Ibn Hibban narrated from Abdullah ibn Umar., That free Rasulullah SAW said, "Those who sleep in a state of purity, the angels will be with her in her dress. He will not wake up to the angels pray 'O Allah, forgive the servant so and so his deep sleep in a state of purity' "
* (This Hadith validated by Shaykh Al Albani in Sahih At Targhib wat Tarheeb I/37)


Mecca is a holy land for Muslims in which the establishment of a great structure that becomes the Ka'bah, the symbol and the qibla guide to all Muslims around the world. Here are 15 things about the Kaaba from a scientific point of the unknown.

1. Mecca is the area that has the most stable gravity.

2. High gravitational pressure, and that's where the noise berpusatnya building that can not be heard by the ears.

3. high gravitational pressures have a direct impact on the immune system to act as a defense of any disease.

4. high gravity = electron negative ions gathered high.

5. What is meant in the heart is the echo that can not be heard but can be detected frequency. Effect of electron causes high internal strength back, vigorously to worship, no desperate nature, would continue to live, surrender completely to God.

Thursday, January 3, 2013


On a quiet night, with the black sky, the stars are millions of beauty, a strong wind hit my face feeling soft. Peace of the night in his room made Zulaikha flax.

In the midst of the beauty of the evening, beautiful dream comes in lenanya. Implant handsome young man who collects handsome half-human in a dream world comes amid beautiful gardens and fragrant.

The beauty of the garden was like a lost resolved handsome face of the handsome young man.
Heart Zulaikha great shakes.
His heart was in love with him.
Yes, in love.
Zulaikha was killed by his good looks handsome young man.

"Duhai, who ... who is that young man?"

Zulaikha confused when waking from sleep.
Love Zulaikha at the handsome young man getting stabbed in the heart.

"Duhai, Who now can bring him kehadapanku

Are you the wind? Are able to express my love to him?

Or you the water? to drain the wine of his love to me?


A. qath'i arguments (for sure)
Theorem called qath'i (definitely) if they meet two requirements:
1. qath'i wurudnya (source), namely: Al-Quran and Hadith Mutawatir
2. qath'i dhalalah it (hint lafazhnya), namely: muhkam (no possibility of multiple interpretations) and sharih (obviously).

When a proposition of the verse of the Quran or Hadith and have met all the requirements above, the arguments become arguments qath'i qath'i perfect, the law must be accepted at face value, without reserve. There can be no ijtihadi anymore and can not be tampered with, do not be plus-minus.

Most problems are qath'i Usul arguments, while most issues furu 'arguments do not qath'i. But there are also problems furu 'which qoth'i arguments that all scholars agree, and there is no difference of opinion in this regard, for example:

a. Law unlawful for pork, carrion, blood flowing, khamr (wine) and usury.
b. Stoning an adulteress mukhson (already married), flogging adulteress 100 times for ghoiru mukhson (never been married).


"It was a piece of flesh in the body, if he's good then it would be a good body, and vice versa if he was bad then the body was going to be bad. Recognize a piece of meat is" Qolbu "of the heart". (History Hadith Bukhari) This time I want to share to all my friend - my friend .. Mirror of the Heart of Behavior, easy - I hope everything is ok langsu useful for aja deh .. Physically, the liver is the organ that is important in life manusia.Hati used to cleanse the blood of all the toxins - toxins, storing vitamins - vitaminyang useful to the body and provides minerals that are needed in the body manusia.Bila liver damage it will be very bad for human survival or even cause. mortality.

In essence the liver is a blood clot that united to become daging.Jika meat was good then his deeds will be good as well, and when the meat was bad then it would be bad juga.Hati perbuatanya good is lembut.Hati a soft heart is a heart that someone bergetar.Sehingga who has a heart

The Secret Behind Ablution

1 .. When rinsing, berniatlah you with, "O Allah, forgive my mouth and my tongue is".

2 .. When washing the face, berniatlah you with, "O Allah, putihkanlah my face in the Hereafter. Scapegoating Do not you face me this".

3 .. When washing the right hand, berniatlah you with, "O Allah, give my reckoning reckoning is at my right hand".

4 .. When washing the left hand, berniatlah you with, "Oh God, do not you give my reckoning reckoning on my left hand is".

5 .. When washing the head, berniatlah you with, "O Allah, lindunganlah me from the sun in the desert Mahsyar with Thy Throne".

6 .. When washing the ears, berniatlah you with, "O Allah, forgive me my ear is".