KHULAFAUR RASYIDIN (Arabic: الخلفاء الراشدون) or Ar-Rashidun Caliph were four Caliphs (leaders) of Islam first, believed by Muslims as the successor to the leadership of the Prophet Muhammad after his death. Four of these were recorded Muhammad's closest and best known in the defense of the teachings he brought in the time of Muhammad's prophethood. The four caliphs were chosen not by descent, but by the consensus of the Muslims
Electoral systems for each different caliphs, it was because the companions saw no clear reference left by Prophet Muhammad about how the Islamic leadership succession will last. But adherents of Shi'ism believes that Muhammad clearly pointing Ali ibn Abi Talib, the fourth Caliph all that Muhammad wanted keturunannyalah which will continue its leadership over the Muslims, they refer to one hadith of Ghadir Khum .
Officially, the term refers to the first four caliphs first four caliphs of Islam, but some scholars think that the first four caliphs or caliph guidance is not limited to the four mentioned above, but may also include the caliphs after a life totally in accordance with the instructions of al the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet. One of the many scholars who by agreement can be given the title of first four caliphs was Umar bin Abdul-Aziz, the Umayyad Caliph to-8
Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (573-634 AD, a caliph 632-634 AD) was born with the name of Abdus Shams, "Abu Bakr" is the title given to her Muslim community. His real name is! Abdullah bin Abi Kuhafah. "He got the title of" as-Siddiq! after entering Islam. Name before Muslims are "Abdul Kaaba". His mother was "Ummul Khair Salma ', the daughter of his uncle" Abu Quhafah ". Abu Bakr was the first Caliph of Islam after the death of Muhammad. He was one of the leaders of the Quraish tribe of Mecca. After embracing Islam be renamed by Muhammad Abubakar. He was named al-Siddiq, which means that reliable after he became the first to recognize Isra 'Mi'raj.
He also was appointed by Muhammmad to move with him to Yathrib. He is noted as one of the Companions of Muhammad's most loyal and foremost to protect the Muslims and even against his own tribe.
When Muhammad was seriously ill, Abu Bakr was the one who appointed him to replace an Imam in Prayer. This is according to most scholars an indication of the Prophet Muhammad that Abu Bakr was appointed as the successor to the leadership of Islam, whereas the Muslims at the time, who later formed the Shiite political alliance, more referring to Ali ibn Abi Talib as he is the Prophet's family. After a long debate ended with the decision at the time with Muslims, Abu Bakr was appointed as the first leader of Muslims after Muhammad's death. Abu Bakr led the past two years since the death of Muhammad in 632 until 634 AD
For two years the leadership of Abu Bakr, the Arabs under Islam progressed rapidly in the field of social, cultural and law enforcement. During his tenure as well, Abu Bakr succeeded in expanding the territory of Islam to Persia, most of the Arabian peninsula to conquer some parts of the Byzantine empire. Abu Bakr died at 61 years old in 634 AD due to pain experienced.
Abu Bakr became the caliph only two years. In the year 634 AD he died. Such a short period out to solve the problem in the country, especially the challenges caused by the Arab tribes who do not submit again to the government of Medina after the death of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam. They consider that the agreement made by the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, by itself canceled after the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wasallam died. Therefore they oppose Abu Bakr. Due to stubbornness and their opposition to harm religion and government, Abu Bakr resolve this issue with the so-called War riddah (war against apostasy). Khalid ibn Al-Walid is a lot of merit commander in this riddah War.
It seems that the powers that run on the Caliphate of Abu Bakr, as at the time of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, is central; powers legislative, executive and judicial branches concentrated in the hands of the caliph. In addition to running a government, Khalifah also implement the law as set out in the Qur'an and Sunnah. Nevertheless, like the Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam, Abu Bakr always invite friends magnitude deliberation.
After completing the domestic affairs of war, then Abu Bakr sent power to the outside Arabia. Khalid ibn Walid was sent to Iraq and al-Hirah control of the area in 634 AD To Syria sent an expedition under the command of the commander of the four Jarrah Abu Ubaidah Ibn Amr Ibn al-'Ash, Yazid ibn Abi Sufyan and Syurahbil. Previous team led by Usama bin Zaid who were 18 years old. To reinforce this army, Khalid ibn Walid ordered to leave Iraq, and through the desert that rarely lived, he came to Syria.
Umar bin Khattab (586-590 - 644 AD, became caliph 634-644 CE) was the second Caliph in Islamic history. umar appointment is not by consensus but by the will left by Abu Bakr. This is not meant to antagonize among Muslims because Muslims now very familiar with Umar as the closest and most loyal defense of Islam. Only a handful of people, who would become Shiite groups, who insist that Ali should be caliph. Umar ruled for ten years from 634 to 644.
When Abu Bakr was sick and felt the end was near, he consulted with the leaders of the companions, then raised Umar bin Khatthab as successor in order to prevent possible disputes and divisions among Muslims. Wisdom of Abu Bakr was apparently accepted by the public that mass immediately swear Umar. Rasulillah called himself Caliph Umar (successor of the Prophet). He also introduced the term Amir al-Mu'minin (senior people who believe).
At the time of Umar wave expansion (expanding territory) first occurred; Syrian capital Damascus fell in 635 AD, and a year later, having defeated the Byzantine army at the battle of Yarmuk, the whole area of Syria fell under the rule of Islam. By using Syria as a base, continued expansion into Egypt under the command of 'Amr ibn' Ash and Iraq under the command of Sa'ad bin Abi Waqqas. Alexandria (Alexandria, now Istanbul), capital of Egypt, conquered in 641 AD Thus, Egypt fell under Islamic rule. Al-Qadisiyah, a town near Hirah in Iraq, fell in the year 637 AD From there proceed to attack the capital of Persia, al-Madain which fell that year. In the year 641 AD, Moshul can be mastered. Thus, during the leadership of 'Umar, Islamic empire already includes the Arabian Peninsula, Palestine, Syria, most of Persia, and Egypt.
Due to the rapid expansion of the area, Umar soon follow the example set by the administration of the state administration that has developed mainly in Persia. Administration organized into eight areas of the province: Mecca, Medina, Syria, the land of Basra, Kufa, Palestine, and Egypt. Some departments are considered to be established. In his time began to be regulated and disciplined system of payroll and land tax. The court was established in order to separate the judiciary by the executive. To maintain order and security, the police department was formed. Similarly, the position of public works. Umar also established the Bait al-Mal, forged currency, and make hijiah year.
Umar ruled for ten years (13-23 H/634-644 M). His term ends in death. He was killed by a Zoroastrianis, Fanatic of Persian slave named Abu Lu'lu'ah. To determine his successor, Umar was not done in the way of Abu Bakr. He pointed to six friends and asked them to choose one of them to be caliph. Six people are Usman, Ali, Talha, Zubair, Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas, Abdurrahman ibn 'Awf. After Umar's death, the team was consulted and managed to appoint Uthman as caliph, through a rather rigorous process to Ali ibn Abi Talib.
Uthman bin Affan was born in 573 AD in a family of the Quraish tribe Umayyad children. Lineage ancestors united with the Prophet Muhammad. on the 5th generation. Prior to Islam he was called Abu Amr degan designation. He begelar Dzunnurain, for marrying two daughters of the Prophet. (Being a caliph 644-655 AD) was the third caliph in Islamic history. Umar bin Khattab could not decide how best to determine his successor Caliph. Immediately after the stabbing him by Fairuz, a Zoroastrian Persian, Umar considered not to choose a replacement as did the Prophet. But Umar was also thinking of leaving wills as does Abu Bakr. As a way out, Umar appointed six Companions as Formation Council tasked with selecting a new caliph. The sixth man was Abdurrahman ibn Awf, Sa'd ibn Abi Waqash, Talha bin Ubaidullah, Zubair bin Awwam, Uthman ibn Affan and Ali ibn Abi Talib.
In the reign of Uthman, Armenia, Tunisia, Cyprus, Rhodes, and the remaining part of Persia, Transoxania, and Tabaristan been won. The first Islamic expansion stops here.
Usman reign lasted 12 years, the last half of the period of his caliphate emerging discontent and despair among Muslims against him. Leadership is very different from 'Uthman Umar leadership. This is because of slander and incitement of Abdullah bin Saba 'Al-Yamani one Jew who pretended to convert to Islam. Ibn Saba 'was fond of moving from one place to another to spread false rumors to the new era of the Muslims become Muslim. Finally in year 35 H/1655 M, Uthman was killed by the rebels composed of the people who managed to persuade Abdullah bin Saba 'was.
One of the factors that led to a lot of people's prejudice against Uthman leadership is wisdom raise a family in a high position. Most important among them is Marwan bin Hakam vol. He is basically considered by those people who run the government, whereas only the title of Caliph Uthman. After a lot of family members who sat in important posts, like dolls in the presence of Usman's relatives. He could not do much and was too weak to his family. He also does not expressly subordinate to errors. State assets, the relatives were distributed without controlled by Uthman himself. It was all due to the slander spread by Abdullah bin Saba ', although most meritorious recorded Uthman build dams to maintain a large flood flows and regulate the distribution of water to the cities. He also built roads, bridges, mosques and expanding the Prophet Mosque in Medina.
Ali Bin Abi Thalib The rebels continued to besiege the house of Uthman. Ali ordered his three sons, Hasan, and Husayn Muhammad ibn Ali al-Hanafiyah escort Uthman and prevented the rebels entered the house. However, the immense power of the rebels finally managed to break in and kill the Caliph Uthman.
After Uthman's death, the bulk swear Ali ibn Abi Talib as Caliph. Ali ruled only six years old. During his reign, he faced many upheavals. There is no time at all in a stable government that can be said. After the post caliph, Ali disabling governors appointed by Uthman. He believes that the uprisings occur because their negligence. He also pulled back the land that was awarded Utsmankepada population by giving the proceeds to the state, and put on the annual tax return system of distribution among the Muslims as has been applied to Umar.
Not long after that, Ali ibn Abi Talib facing rebellion of Talha, Zubair and Aisha. Their reasons, Ali did not want to punish the murderers of Uthman, and they avenge the blood that has been shed Uthman injustice. Ali actually wanted to avoid war. He sent a letter to Talha and Zubayr that they want to negotiate to resolve the matter amicably. But the invitation was rejected. Finally, a fierce battle was raging. This war is known as the battle of Jamal (Camel), as Aisha in the fighting camels, and managed to beat his opponent. Zubair and Talha was killed, while Aisha is captured and sent back to Medina.
At the same time, Ali's policies also resulted in the emergence of resistance from the governor in Damascus, Mu'awiya, supported by a number of former officials who feel lost position and success. Having managed to quell the rebellion Zubair, Talha and Aisha, Ali moves from Kufa to Damascus with a large number of soldiers. His army met the team at Siffin Mu'awiyah. The battle occurred here known as the War of Siffin. This war ended with tahkim (arbitration), but tahkim did not solve the problem, even causing a third group, the Kharijites, the people who get out of line Ali. As a result, at the end of the reign of Ali ibn Abi Talib, Muslims are divided into three political forces, which Mu'awiyah, Shi'ites (followers of Abdullah bin Saba 'al-yahudu) that infiltrate the ranks of the army Ali, and al-Khawarij (the people are out of line Ali). These conditions are not favorable Ali. The emergence of the Kharijites has weakened his army, while the more powerful position of Mu'awiyah. On 20 Ramadan 40 AH (660 AD), Ali was killed by a member of the Khawarij Abdullah ibn Muljam
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