God is a God who created the heavens and the earth and its contents. Including who created humans and other creatures. Has become sunnatullah, when God created the creatures that God also is responsible for the creature. Similarly, God created man, then God is responsible pila done in all human beings. Included in the provision of sustenance, Allah gives sustenance to man different from each other. Consequently among men with one another, will not equal wealth. As God gives the understanding of religion among the others, will be different. Based Rosulullahi word SAW in HR. Ahmad which means "God gives sustenance of you as God divide your morality".
And remember allotment provision God has given human beings from each other is not the same, and people will not die for sustenance rations given to him has not been exhausted. So, if the man is dead means sustenance rations have also been depleted.
There are practices taught Allah and the Prophet, which can expedite the arrival of sustenance, including:
1.Memperbanyak seek forgiveness to God, seek forgiveness, which means asking for forgiveness to God asking forgiveness in the sense that the sentence reads "Astaghfirullah" which means I ask forgiveness of Allah. Based on the Word of God in the Qur'an Surat Noah Clause 10, which means "forgiveness Memintalah you to God you surely He is Oft-Forgiving". In addition to asking forgiveness of Allah is the command of Allah, reproduce istighfar bring many other benefits, based on the words of Muhammad Ahmad Muhammad in the hadith history, which means "He who reproduce istighfar God will make all the trouble, to facility and from all narrowness God made a way out, and Allah will provide sustenance for him than he would have thought or not he thought ". To be sure, to be facilitated memperbanyaklah istighfar God, whether in all things we are well facilitated in our sustenance.
2.Memperbanyak Infaq Fiisabilillah, something we spend on infaq fiisabilillah, God will multiply, even up to 700 times higher than what is in infaqkan, according to the word of God in the Qur'an Surat Al-Baqoroh paragraph 261, which means "The Parable of the who menginfaqkan their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed which grows seven items, each item in a hundred grains. Allah double (reward) for whom He wills. Allah Almighty Area (His gifts), the Knower " . And also Allah says in Hadith Qudsi which means "Allah Almighty and Exalted said Mulya: infaqlah you and I will make a living for you". (HR.Bukhori). Treasure we infaqkan (shodaqohkan) will not run because shodaqoh will not reduce the property. as well (water source) even though the water taken, never-ending, and even grow again.
3.Memperbanyak Shilaturrahim (Linking Family), connect this tribe is an order from Allah and Prophet, based on the arguments in the Qur'an Surat An-Nisa verse 1, which means "And fear Allah that with (using) his name ye each asked one another, and (guard) silaturrohim relationship. Verily Allah always watches over you ". Besides connecting families is an order from Allah and the Messenger, if someone frequently tighten shilaturrahim, then eased in sustenance. Based on the words of the hadith of Bukhari Rasululloh SAW which means "He who wants expanded in the sustenance and want to extend the age to connect families".
4.Senang respect for guests, one person's duty to others in the religion of Islam is to respect guests. Both guests were a relative or not, have faith or not. Both guests were rich or poor. Clear all guests must be respected and cherished. In addition to being the commandments of God and the Prophet. Apparently guests honoring expand sustenance. Based on the words of the Prophet Muhammad in the Hadith Shaykh Abu history which means "Guests come to bring fortune and he goes by eliminating the sin, and God remove from his sins and the sins of the people". Based on this hadith, whoever the guest must be respected not be wasted, because if you are wasting it will be under threat.
5.Berusaha be an honest person and mandate, and the mandate is the honest nature of the faith. If a person considers himself as a person of faith, but he has not been able to do honest and trustworthy person means faith is not complete. The nature of the mandate is a command of God as well as to all people of faith according to the Word of God in the Qur'an Surat an-Nisa 'verse 58, which means "Allah ruled on you to deliver these messages to the experts (who are entitled to receive)." The Prophet in the Hadith Dailami history, which means "Amanah can draw sustenance (bring) the sustenance while treasonable to attract (draw) kemlaratan". If all humans could have an honest nature and mandate, life will be full of flavor and no sense of peace su'udhon (presupposition ugly) to others.
6.Meningkatkan pious to Allah. Taqwa means God can do all the commandments of God at once away from all his prohibitions. Thus Allah will facilitate provision according to the word of God in the Qur'an Sura Tholaq verses 2-4, which means: "Whoever fear Allah He will give him a way out., And gave sustenance of direction that is not in the thought-thought Baramgsiapa .... devoted to God, then God will make it easier on the person in all respects. " Sinful acts that could lead to people going to hell, it could lead to sustenance noncurrent according Rasulullahi word Muhammad in the Hadiths Sunan Ibn Majah which means: "Indeed a man to be blocked in the way of sustenance for mistakes (sins) that he had doing ". In this hadith, if sin has been committed immediately repented and asked forgiveness of Allah, so they can clean from sin and facilitate arrival of sustenance.
7.Memperbanyak resignation to God. Reproduce put their trust (self-surrender) to God, making a person satisfied his needs. According to the word of God in its Thoolaq At paragraph 3, which means: "... And those who put their trust in Allah, Allah will suffice (purposes) it ....". And according to the word of Rasulullahi Muhammad in the Hadiths Sunan Ibn Majah, which means: "The Prophet said: if you put their trust in God with truth resignation to Allah, Allah will provide sustenance to you as God gives sustenance to the birds, when the morning birds in conditions of hunger, but when the late birds in a state of satiety ". With put their trust in God, humans get the sweetness of faith.
8.Selalu prejudice either to God (Husnudhon Billaah). Prejudiced either a command from God and the Prophet, it brings sustenance from Allah. Prejudice that lies at the center and should worship God, according Rosulullahi word SAW in History At Tirmidhi Hadith, which means: "Rosulullahi said: Verily Allah's good inkling to include should worship God."
Pray Pray 9.Menertibkan Tahajud and third nights end, tahajud Prayer is the work of previous pious people, both at the time of the Prophet as well as before. It was then that God came into the world and say the sky as described in the Hadith Bukhari, which means: "The Prophet said: Allah the Almighty Barokah and sublime every night down at the sky just in time duniaketika third night akhirsambil said: Goods who prays to Me will I grant, that whosoever shall ask Me and I will give anyone who asks Me forgiveness will I forgive ".
If someone could implement this practice nine, Allah will ease the arrival of sustenance. But people should keep trying or effort, and increased prayer. Do not just hang with qodar or even do not believe in qodar. (Being the Murji'ah or the Qodariyah). Till in life is not merely deal with the world or just merely looking for material,
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