1. Suppose the sins
Abdullah bin Mas'ud radhiallahu 'anhu said: "The believer sees his sins as if he were sitting under a mountain, the mountain he feared happened. While people who fajir (like sin) sin like flies passing over his nose. "
2. Do not underestimate the sin
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "You shall not take sin lightly, as a stopover in the valley of the stomach. Then someone came in with a twig and still others came with sticks so they can cook their bread. When any person commits a sin to underestimate a sin, then it is going to destroy. "(Ahmad with a saheeh isnaad)
3. Do not mujaharah (tell sin)
Prophet said, "All my people be forgiven except mujahirun (blunt person). Includes Mujaharah is someone doing a charity (evil) at night in the morning he kemuadian disclose it, but God has covered it, he said, 'O so and so, last night I had to do so'. At night his Lord had covered his mistake but in the morning he opened the veil that covered God. "(Bukhari and Muslim)
4. Sincere repentance Nasuha
Shallahu Prophet 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Allah is more delighted with the repentance of His servant when repentance than one of you who are in the car on the barren sand padng. Then the vehicle was missing from it, but on top of the vehicle there is food and drink. He was sad to lose it, and then he went to sleep under the shade of trees and the sad state of the vehicle. When he was in such circumstances, the vehicle suddenly appeared near him, and he took the reins. Then he said, because it's very fun, "O God You are my servant and I am your Lord." He was a mistake because it is very happy. "(Bukhari-Muslim)
5. If repeated sin, then repent Repeat
Ali ibn Abi Talib radi 'anhu said: "The best of you is any person under test (to sin) again repent." Asked, "If he repeats it again?" He replied. "He forgiveness to God and repent." Asked, "If he returns to sin?" He replied, "He forgiveness and repent to God," asked, "How long?" He replied, "To the devil to despair."
6. Stay away from the factors that cause immorality
People who repent should avoid ordinary circumstances he encountered at the time of immorality and away from it as a whole and is busy with any other.
7. Always beristighfar
Moments of forgiveness:
a. When sin
b. After doing obedience
c. In the daily routine of dhikr-remembrance
d. Always forgiveness at all times
Messenger of God's forgiveness for the day more than 70 times (in another narration 100 times)
8. Do you promise to God to abandon disobedience?
There is no difference between a promise to God (in the form of ransom vow over sin does) with those who did not. Because that causes him to fall into the vices are nothing but lust for the call (lust) to dominate rather than call faith. Appointments can not do nothing and useless.
9. Doeth after evil
Shallahu Rasulullah 'alaihi wasallam said, "fear Allah wherever you are, and iringilah kebaijkan ugliness with the virtues that will remove these evils, and treat people with good morals." (Ahmad and Tirmidhi)
10. Realize Tawheed
Besabda Prophet, 'Allah' Azza wa Jalla says. "Those who do good so he rewarded ten virtues and I added and anyone who does evil, the return of the evils of the same, or have his sins forgiven. Those who draw near to Me a span, so I approached him and whoever cubit nearer to Me a cubit, fathom then I approached him, he who comes to Me walking, then I come to him running. Anyone who met me with all my sinful earth without associating me with anything, so I met with maghfirah (forgiveness) of the same. "(Muslim-Ahmad)
11. Do not part with good people
a. Friendship with good people is good deeds.
b. Love the righteous people cause someone with them, although he did not achieve their position in charity.
c. Man there are 3 groups:
1. Group that carries itself with piety control and prevent it from disobedience. This is the best class.
2. Groups who do immoral acts in a state of fear and regret. He felt he was in great danger, and he hopes one can be separated from disobedience hai it.
3. Group looking for disobedience, rejoice with her and was sorry for losing it.
d. Regret and sorrow for committing immoral acts can only be learned from a good friendship.
e. There is no reason to part with good people.
12. Do not leave Da'wah
Said bin Jubair said, 'If someone can not tell good and forbidding the evil that is not in itself something (wrong) one, then no one is calling to virtue and prevent of munkar. "Imam Malik commented," He's right. Who is on him that nothing (error). "
13. Do not reproach others because of his sin
Prophet told his companions that someone said, "By Allah, Allah will not forgive the so and so." God said, "Who is my swear that I do not forgive the so and so? Verily I have forgiven his sins and I have removed the charity." (Muslim)
Summarized from the book Sabiilun Najah min Syu'mil Ma'shiyyah (13 antidote to poison of immorality) works of Muhammad ibn Abdullah Ad-Duwaisy
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