In one hadith, Prophet said: "Verily I have been sent to perfect moral glory". Based on this hadith, we can state that there are noble morality on self Rosululloh SAW. Examples of attitudes reflected nobleness akhlaqnya amanahnya. Quraish were in fact enemies in faith, believing Prophet for valuables deposited. When Rosululloh had emigrated, and that replaced the bed was Ali ibn Abi Talib, the Prophet says, "O Ali, under the bed no deposit items Quraysh, you must keep and return".
When we confessed people Prophet Muhammad, should be very concerned about the morality. In fact, sometimes separate the love of the prophets and of the attitudes and akhlaqnya keteladaan. The morality and worship sometimes not always in harmony. There are times when someone good in worship, but less good at akhlaqnya. Conversely, there are good people in akhlaqnya, but less good in worship. What we expect, is balanced between worship and morality. The good worship embodied in good manners.
In another hadith, the Prophet said, "Faith is the most perfect believers are the best akhlaqnya". Referring to this hadith, the truth is that faith is stratified. And the highest level of faith are those who have good manners. So, theoretically, the teachings of Islam are very inculcate morality towards adherents. And a challenge for us, how the theory can be realized in daily practice (culture).
Continue further Prophet said, "The best among you, is the best to his family". Thus, benchmarks / parameters pretty clear someone's good morality, not those who either 'small talk', but they were good to her family. And he explained that the Prophet said, "I am the best among you to my family."
Real form to reach the good of the family morality is to provide a balance in meeting the needs of all family members. On the one hand, should provide comfort with the material, but on the other hand provide teaching about Allah and His religion. There must be no weak keluargaberagama members had not been taught.
History of the prophet is a private independent at home. He is doing all the work she started from mopping, wiping, strika, cooking, sewing clothes, and others. In fiqh madhab Syafii, there is the opinion that all the homework assignment was originally a husband. While the task wife, is to educate children, and 'serve' the husband.
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