Doomsday YEAR 2012 BY ISLAM

Prediction of impending doom in 2012 that was based on the discovery of some ancient astrologers experts and scholars of modern astronomy. Among the rest of the ancient astrologers are;
1. The Maya.
Tribes living in the bay between Guatemala and Mexico in the year 700 BC-according to archaeologists-is considered to have progress in the calculation of time and the calendar. This tribe has a strong attachment to the belief that they believed that they were entering peribadahannya times in making The times.
The Maya made the calculation that in one year there are 18 months each month consists of 20 days and they added another 5 days to peribadahannya that same year with 365 days. Inside The times, they also predict the occurrence of various disasters, such as famine, floods, climate change until the end of the earth according to their calendar falls on December 21, 2012.
Dated December 21, 2012 to coincide with the year AD 5126 is the expiration date of their long perhitugan which started on August 31, 3114 BC.
2. Chinese divination books
A writer named Amir Fahd al Ahmadi said that many scientists who agree with the Maya will be a great event in 2012. In Asia, the same has been shown by various books written by Chinese astrologers that the descendants of the master-Chang Dynasty China since 1766 BC-AD will take place during 3778 (which coincides with the year 2012 AD)
3. Nostradamus
In France there is also a prediction made by an astrologer named Nostradamus that the planets in the sky will fall apart at the end of 2000 that will lead to the destruction of life after 12 years.
While among modern astronomers supporting doomsday prediction in 2012 are:
1. A mathematical scientist named Haido Itakawa Japan in 1980 saying that the planets will be in the sun in one line behind the sun-and the fact this will only result in the scene through the sky that could stop the extraordinary life that exists on the surface of the earth in August 2012.
2. Subject doomsday in 2012 was also reported by various American Journal sourced from NASA in recent years that the telescope placed in space by NASA has found a planet that amount almost equal to the sun and is called Nibiru.
NASA also reported that the planet Nibiru has a very large magnetic force which is almost equal to that of the sun, so it was very dangerous when the planet is approaching Earth orbit circulation. And it is estimated that the planet Nibiru will approach Earth within a reasonable distance can be seen clearly by the people of East Asia in 2009 even will enter Earth orbit in 2011, and the entire population of the earth will be able to see it so it is like a sun the other. (Http://
According to other sources mentioned that in 2012 plenet Nibiru will enter the inner part of our solar system, causing gravitational disturbances.
However, the opinion above is also getting a lot of criticism from archaeologists and astronomers, among them the opinion:
1. Associated with the end of the Mayan long calendar it was said that even if it is true in 5126 AD that coincided with the year 2012 AD is the year of the end of their calendar is also believed to be the end of the world it does not mean that the world will be destroyed (Judgment) because according to the Mayan cosmology that the earth was created five times and destroyed four times. Thus the cycle of the Mayan calendar may be over, but a new cycle will repeat itself .. and bring new things to the inhabitants of the earth. (Http://
2. The experts who mebantah theory says: "Ramalan2 it benar2 no basis at all, let alone in the Mayan culture as we know it," said Stephen Houston, professor of anthropology at Brown University, who is also an expert Maya hieroglyphic writing. "The Maya never menyebut2 this." He said. Mayans saw that on the date of their calendar, but the calendar and then repeat them back without any catastrophes.
3. While the theory of planet Nibiru, there is denial of an expert at NASA says "We're just still arguing about Pluto, tiba2 there are people who say the planet Nibiru, where did this? It's funny, we until now have not been able to find another planet, has anyone found a planet Nibiru anyway, without any confirmation from where the news came. "(Http://
Apocalypse According to the Islamic view
Doomsday is unseen to be believed by every Muslim and known only to Allah Almighty alone as many mentioned in His Book and the Sunnah of the Prophet, including:
يسألونك عن الساعة أيان مرساها قل إنما علمها عند ربي لا يجليها لوقتها إلا هو ثقلت في السماوات والأرض لا تأتيكم إلا بغتة يسألونك كأنك حفي عنها قل إنما علمها عند الله ولكن أكثر الناس لا يعلمون
It means: "They ask thee about the Hour:" When will it happen? "Say:" The knowledge of the Hour is on the Lord; no one can explain the time coming but Him. Reality Quite heavy (civil haranya for creatures) in the heavens and on earth. Judgement will not come to you but suddenly ". they ask you as if you really know. Say: "The knowledge of nautical Hour is with Allah, but most people do not Know". (Surat al-A'raf: 187)
Ibn Kathir says that the word of God, "Say: 'Verily the knowledge of the Hour is with my Lord; no one can explain the time coming but Him." It is the command of Allah to his prophet peace be upon him when he saw asked about the time of the Hour let him one day return it to the knowledge of Allah swt. Verily, He is the one who explains the arrival time or know the matter of clarity and certainty when it's time. (Tafsir Ibn Kathir Juz III case 518)
يسألك الناس عن الساعة قل إنما علمها عند الله وما يدريك لعل الساعة تكون قريبا
Meaning: "People ask you about the Hour. Say: "Verily the knowledge of the Hour is with Allah only." and do you know (O Muhammad), so be that the Hour is near. "(Surat al-Ahzab: 63)
It was narrated from Abdullah ibn Umar that the Messenger of Allah said, "The keys of the unseen was five, 'Verily, His side alone knowledge of the Hour, and He sent down rain, and knows what is in the womb. And no one can know (for sure) what will be earned tomorrow, and no one can know that where on earth he was going to die. Surely Allah is Knower, Aware. "(Narrated by Bukhari)
Al Qurtubi mentions that Ibn Abbas said that five keys are not there unseen except Allah Almighty knows. It was also not known by the angels, the prophets sent. Whoever thinks that he knows something about it all that person has to deny the Qur'an because he has menyalahinya. (Al Jami Li Ahkamil XIV it juz Quran 400)
And also the answer to the Prophet by the Angel Gabriel when asked about when the end of the world then he saw besabda, "People who were no better informed than the asking." (Narrated by Muslim) This hadith makes it clear that the Prophet himself and the man who asked (Gabriel ) does not know about the time of the apocalypse.
Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi was asked about the destruction of nature in 2012?! He replied that this includes talk about things to come, through the veil of the future, reveal anything that might happen to you tomorrow or the next day, and that's all there is to know not but Allah swt.
وما تدري نفس ماذا تكسب غدا
It means: "And no one can know (for sure) what will be earned tomorrow." (Surah Luqman: 34)
Someone may know something with the indicator but it is not only limited to the alleged certainty.
وما تدري نفس بأي أرض تموت
Meaning: "and no one can figure out where on earth he was going to die." (Surah Luqman: 34)
As revealed by the poet:
We serve anything that has been written on our
And also it has been written for him to live
And those who had written his death in a place
So he's not going to die in the other.
God who knows the truth even intrinsic to various interpretations of the universe, the development of nature and life are all theories, Just like the big bang theory, the theory of this and that. And as a theory then there are also some other scientists who conduct argument against a variety of other theories, and so further.
The essence of the truth in this matter not knowing anyone except Allah as mentioned in the Qur'an.
Allaah knows best
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