Ilmu Seputar Hukum Aborsi
5 september, 2011
Ditambah lagi dengan maraknya praktek aborsi seiring dengan semakin meraja lelanya perzinaan wal’iyadzu Billah, hanya sekedar menutupi aib mereka tega untuk membunuh seorang bayi yang suci tanpa dosa. Bagaimanakah pandangan syariat islam yang suci menghadapi masalah ini ?
Kita mohon pada Alloh Ta’ala semoga tetap menjaga hati dak perbuatan kita dari segala tipu daya syaithon.
Kehidupan Janin dalam Perut Ibu
Dalam perut sang ibu, janin anak manusia mengalami empat fase, yaitu :- Fase masih berupa air mani ( نطفة)
- Fase berupa gumpalan darah (علقة)
- Fase berupa gumpalan daging(مضغة)
- Fase ditiupkan padanya ruh
“Wahai sekalian manusia, jika kamu dalam keraguan tentang kebangkitan (dari kubur), maka ketahuilah sesungguhnya Kami telah menjadikan kamu dari tanah , kemudian dari setetes air mani, kemudian segumpal darah, kemudian segumpal daging yang sempurna kejadiannya atau tidak sempurna, agar Kami jelaskan kepada kamu dan Kami tetapkan dalam rahim apa yang Kami kehendaki sampai waktu yang sudah ditentukan , kemudian Kami keluarkan kamu sebagai bayi.”(QS. Al Haj : 5)
Juga disebutkan oleh Rosululloh shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam :
عن عبد الله بن مسعود رضي
الله عنه قال : حدثنا رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم وهو الصادق المصدوق أن
أحدكم يجمع خلقه في بطن أمه أربعين يوما نطفة ثم يكون علقة مثل ذلك ثم
يكون مضغة مثل ذلك ثم يرسل إليه الملك فينفخ فيه الروح و يؤمر بأربع كلمات
بكتب رزقه و أجله وعمله وشقي أو سعيد
Hukum menggugurkan kandungan.
Menggugurkan kandungan ada dua macam :I. PERTAMA >>> Menggugurkan kandungan kalau tidak bertujuan untuk membunuh janin yang masih dalam perut ibu, seperti mengeluarkan janin dengan paksa bila sudah mencapai umur kelahiran namun tetap tidak keluar, maka hal ini diperbolehkan dengan dua syarat :
A.Tidak membahayakan ibu maupun anak. Berdasarkan kaedah umum yang disebutkan oleh Rosululloh shallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam dalan sabda beliau :
لا ضرر و لا ضرا ر
“Tidak boleh berbuat yang membahayakan diri maupun orang lain.”
(HR. Ahmad 5/326, Ibnu Majah 2340, Baihaqi 11166 dengan sanad hasan)
B.Mendapatkan izin dari suami.
(Lihat Risalah Fid Dima’ oleh Syaikh Muhammad Al Utsaimin hal : 60)
Hal ini kalau mengeluarkan paksa janin tersebut tanpa melalui operasi, semacam kalau dengan cara menelan pil pendorong bayi keluar atau lainnya.
Adapun kalau lewat operasi semacam operasi cesar atau operasi lainnya, maka hukumnya harus diperinci. Berkata Syaikh Muhammad bin Sholeh Al Utsaimin : “Kalau sampai operasi, maka ada empat kemungkinan hukum, yaitu :
- Kondisi ibu dan anak masih hidup. Dalam kondisi ini tidak boleh dilakukan operasi , kecuali ada keperluan yang sangat mendesak, seperti kesusahan dalam melahirkan anak yang mengharuskan untuk operasi. Hal ini karena tubuh merupakan amanat dari Alloh yang tidak boleh diperlakukan dengan semaunya kecuali untuk maslahat yang lebih besar.
- Kondisi ibu dan anak meninggal dunia. Dalam kondisi ini tidak boleh dilakukan operasi karena tidak ada fungsinya.
- Kondisi ibu masih hidup dan anak sudah meninggal. Dalam kondisi ini diperbolehkan operasi untuk mengeluarkan bayi, kecuali apabila dikhawatirkan terjadi sesuatu yang membahayakan ibunya. Alasannya, apabila bayi sudah meninggal dalam perut ibunya biasanya tidak akan bisa keluar kecuali melalui operasi 1. sedangkan menetapnya tubuh bayi yang sudah meninggal dalam perut ibunya akan menghalanginya untuk bisa hamil lagi dikemudian hari.
- Kondisi ibu sudah meninggal dan bayi masih hidup. Kondisi ini, jika nyawa bayi itu tidak mungkin bisa diselamatkan maka tidak boleh dioperasi., namun apabila masih bisa diharapkan kelanjutan hidupnya, maka jika sebagian tubuh bayi sudah keluar maka boleh membedah tubuh ibunya untuk mengeluarkan sebagiannya lagi yang masih tertinggal, tapi apabila tubuh bayi belum ada yang keluar, sebagian ulama’ Hanabilah menyebutkan bahwa tidak boleh membedah perut ibunya untuk mengeluarkan bayi, karena ini adalah bentuk pencincangan. Namun pendapat yang benar diperbolehkan membedah perut ibunya jika memang tidak bisa diakukan cara lain. Terutama sekali pada zaman ini opeasi bedah bukanlah suatu bentuk pencincangan tubuh, karena nanti setelah dioperasi dijahit kembali, juga karena kehormatan orang yang masih hidup lebih utama daripada kehormatan orang yang sudah meninggal, serta menolong bayi yang merupakan jiwa yang ma’shum dari kebinasaan adalah sebuah kewajiban. (Lihat Risalah Fid Dima’ hal : 61 dengan ringkas, Fatwa-fatwa tentang wanita 3/243.lihat kembali hukum otopsi pada edisi lalu)
Adapun kalau aborsi itu bertujuan untuk membunuh bayi, maka ada dua kemungkinan :
Pertama. Kalau bayi itu sudah berumur 120 hari, dalam artian sudah ditiupkan ruh kepadanya, berdasarkan hadits Abduloh bin Mas’ud diatas, maka hukum menggugurkannya haram. Karena itu berarti membunuh jiwa yang ma’shum yang hal itu diharamkan berdasarkan Al qur’an, As Sunnah serta kesepakatan ummat islam. Alloh Ta’ala berfirman :
“Dan barang siapa yang membunuh seorang mu’min dengan sengaja, maka balasannya adalah neraka jahannam, kekal ia didalamnya dan Alloh murka kepadanya dan mengutuknya serta menyediakan adzab yang besar baginya.” (QS. An Nisa’ : 93) (Lihat Fatwa-fatwa tentang wanita 3/242)
Kedua.Kalau janin itu belum berumur 120 hari, maka para ulama’ berselisih pendapat mengenai boleh tidaknya menggugurkan kandungan tersebut.
Khilaf ini berangkat dari permasalahan kapan kandungan seorang wanita itu disebut janin ?
- Sebagian ulama’ Hanafiyah, jumhur Malikiyah, Imam Al Ghozali dan Ibnul Amad dari kalangan Syafi’iyah, Ibnul Jauzi dari ulama’ hanabilah dan Dhohiriyah mengatakan bahwa haram menggugurkan kandungan meskipun masih di hari-hari pertama kandungan dan kandungan masih berupa air mani.
- Sebagian ulama’ Malikiyah dan sebuah riwayat dari madzhab Syafi’iyah mengatakan dibencinya aborsi saat kandungan masih berupa air mani dan haram kalau sudah berupa segumpal darah
- Sebagian Malikiyah dan pendapat yang rajih dalam madzhab Hambali mengatakan dibolehkannya menggugurkan saat fase air mani tapi kalau sudah berupa segumpal darah hukumnya haram.
- Sebagian ulama’ Syafi’iyah mengatakan dibolehkan menggugurkan pada fase air mani dan segumpal darah namun haram pada fase segumpal daging.
- Terakhir, Madzhab Hanafiyah mengatakan dibolehkannya mengugurkan kandungan selagi belum ditiupkan ruh padanya.
Pendapat yang rajih
Setiap kali kita mengahadapi khilaf diantara para ulama, maka kita harus mengembalikan semuanya pada firman Alloh Ta’ala :“Kemudian jika kamu berlainan pendapat tentang sesuatu , maka kembalikanlah ia kepada Alloh (Al Qur’an) dan Rosul (sunnahnya ).” (QS. An Nisa’ : 59)
dengan tetap menjaga adab dan kehormatan kita pada seluruh para ulama’ ummat islam (Lihat Kitab Rof’ul Malam Anil A’immatil A’lam Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah)
Pendapat yang paling rajih dalam masalah ini adalah madzhab pertama yang mengatakan bahwa pada dasarnya dilarang menggugurkan kandungan meskipun baru pada fase pertama dan masih di hari-hari awal kehamilan, kecuali untuk suatu kebutuhan yang sangat mendesak semacam kalau tidak digugurkan akan mengancam nyawa ibunya berdasarkan keterangan dokter yang tsiqoh. karena beberapa hal, diantaranya :
- Air mani apabila sudah bertemu dengan sel telur kalau dibiarkan terus maka dengan taqdir dari Alloh, ia akan menjadi bayi yang terjaga kehormatannya dan haram dibunuh.
- Tujuan dari pernikahan adalah untuk memperoleh keturunan, maka pengguguran kandungan menyelisihi tujuan nikah yang mulia ini.
- Kalau ‘azl disebutkan oleh Rosululloh sebagai penguburan anak wanita hidup-hidup yang tersembunyi, padahal azl cuma menghalangi jalan bertemunya air mani dengan sel telur, maka bagaimana dengan menggugurkan kandungan saat keduanya sudah bertemu ?
Hukuman bagi pelaku aborsi
عن أبي هريرة رضي الله
عنه قال : أن امرأتين من هذيل رمت إحداهما الأخرى فطرحت جنينها , فقضى
رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم فيها بغرة عبد أو أمة
عن عمر بن الخطا ب أنه استشارهم في إملاص المرأة , فقال المغيرة : قضى رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم بالغرة عبدا أو أمة
Dua hadits ini serta hadits-hadits yang senada memberikan faedah hukum, diantaranya :
1. Menggugurkan janin hukumnya haram
2. Menggugurkan kandungan termasuk dosa besar, karena Rosulloh menyebutkan hukumannya di dunia
3. Bagi yang menggugurkan kandungan wajib membayar denda seorang budak laki-laki atau budak wanita
4. Kalau tidak ada budak seperti dizaman sekarang ini, maka wajib membayar sepersepuluh diyat ibunya yaitu lima ekor unta atau lima puluh dinar. 2
- Selain membayar denda ini, wajib bagi ibu yang mengugurkan kandungannya untuk membayar kaffaroh, karena tindakan aborsi ini termasuk pembunuhan jiwa tanpa cara yang benar. Dan ini adalah pendapat jumhur para ulama’ diantaranya Imam Syaf’I, Malik, Ahmad, Ibnu Hazm dal lainnya. Bahkan Imam Ibnul Mundzir berkata : “Seluruh para ulama’ yang kami ketahui mewajibkan membayar kaffaroh disamping harus membayar diyat.” (Lihat Al Mughni Imam Ibnu Qudamah 7/815, Al Muhalla Ibnu Hazm 11/30)
- Adapun kaffarohnya adalah memerdekakan budak muslim, dan kalau tidak mampu wajib puasa dua bulan berturut-turut, dan kalau tidak mampu memberi makan enam puluh orang miskin dalam pendapat sebagian para ulama’. (Lihat Al Mufashol fi Ahkamil Mar’ah 5/412) sebagaimana disebutkan Alloh Ta’ala dalam firman Nya (yang artinya):
Selanjutnya Alloh berfirman (yang artinya) :
“Dan barang siapa yang tidak memperolehnya, maka hendaklah ia berpuasa dua bulan berturut-turut .”(QS. An Nisa’ : 92)
Fatwa Ulama seputar aborsi
Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah ditanya tentang wanita yang sengaja menggugurkan kandungannya dengan dipukul atau minum obat-obatan ?
:Wajib baginya membayar Ghurroh (Budak baik laki-laki maupun wanita)
berdasarkan Sunnah Rosululloh dan kesepakatan kaum muslimin. Budak ini
dimiliki oleh ahli waris janin selain ibunya, kalau dia memiliki ayah
maka budak itu menjadi miliknya, namun jika ayahnya membebaskan si ibu
dari denda itu maka itu hak dia. Harga dari seorang budak adalah
sepersepuluh diyat atau lima puluh dinar. Dalam pandangan jumhur ulama’
juga wajib baginya untuk memerdekakan seorang budak, apabila tidak
mampu maka harus berpuasa dua bulan berturut-turut dan apabila juga
tidak mampu maka wajib untuk memberi makan eman puluh orang miskin.”
(Lihat Majmu’Fatawa 34/161)Syaikh Muhammad Al Utsaimin berkata setelah mengisyaratkan adanya khilaf diatas : “Yang lebih selamat, adalah melarang untuk menggugurkannya kecuali jika ada keperluan yang sangat mendesak, seperti jika wanita sakit yang tidak bisa menanggung kehamilan dan sejenisnya. Dalam kondisi ini boleh menggugurkannya sebelum sampai pada fase terbentuknya tubuh manusia.” (Fatwa-fatwa tentang wanita 3/243)
Syaikh Sholih Al Fauzan di tanya tentang hukum menggugurkan kandungan ?
Jawab :
Praktek aborsi yang sering terjadi pada zaman kita ini termasuk perbuatan haram. Bila bayi sudah ditiupkan ruh ke tubunya dan meninggal karena digugurkan, perbuatan ini termasuk pembunuhan terhadap jiwa yang diharamkan Aloh untuk dibunuh kecuali dengan alasan yang benar, yang konsekwensinya harus menanggung hukum kriminalitas. Yaitu membayar diyat yang besarnya sesuai dengan aturan perinciannya. Juga menurut sebagian ulama’ wajib baginya membayar kaffaroh yaitu dengan memerdekakan budak mu’min, bila tidak ada diganti dengan berpuasa dua bulan berturut-turut. Sebagian para ulama’ menyebut perbuatan ini dengan penguburan bayi hidup-hidup secara tersembunyi.
Syaikh Muhammad bin Ibrahim berkata dalam majmu’ fatawa 11/151 : “Usaha untuk menggugurkan kandungan tidak diperbolehkan sebelum ada kejelasan tentang kematian bayi. Apabila telah jelas kematian bayi tersebut, maka diperbolehkan.” (Tanbihat Ala Ahkam Takhtashu bil Mu’minat hal : 36)
Majlis Hai’ah kibarul Ulama’ Arab Saudi dalam keputusannya no 140 tanggal 20/6/1407 H menyebutkan sebagai berikut :
- Tidak diperbolehkan menggugurkan kandungan dalam berbagai fasenya kecuali dengan alasan syar’I dan dalam batas-batas yang ketat sekali.
- Bila usia kehamilan masih dalam fase pertama, yaitu sampai umur empat puluh hari, dan terdapat maslahah syar’iyah dalam menggugurkannya atau untuk mencegah adanya kemudlorotan, maka boleh menggugurkannya. Tapi mengugurkan dalam fase ini bila dengan alasan takut bisa mendidik bayinya nanti atau takut tidak mampu menanggung biaya kehidupannya dan biaya pendidikannya, khawatir tentang masa depannya, atau sudah merasa cukup punya anak maka tidak diperbolehkan menggugurkan kandungan dengan alasan diatas.
- Tidak boleh menggugurkan kandungan jika sudah berbentuk gumpalan darah atau daging hingga ada keterangan jelas dari para dokter yang dapat dipercaya bahwa membiarkan kehamilan akan membahayakan jiwa ibunya, seperti kematiannya. Dalam kondisi ini boleh menggugurkan kandungan setelah berupaya dengan segala cara untuk menghindari bahaya yang mungkin terjadi atas ibunya.
- Setelah fase ketiga dan setelah empat bulan tidak bole menggugurkan kandungan sampai sejumlah dokter spesialis yang bisa dipercaya menyebukan bahwa membarkan janin dalam perut ibunya bisa menyebabkan kematian sang ibu, setelah berupaya dengan segala cara untuk menghindari bahaya yang mungkin terjadi atas ibunya. Diperbolehkan menggugurkan dengan berbagai syarat tersebut bertujuan untukmencegah terjadinya bahaya yang lebih besar dan upaya untuk mendapatkan maslahah yang lebih besar. (Fatwa-fatwa tentang wanita 3/245)
- Janin dalam perut ibu mengalami empat fase kehidupan
- Mengeluarkan paksa kandungan kalau tujuannya bukan untuk membunuh bayi, maka diperbolehkan dengan syarat tidak membahayakan ibu maupun bayi serta mendapat izin dari suami.
- Kalau tujuannya untuk membunuh bayi, maka jika bayi itu sudah ditiupkan ruh padanya, haram menggugurkannya dengan kesepakatan ulama’
- Adapun jika belum mencapai umur tersebut para ulama’ berselisih madzhab. Yang rajih adalah terlarang kecuali kalau meneruskan kandungan itu akan membahayakan nyawa si ibu.
- Bagi yang melakukan aborsi wajib membayar denda yaitu seorang budak atau lima ekor unta atau lima puluh dinar
- Di samping itu juga harus membayar kaffaroh dengan perincian diatas.
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Studies Regarding abortion law
September 5, 2011
Some people who have followed the family planning program, will feel cheated if it's Allah Ta'ala mentaqdirkan she was pregnant again. For people who believe that these are the terms and provisions of the Almighty Allah will accept it all with a full on his resignation, but rather for those who are not too concerned about halal and haram, shortcuts may be taken to remain childless unless according to the plans that have been well terprogam-in-contention, namely by way of abortion aka abortion.
Coupled with the widespread practice of abortion along with the rampant adultery lelanya wal'iyadzu Billah, just cover the disgrace they have the heart to kill a baby that holy without sin. How sacred Islamic Shari'a view facing this problem?
We ask the Almighty Allah may not keep the heart of all our actions syaithon trickery.
Fetus in Mother's Life Stomach
In the belly of the mother, the fetus is a human child through four phases, namely:
Phase still form semen (نطفة)
Phase in the form of a blood clot (علقة)
Phase in the form of lumps of meat (مضغة)
Phase breathed her soul
The four phases mentioned by Allah in His Word:
"O all people, if you are in any doubt about the resurrection (of the dead), then know We have made you from dust, then from a drop of semen, then a clot, then a lump of flesh incidence perfect or imperfect, so we explain to We charge you in the womb and what we want until a specified time, then we remove you as a baby. "(Surat al-Hajj: 5)
Also mentioned by Rosululloh sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:
عن عبد الله بن مسعود رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم وهو الصادق المصدوق أن أحدكم يجمع خلقه في بطن أمه أربعين يوما نطفة ثم يكون علقة مثل ذلك ثم يكون مضغة مثل ذلك ثم يرسل إليه الملك فينفخ فيه الروح و يؤمر بأربع كلمات بكتب رزقه و أجله وعمله وشقي أو سعيد
From Abdulloh bin Mas'ud said: Rosululloh menghabarkan me-and he is someone who is honest again-reliable: "Surely one of you gathered in his mother's belly for forty days as semen, then a clot of blood for it anyway, and then became a piece of meat as long as it did, then be sent to him an angel who will blow the soul to him, and he was ordered to perform four cases, namely: writing rizqinya, death, deeds and whether he'll be miserable or happy. "(Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim)
Legal abortion.
There are two kinds of abortion:
I. FIRST >>> an abortion if you do not aim to kill the fetus is still in the mother's womb, as the fetus forcibly eject when it has reached the age of birth but still did not come out, then it is permitted with the following requirements:
A.Tidak endanger both mother and child. Based on public kaedah mentioned by Rosululloh sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam role in his words:
لا ضرر و لا ضرا ر
"Can not do that endanger themselves and others."
(Narrated by Ahmad 5/326, Ibn Majah 2340, 11,166 Baihaqi with hasan isnaad)
B.Mendapatkan permission from her husband.
(See Minutes of Fid Dima 'by Shaykh Muhammad Al-Uthaymeen: 60)
This is when the fetus forcibly eject without surgery, that sort of driving by swallowing pills or other baby out.
As if such an operation through a Caesarean section or other surgery, the law must be itemized. Sholeh said Shaykh Muhammad ibn Al Uthaymeen: "If the surgery, then there are four possibilities of law, namely:
Condition of the mother and the child is still alive. In these conditions the operation can not be performed unless there is an urgent necessity, such as distress in childbirth that require surgery. This is because the body is a mandate from Allah that should not be treated arbitrarily except for the larger beneficiaries.
Condition of the mother and child died. In these conditions the operation can not be performed because there is no function.
Conditions mother is still living and dead children. In these conditions allowed the operation to remove the baby, unless something happens that harm feared her mother. The reason is, if the baby had died in the mother's abdomen typically will not get out except through surgery 1. while the persistence of the baby who had died in the mother's abdomen will prevent him to get pregnant again in the future.
Conditions mother had died, and the baby is still alive. This condition, if the baby's life could not be saved then it should not be operated on., But if they can expect a continuation of his life, so if some of your baby's body is out then be dissected her body to issue partly remain still, but when the baby's body has not been No one came out, some scholars say that there should be Hanabilah dissect the mother's abdomen to remove the baby, because this is a form pencincangan. However, the correct opinion is allowed to dissect his mother's stomach if it can not be waged in other ways. Particularly in this day and age is not a form of surgical opeasi pencincangan body, because then sewn back after surgery, as well as honor those who are still alive more important than honor the dead, and to help babies who are Ma'shum spirit of destruction is a obligations. (See Minutes of Fid Dima 'case: 61 with quick, fatwa on women 3/243.lihat back legal autopsy in the last edition)
II. SECOND >> abortion which aims to kill the fetus
As if abortion was intended to kill the baby, then there are two possibilities:
First. If the baby is 120 days old, in the sense that her soul was blown, the hadeeth of Ibn Mas'ood Abduloh above, the law of abortion unlawful. Because it means killing the soul that Ma'shum that is forbidden by the Qur'an, Sunnah and Islamic Ummah deal. Allah Ta'ala says:
"And whoever kills a believer intentionally, then the reward is hell jahannam, he eternally therein, and Allah's wrath on him and curse him and provide for him a great torment." (Surat An Nisa ': 93) (See fatwa about women's 3/242)
Kedua.Kalau fetus was not yet 120 days old, then the scholars disagree about whether or not an abortion is allowed.
This blunder set of problems when a woman's womb a fetus?
Some scholars 'Hanafiyah, jumhur Malikiyah, Imam Ibn Al Ghozali and Amad from the Syafi'iyah, Ibn al-Jawzi of scholars' Hanabilah and Dhohiriyah said that although abortion is still illegal in the first days of the content and the content is in the form of semen.
Some scholars' Malikiyah and a history of schools Syafi'iyah said he hated abortion when sulfur is in the form of semen and unlawful when it's in the form of a blood clot
Some rajih Malikiyah and opinion in the Hanbali madhhab said the permissibility of aborting the current phase of the semen but when it's in the form of a blood clot is haraam.
Some scholars say Syafi'iyah permissible to abort the phase semen and blood clot, but a piece of meat haram phase.
Finally, schools Hanafiyah said permissibility abort the womb while her spirit has not blown.
(See Mukhtashor by Um Al Imam Al Muzani 8/249, Mughnil Muhtaj 3/103, Sharh al kabir by Imam Ad Hasyiyah Dasuqi Dirdir with 4/268, Imam Ibn Al Mughni Qudamah 7802, Mukhtar Ibn Abidin Durrul Ad 6/590, Al Imam Ibn Hazm Muhalla 11/31, Al Mufashol Fi Ahkamil mar'ah Shaykh Abdul Karim Zaidan 5/383)
Opinions rajih
Every time we are facing a blunder among the scholars, then we should give it all back to the words of Allah Ta'ala:
"Then if you differ on anything, then restore it to Allah (Qur'an) and the Prophet (Sunnah)." (Surat An Nisa ': 59)
while maintaining manners and our honor to all the scholars' Islamic ummah (See The Book of Night Rof'ul Anil A'immatil knows best Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah)
Opinions of the most rajih schools in this problem is the first to say that basically banned abortion even though new and still in the first phase of the early days of pregnancy, except for a very urgent need that sort of is not going to threaten the lives of mother aborted by doctor the tsiqoh. due to several things, including:
Semen when it meets with the egg if allowed to continue it with taqdir of Allah, he will become the baby awake and unclean honor murdered.
The purpose of marriage is for procreation, so wedlock abortion menyelisihi this noble goal.
If 'azl Rosululloh as mentioned by the burial alive of young girls hidden, but only in the way of meeting azl semen with egg, then how about an abortion when they've met?
(See Al Mufashol Fi Ahkamil mar'ah 5/407, Ahkamun Nisa 'by Imam Ibn al-Jawzi thing: 108, Tanbihat Shaykh Al Fawzaan things: 35)
The punishment for perpetrators of abortion
عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال: أن امرأتين من هذيل رمت إحداهما الأخرى فطرحت جنينها, فقضى رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم فيها بغرة عبد أو أمة
From Abu Huroiroh said: "Indeed there are two women of Bani Hudzail, one of them threw the other to fall ingredient. So Rosululloh decided to pay diyat for a male slave or a slave woman. "(Narrated by Bukhari 12/247 and Muslim 11/175)
عن عمر بن الخطا ب أنه استشارهم في إملاص المرأة, فقال المغيرة: قضى رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم بالغرة عبدا أو أمة
From Umar ibn Khothob, bahwasannya he asked the opinion of the companions of the woman an abortion. So Mughiroh bin Syu'bah said: "Rosululloh menghukumi by paying a slave man or woman." (Narrated by Bukhari 12/247 and Muslim 11/179)
Two hadith and matching hadiths provide benefits law, including:
1. Abort the fetus is haraam
2. Including the sin of abortion, because Rosulloh sentence mention in the world
3. For that an abortion is obliged to pay a fine of a male slave or a slave woman
4. If no slave like dizaman today, then his mother shall pay one-tenth diyat camels are five or fifty dinars. 2
In addition to paying fines, mandatory for women who abort to pay kaffaroh abortion, because abortion is murder, including life with no right way. And this is the opinion of the scholars jumhur 'Syaf'I including Imam Malik, Ahmad, Ibn Hazm other dal. Even Imam Ibn al-Mundhir said: "All the scholars' that we know of require to pay in addition to pay diyat kaffaroh." (See Al Mughni Imam Ibn Qudama 7/815, Ibn Hazm Al Muhalla 11/30)
As for freeing slaves kaffarohnya is Muslim, and if not able obligatory fasting two consecutive months, and if not able to feed sixty poor people in the opinion of most of the scholars'. (See Al Mufashol fi Ahkamil mar'ah 5/412) as mentioned Allah Ta'ala in His word (which means):
"It is not for a believer to kill a believer (who else) except for one (unintentionally), and whoever kills a believer because he should fall into error free a believing slave, and pay the diyat."
Furthermore, Allah says (which means):
"And he who does not get it, then let him fast two consecutive months." (Surah An Nisa ': 92)
Ulama Fatwa about abortion
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah was asked about a woman who accidentally hit an abortion with or taking drugs?
Answer: Mandatory him pay Ghurroh (Budak both male and female) based Rosululloh Sunnah and consensus of the Muslims. Slave is owned by the heirs of the fetus than mother, if she had a father then became his slave, but when her father freed the mother of the fine right then that he was. The price of a slave is the tenth diyat or fifty dinars. In view jumhur scholars are also required him to free a slave, if not then it should be able to fast two consecutive months and if it shall also not be able to feed the poor eman twenty. "(See Majmu'Fatawa 34/161)
Shaykh Muhammad Al-Uthaymeen said after a blunder hinted above: "The more survivors, is to prohibit abortion unless there is an urgent necessity, such as if a woman who can not bear the pain of pregnancy and the like. In this condition may abort before reaching the phase of formation of the human body. "(Fatwa on women's 3/243)
Shaykh Salih Al Fawzaan on the question of legal abortion?
The practice of abortion is often the case in our time including unlawful acts. If the baby had breathed the soul into his body and died aborted, this act including the death of a soul aloh forbidden to be killed except for the right reasons, which must bear the legal consequences of crime. That is the amount paid diyat accordance with the rules of the details. Also, according to some scholars' required him to pay kaffaroh is to free a slave believer, if there is no change to fast two consecutive months. Most of the scholars' call this act a baby burial alive in secret.
Shaykh Muhammad bin Ibrahim said in Majmoo 'Fataawa 11/151: "The attempt to an abortion is not allowed before any clarity on infant mortality. Once clear of infant mortality, it is allowed. "(Tanbihat Ala Ahkam Takhtashu bil Mu'minat things: 36)
Kibarul Hai'ah Majlis Ulama 'Saudi Arabia in its decision No. 140 dated 20/6/1407 H mentions the following:
Not allowed an abortion in various phases except for reasons shar'ie and within the limits of a strict one.
If the pregnancy is still in the first phase, that is, until the age of forty days, and there maslahah Syar'iyah in abortion or to prevent kemudlorotan, it may abort. But in this phase abort if by reason of fear can educate baby later or fear of not being able to bear the cost of their lives and education costs, worry about the future, or already have enough to have children it is not allowed an abortion on the grounds above.
It should not be an abortion if it is in the form of a blood clot or meat until there is clear testimony of the doctors who believed that allowing the pregnancy would endanger the mother's life, such as death. In this condition may be an abortion after trying by all means to avoid the danger that might happen to her mother.
After the third phase, and after four months of no bole an abortion until a number of specialists who can be trusted menyebukan that membarkan fetus in the mother's abdomen can cause death of the mother, after trying by all means to avoid the danger that might happen to her mother. Allowed to abort under the terms aims untukmencegah the greater danger and attempts to gain greater maslahah. (Fatwa on women's 3/245)
Finally, we pray to the Almighty Allah may strengthen our hearts in keimananan. The conclusion of this discussion is:
Fetus in the mother's womb through four stages of life
Forcibly eject the content if the aim is not to kill the baby, then it is allowed on condition that does not endanger the mother and baby, and got permission from her husband.
If the purpose is to kill the baby, if the baby had breathed her spirit, unclean aborting the consensus of the scholars'
As if it has not reached the age of the scholars' odds schools. That rajih is prohibited unless it would jeopardize the content continue the life of the mother.
For those who perform abortions must pay a fine or a slave or five camels or fifty dinars
In addition it also had to pay kaffaroh with the details above.
Allaah knows best.
Posted by: m yusuf arifin
article source: http / /:
Some people who have followed the family planning program, will feel cheated if it's Allah Ta'ala mentaqdirkan she was pregnant again. For people who believe that these are the terms and provisions of the Almighty Allah will accept it all with a full on his resignation, but rather for those who are not too concerned about halal and haram, shortcuts may be taken to remain childless unless according to the plans that have been well terprogam-in-contention, namely by way of abortion aka abortion.
Coupled with the widespread practice of abortion along with the rampant adultery lelanya wal'iyadzu Billah, just cover the disgrace they have the heart to kill a baby that holy without sin. How sacred Islamic Shari'a view facing this problem?
We ask the Almighty Allah may not keep the heart of all our actions syaithon trickery.
Fetus in Mother's Life Stomach
In the belly of the mother, the fetus is a human child through four phases, namely:
Phase still form semen (نطفة)
Phase in the form of a blood clot (علقة)
Phase in the form of lumps of meat (مضغة)
Phase breathed her soul
The four phases mentioned by Allah in His Word:
"O all people, if you are in any doubt about the resurrection (of the dead), then know We have made you from dust, then from a drop of semen, then a clot, then a lump of flesh incidence perfect or imperfect, so we explain to We charge you in the womb and what we want until a specified time, then we remove you as a baby. "(Surat al-Hajj: 5)
Also mentioned by Rosululloh sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:
عن عبد الله بن مسعود رضي الله عنه قال: حدثنا رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم وهو الصادق المصدوق أن أحدكم يجمع خلقه في بطن أمه أربعين يوما نطفة ثم يكون علقة مثل ذلك ثم يكون مضغة مثل ذلك ثم يرسل إليه الملك فينفخ فيه الروح و يؤمر بأربع كلمات بكتب رزقه و أجله وعمله وشقي أو سعيد
From Abdulloh bin Mas'ud said: Rosululloh menghabarkan me-and he is someone who is honest again-reliable: "Surely one of you gathered in his mother's belly for forty days as semen, then a clot of blood for it anyway, and then became a piece of meat as long as it did, then be sent to him an angel who will blow the soul to him, and he was ordered to perform four cases, namely: writing rizqinya, death, deeds and whether he'll be miserable or happy. "(Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim)
Legal abortion.
There are two kinds of abortion:
I. FIRST >>> an abortion if you do not aim to kill the fetus is still in the mother's womb, as the fetus forcibly eject when it has reached the age of birth but still did not come out, then it is permitted with the following requirements:
A.Tidak endanger both mother and child. Based on public kaedah mentioned by Rosululloh sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam role in his words:
لا ضرر و لا ضرا ر
"Can not do that endanger themselves and others."
(Narrated by Ahmad 5/326, Ibn Majah 2340, 11,166 Baihaqi with hasan isnaad)
B.Mendapatkan permission from her husband.
(See Minutes of Fid Dima 'by Shaykh Muhammad Al-Uthaymeen: 60)
This is when the fetus forcibly eject without surgery, that sort of driving by swallowing pills or other baby out.
As if such an operation through a Caesarean section or other surgery, the law must be itemized. Sholeh said Shaykh Muhammad ibn Al Uthaymeen: "If the surgery, then there are four possibilities of law, namely:
Condition of the mother and the child is still alive. In these conditions the operation can not be performed unless there is an urgent necessity, such as distress in childbirth that require surgery. This is because the body is a mandate from Allah that should not be treated arbitrarily except for the larger beneficiaries.
Condition of the mother and child died. In these conditions the operation can not be performed because there is no function.
Conditions mother is still living and dead children. In these conditions allowed the operation to remove the baby, unless something happens that harm feared her mother. The reason is, if the baby had died in the mother's abdomen typically will not get out except through surgery 1. while the persistence of the baby who had died in the mother's abdomen will prevent him to get pregnant again in the future.
Conditions mother had died, and the baby is still alive. This condition, if the baby's life could not be saved then it should not be operated on., But if they can expect a continuation of his life, so if some of your baby's body is out then be dissected her body to issue partly remain still, but when the baby's body has not been No one came out, some scholars say that there should be Hanabilah dissect the mother's abdomen to remove the baby, because this is a form pencincangan. However, the correct opinion is allowed to dissect his mother's stomach if it can not be waged in other ways. Particularly in this day and age is not a form of surgical opeasi pencincangan body, because then sewn back after surgery, as well as honor those who are still alive more important than honor the dead, and to help babies who are Ma'shum spirit of destruction is a obligations. (See Minutes of Fid Dima 'case: 61 with quick, fatwa on women 3/243.lihat back legal autopsy in the last edition)
II. SECOND >> abortion which aims to kill the fetus
As if abortion was intended to kill the baby, then there are two possibilities:
First. If the baby is 120 days old, in the sense that her soul was blown, the hadeeth of Ibn Mas'ood Abduloh above, the law of abortion unlawful. Because it means killing the soul that Ma'shum that is forbidden by the Qur'an, Sunnah and Islamic Ummah deal. Allah Ta'ala says:
"And whoever kills a believer intentionally, then the reward is hell jahannam, he eternally therein, and Allah's wrath on him and curse him and provide for him a great torment." (Surat An Nisa ': 93) (See fatwa about women's 3/242)
Kedua.Kalau fetus was not yet 120 days old, then the scholars disagree about whether or not an abortion is allowed.
This blunder set of problems when a woman's womb a fetus?
Some scholars 'Hanafiyah, jumhur Malikiyah, Imam Ibn Al Ghozali and Amad from the Syafi'iyah, Ibn al-Jawzi of scholars' Hanabilah and Dhohiriyah said that although abortion is still illegal in the first days of the content and the content is in the form of semen.
Some scholars' Malikiyah and a history of schools Syafi'iyah said he hated abortion when sulfur is in the form of semen and unlawful when it's in the form of a blood clot
Some rajih Malikiyah and opinion in the Hanbali madhhab said the permissibility of aborting the current phase of the semen but when it's in the form of a blood clot is haraam.
Some scholars say Syafi'iyah permissible to abort the phase semen and blood clot, but a piece of meat haram phase.
Finally, schools Hanafiyah said permissibility abort the womb while her spirit has not blown.
(See Mukhtashor by Um Al Imam Al Muzani 8/249, Mughnil Muhtaj 3/103, Sharh al kabir by Imam Ad Hasyiyah Dasuqi Dirdir with 4/268, Imam Ibn Al Mughni Qudamah 7802, Mukhtar Ibn Abidin Durrul Ad 6/590, Al Imam Ibn Hazm Muhalla 11/31, Al Mufashol Fi Ahkamil mar'ah Shaykh Abdul Karim Zaidan 5/383)
Opinions rajih
Every time we are facing a blunder among the scholars, then we should give it all back to the words of Allah Ta'ala:
"Then if you differ on anything, then restore it to Allah (Qur'an) and the Prophet (Sunnah)." (Surat An Nisa ': 59)
while maintaining manners and our honor to all the scholars' Islamic ummah (See The Book of Night Rof'ul Anil A'immatil knows best Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah)
Opinions of the most rajih schools in this problem is the first to say that basically banned abortion even though new and still in the first phase of the early days of pregnancy, except for a very urgent need that sort of is not going to threaten the lives of mother aborted by doctor the tsiqoh. due to several things, including:
Semen when it meets with the egg if allowed to continue it with taqdir of Allah, he will become the baby awake and unclean honor murdered.
The purpose of marriage is for procreation, so wedlock abortion menyelisihi this noble goal.
If 'azl Rosululloh as mentioned by the burial alive of young girls hidden, but only in the way of meeting azl semen with egg, then how about an abortion when they've met?
(See Al Mufashol Fi Ahkamil mar'ah 5/407, Ahkamun Nisa 'by Imam Ibn al-Jawzi thing: 108, Tanbihat Shaykh Al Fawzaan things: 35)
The punishment for perpetrators of abortion
عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه قال: أن امرأتين من هذيل رمت إحداهما الأخرى فطرحت جنينها, فقضى رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم فيها بغرة عبد أو أمة
From Abu Huroiroh said: "Indeed there are two women of Bani Hudzail, one of them threw the other to fall ingredient. So Rosululloh decided to pay diyat for a male slave or a slave woman. "(Narrated by Bukhari 12/247 and Muslim 11/175)
عن عمر بن الخطا ب أنه استشارهم في إملاص المرأة, فقال المغيرة: قضى رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم بالغرة عبدا أو أمة
From Umar ibn Khothob, bahwasannya he asked the opinion of the companions of the woman an abortion. So Mughiroh bin Syu'bah said: "Rosululloh menghukumi by paying a slave man or woman." (Narrated by Bukhari 12/247 and Muslim 11/179)
Two hadith and matching hadiths provide benefits law, including:
1. Abort the fetus is haraam
2. Including the sin of abortion, because Rosulloh sentence mention in the world
3. For that an abortion is obliged to pay a fine of a male slave or a slave woman
4. If no slave like dizaman today, then his mother shall pay one-tenth diyat camels are five or fifty dinars. 2
In addition to paying fines, mandatory for women who abort to pay kaffaroh abortion, because abortion is murder, including life with no right way. And this is the opinion of the scholars jumhur 'Syaf'I including Imam Malik, Ahmad, Ibn Hazm other dal. Even Imam Ibn al-Mundhir said: "All the scholars' that we know of require to pay in addition to pay diyat kaffaroh." (See Al Mughni Imam Ibn Qudama 7/815, Ibn Hazm Al Muhalla 11/30)
As for freeing slaves kaffarohnya is Muslim, and if not able obligatory fasting two consecutive months, and if not able to feed sixty poor people in the opinion of most of the scholars'. (See Al Mufashol fi Ahkamil mar'ah 5/412) as mentioned Allah Ta'ala in His word (which means):
"It is not for a believer to kill a believer (who else) except for one (unintentionally), and whoever kills a believer because he should fall into error free a believing slave, and pay the diyat."
Furthermore, Allah says (which means):
"And he who does not get it, then let him fast two consecutive months." (Surah An Nisa ': 92)
Ulama Fatwa about abortion
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah was asked about a woman who accidentally hit an abortion with or taking drugs?
Answer: Mandatory him pay Ghurroh (Budak both male and female) based Rosululloh Sunnah and consensus of the Muslims. Slave is owned by the heirs of the fetus than mother, if she had a father then became his slave, but when her father freed the mother of the fine right then that he was. The price of a slave is the tenth diyat or fifty dinars. In view jumhur scholars are also required him to free a slave, if not then it should be able to fast two consecutive months and if it shall also not be able to feed the poor eman twenty. "(See Majmu'Fatawa 34/161)
Shaykh Muhammad Al-Uthaymeen said after a blunder hinted above: "The more survivors, is to prohibit abortion unless there is an urgent necessity, such as if a woman who can not bear the pain of pregnancy and the like. In this condition may abort before reaching the phase of formation of the human body. "(Fatwa on women's 3/243)
Shaykh Salih Al Fawzaan on the question of legal abortion?
The practice of abortion is often the case in our time including unlawful acts. If the baby had breathed the soul into his body and died aborted, this act including the death of a soul aloh forbidden to be killed except for the right reasons, which must bear the legal consequences of crime. That is the amount paid diyat accordance with the rules of the details. Also, according to some scholars' required him to pay kaffaroh is to free a slave believer, if there is no change to fast two consecutive months. Most of the scholars' call this act a baby burial alive in secret.
Shaykh Muhammad bin Ibrahim said in Majmoo 'Fataawa 11/151: "The attempt to an abortion is not allowed before any clarity on infant mortality. Once clear of infant mortality, it is allowed. "(Tanbihat Ala Ahkam Takhtashu bil Mu'minat things: 36)
Kibarul Hai'ah Majlis Ulama 'Saudi Arabia in its decision No. 140 dated 20/6/1407 H mentions the following:
Not allowed an abortion in various phases except for reasons shar'ie and within the limits of a strict one.
If the pregnancy is still in the first phase, that is, until the age of forty days, and there maslahah Syar'iyah in abortion or to prevent kemudlorotan, it may abort. But in this phase abort if by reason of fear can educate baby later or fear of not being able to bear the cost of their lives and education costs, worry about the future, or already have enough to have children it is not allowed an abortion on the grounds above.
It should not be an abortion if it is in the form of a blood clot or meat until there is clear testimony of the doctors who believed that allowing the pregnancy would endanger the mother's life, such as death. In this condition may be an abortion after trying by all means to avoid the danger that might happen to her mother.
After the third phase, and after four months of no bole an abortion until a number of specialists who can be trusted menyebukan that membarkan fetus in the mother's abdomen can cause death of the mother, after trying by all means to avoid the danger that might happen to her mother. Allowed to abort under the terms aims untukmencegah the greater danger and attempts to gain greater maslahah. (Fatwa on women's 3/245)
Finally, we pray to the Almighty Allah may strengthen our hearts in keimananan. The conclusion of this discussion is:
Fetus in the mother's womb through four stages of life
Forcibly eject the content if the aim is not to kill the baby, then it is allowed on condition that does not endanger the mother and baby, and got permission from her husband.
If the purpose is to kill the baby, if the baby had breathed her spirit, unclean aborting the consensus of the scholars'
As if it has not reached the age of the scholars' odds schools. That rajih is prohibited unless it would jeopardize the content continue the life of the mother.
For those who perform abortions must pay a fine or a slave or five camels or fifty dinars
In addition it also had to pay kaffaroh with the details above.
Allaah knows best.
Posted by: m yusuf arifin
article source: http / /:
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