"Godly to Allah wherever you are. Iringkanlah evil deed with a good deed, good hopefully it will remove the evil., And hang out to men with good manners."
A brief explanation of this hadith is as follows:
Testament # 1. Bertaqwalah to Allah Where Only You Being
We often hear the term taqwa, even memorized its meaning. Namely, execute all the commands and stay away from all of his ban. Some scholars interpret as a gesture Taqwa Wara '(be careful), as reflected in the story of Abdullah ibn Mubarak, a vineyard keeper.
Once, when the grapes have been enlarged, the employer asked Abdullah Ibn Mubarak snapped her ripe grapes. Then Abdullah picking grapes and give it to the employer. Having tasted on, turns it sour grapes. Because of acid, the employer asked back for another grapes. Abdullah went back to the garden, picking and delivering wine to another. Apparently, this wine was sour. Up to three times the employer asked grapes and always given Abdullah sour.
The master was angry, and said, "Why you can not tell which wines are sweet and which acid? '. Abdullah replied, "I can not distinguish the taste, because I was just told to keep and maintain the vineyard, I was told to never tasted let alone tasted the wine". This is the attitude of wara 'or cautious attitude reflected Abdullah ibn Mubarak, and some scholars interpret as a gesture wara Taqwa.
Another story about taqwa we can see from the dialogue with Umar bin Khattab ra ra Ubay bin Ka'b. Umar ra asked Ubay bin Ka'b RA: "Do you know what it is piety? 'Ubay ibn Ka'b ra asked back:" Have you ever walked on a road full of thorns? Then what will you do?' Umar replied: "I'll be careful. I carefully carefully and I see the beachhead. I promote my one leg and the other leg backing worries about getting a thorn". Ubay said: "That is taqwa".
The attitude of taqwa which diwasiatkan Prophet in the hadith above, must occur anytime and anywhere we are. Taqwa should be reflected while in the mosque, the home, the workplace, schools, and so forth. Do not just devoted in tough times, but failed when given excess fortune. Taqwa be built anywhere, until now worship though. For example, when praying, fasting, pilgrimage, charity, etc., taqwa means paying attention to the terms and the pillars of worship.
Testament # 2. Follow ugliness With Goodness
The second testament prophets in this hadith is to follow every evil with goodness. That perbanyaklah pious repentance and charity as a way to remove the sin that has been done. Every human being must not escape from sin, and every sin will be erased if the perpetrator did repent and pious charity.
Speech seek forgiveness (repentance) will remove previous sins, as well as between one to pray another prayer, among other Friday to Friday prayers, the fasting Romadhan one to the next, between Umrah and Umrah, will remove the sin in them. To that end, multiply repent and other pious charity, because it would take away the sin.
Testament # 3. Mix other people with good manners
If probate # 1 and # 2, on the relationship between man and Allah, then testaments to # 3 on the relationship between man and man (eg wife, husband, children, parents, neighbors, relatives, friends, etc.). Has not said perfect faith, unless the morality (speech and gesture) it is not good. Berakhlaq someone who will either be loved and loved others. As implied in the prayer of Abraham;
"My Lord, give me wisdom and insert me into the class of people who are righteous, and make me said fruit is good for the people (who come) then, and make me among those who memusakai gardens of bliss, and forgive my father, for surely he was included among those who go astray, and Thou disgrace me on the Day they are raised up. "
Thus a brief description of one of the hadith of the Prophet which contains his testament of piety, repentance and good morality.
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