How to pray TERAWIH OWN
Tarawih prayers just as the prayers sunnah else we used to do, which is accomplished with a two-two cycles begins and ends with regards takbir. When about to pray, intend in the heart to pray tarawih or qiyam Ramadan, then do the prayer as usual. The readings in this prayer as is usually the prayers read in the other.
In conclusion, different in tarawih prayers are intent only. As for the pillars and circumcision-circumcision in the prayer, he same as in the prayers the other. Because terawih prayer performed two-two cycles, then every two cycles to give a greeting and then wake up again worked perfectly two cycles until the desired number cycles (eight, twenty or so).
The shalawat every two cycles, it is not mandatory and is not defective if it does not do terawih prayers. Shalawat practice it only as an interlude between the two by two cycles of prayer for the repose according to the name of the prayer "Terawih prayers". He is not the practice of the Prophet sickle specifically. If we do not shalawat, we can replace it with the other acts of worship such as chanting, praying, reading the Qur'an, bertazkirah and so on. And we must also continue praying without menyelanginya with what others worship.
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