Here is a quote the answer given by Ustadz Sarwat Ahmad, Lc question about one of those who never committed adultery. "I was an adulterer but want to repent, practice what can I do to make my sin of adultery can be erased or forgiven by God Ustadz pack?"
Legal repentance is mandatory for anyone who has ever sinned. And when sin is related only to God Almighty without involving the rights of our fellow human beings, it must meet three main requirements that sin can be removed.
1. Terms First
Stop first of adultery that has been done. Repentance door will not be opened by God for the repentance of a sin is still the same.
2. Both requirements
It's not enough just quit tersbut immoral, but stopping it is to be accompanied also with a sense of regret in their hearts. Without remorse in my heart, repent it will not matter in the sight of Allah SWT.
3. Third Terms
Not enough to stop and regret, the perpetrator must have the embroidery is very strong at heart will never go back to do it since that day forever and ever. As long as there is a desire to return to repeat it, and repent it to be lost in vain.
That's three main conditions that repentance can be accepted Allah SWT. And when sin is sin related to other human beings, have added one more, which apologized and keredhaan person.
Meanwhile, when the sins associated with hudud law issue, such as adultery and the like, then repentance must be accompanied by a readiness to accept the punishment according to Islamic law.
A man in a state of adultery is married, the punishment is stoning, which is stoned to death in public. Meanwhile, if the adultery had not been married before, the punishment just whipped 100 times. Sebaian cleric added banished for a year.
But the size is not the implementation of the law, but the law of readiness when the execution was carried out. If one person lives outside the Islamic legal system, so that hudud law can not be done, then the sin is not dependent offender sin. But the sins of the leaders of the country who do not use Islamic law. Or the sins of the people of the country who do not want to elect leaders who run the Islamic law.
Allah is Forgiving, Above All Sins
A person who had committed the sin how big, surely Allah will be forgiven, as long as he wants to repent by fulfilling its terms. Instead of anger toward the person who repents, Allah SWT even very happy to him.
As word of the Prophet Muhammad:
From Abi Hamzah Anas bin Malik Al-Ansari ra (helper Prophet Muhammad) said, "It is God's very happy at the request of repentance of His servants, more blessed than happy one who lost his camel and then you find it again." (Bukhari Muslim).
In the other occasions, Rasullah SAW also said:
From Abi Musa Abdullah bin Qais al-Ash'ari ra. of the Prophet SAW, he said, "Truly Allah stuck his hands in the evening hariorang adulterous ones during repent. Allah SWT stuck his hands in By day the people who engage in immoral acts in the evening repent." (HR Muslim)
In the hadith narrated by Imam Muslim mentioned that when finished executing a woman who claimed to have committed adultery, the Prophet then menyalati body. Umar cash confused and questioning, "How do you menshalati his body when he was the one who has committed adultery?" He SAW said, "Truly this woman has repented a repentance that if repentance was distributed to 70 people from Medinah, certainly still enough for them."
Subhanalllah, really besarkeagungan him. Sin of any size when a servant came to him to repent, God would provide.
Even though sin killed 100 lives, will continue to be given mercy of the Most Merciful. Provided all condition done.
Balance Sin with Pahala
There is no harm if to compensate for the sins we have done, we can compete to capture reward. There are some tricks that can be done so that we can pahalabisa in large quantities in a short time, even though we still keep flowing deceased.
For example, when Allah SWT expand our sustenance, then we can deposit the amount of Islamic treasures are not as fruitful terbatas.Tiap continue even fruition of all time, until the end of the world. Although our bodies are destroyed in the grave, even though life has been lost, but our spirit will still receive the reward of deposits treasures we've ever planted.
The form most commonly in the form of endowments, can form from setiappahala mosque where the prayer in it, we will receive a 'fee' or royalties on the participation of our assets in the construction of the mosque.
Or it could be in the form of school that spawned generations of Muslims ataupesantren strong. Each reward achieved by each graduate school, then there is a section for us as a royalty on our property in the school.
Even can also take the form of Islamic libraries, where each person gets reward reading in it, will help provide a reward fee to us.
Including when we contribute to establishing the site (website) of Islam, which it of course for the sake of upholding the teachings and Islamic law. Many people who consider small role Islam propaganda sites. So in many cases, often we see Islamic sites appear like mushrooms in the rainy season, but with the passage of time, one by one falling. Barriers are very classic, which is the problem-it is also, and not far from the problem of funding.
If there is a Muslim who wants to reap the rewards that flow continues, it does not hurt him to set aside a special treasure to revive Islamic sites. Because the site is read by millions of people, from anywhere and at anytime. Any benefits gained by the reader, then the reward will be automatically sent to that fund Islamist websites. If indeed we are to be rewarded as much as possible and as quickly as possible, why not establish new or strengthen Islamic websites that already exist?
Subhanallah .. .
How many chances reap the reward, but unfortunately little has moved to exploit it.
May Allah forgive us all, whether visible or not visible. And hopefully we have this treasure can we spend on the struggle to uphold his religion. Amien Yes Rabbal 'alamin.
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