Between the prophet Muhammad and Ali have a range of different ages around 30tahun. So when the Prophet was 30 years old, Ali is born. Because the prophet never brought up by his father Ali, then it can not be denied Ali then brought up and raised by his prophets. This proximity, causing Ali to get information and knowledge from day to day directly from the prophet. Thus Ali became an intelligent and deliver hadith. The scholars say that the Prophet described as the city of science (Science Madinatul), then Ali is the gate (Baabul Science).
In the struggle of Islamic propaganda, the position of Ali is remarkable. One of them is a heroic attitude and 'risky' at the age of 23 years. Ali was willing to sleep in the bed of Prophet, Prophet once suckered plan replaces Quraish would kill Prophet. Prophet Ali slept in the room, while the Prophet went migrated from Mecca to Medina.
Ali was also seen as a brave and skilled in every war, whether war badar, Uhud, Khandaq, and others. In fact, a historian writing privileges Ali to 18 items both from the scientific, intelligence and kepeduliaan against others who are overwritten distress. Proximity Ali by the prophet was, making Ali the Prophet's son, Ali married to Siti Fatimah, one of the prophet's daughter Siti Khadijah.
Camel Sale
There's a pretty interesting story that illustrates the quality and sincerity of Ali ibn Abi katulusan a Tholib. One day, while returning home, found his wife Fatimah Ali and said, "Is this food for the day?" She said, "We have no food, only money 6 dirhams for stock eat Hasan and Husayn". Ali then said, "Give the money to me and let me who buy food".
After this conversation, Ali then excused himself out of the house to buy food. On the way, Ali met with someone and admonished him, "O Ali, if people are willing to lend money to me because Allah? '. Ali immediately replied "Yes, and it's me." So, dikasihlah money 6 dirhams by Ali to that person.
Because all the money has been given to the people, then Alipun not so shop around, and he went back to his house. At home, asked whether his wife, "O Ali, where the food you buy?". Ali replied, "I'm not buying the food, because all the money I have given to someone more in need". Hearing this answer, Fatimah welcomed and happy to have given wealth to the needy even though the property was badly needed for the interests of the family. After this incident, Ali asked her permission to see Prophet to 'consult' and telling the new experiencing. So, Ali went to find Prophet.
Along the way, Ali met someone who brought a camel. Said the man, "O Ali, about to where you are?", Ali replied "I would like to visit the Prophet". "Buy my camel 100 dirham, because I have no money?, Fresh guy. 'Ali replied," I do not have any money at all. "He offered again," It's okay, sell camel selakunya, you can pay later after behavior ".
Ali also agreed on the offer, then back to the house to tie a camel before going again to see Prophet. On the way home, find someone and admonished Ali, "O Ali? Actions camel?," I want to sell it, "said Lee. Guy said again," camel's really very good, I am interested in buying for 300 dirhams ". Long story short, there was a sale and purchase transaction between Ali and the camel, then Ali came home carrying money 300 dirhams.
When he arrived home, his wife asked, "What's wrong with you, O Ali, you are very excited kelihatnya once?" Ali was told recently experienced events and shows gains 200 dirhams from buying or selling camel. Thus, 200 dirham dititipkanlah money to his wife and Ali took 100 dirhams to pay the debt once again went to see Rosululloh. Leave Ali to the Prophet and told him to meet all the new events that happened. Arriving home and met Prophet Prophet said, "Ali, you come here, there must be something that needs to be delivered. Who will deliver first, me or you?. Got a question, Ali then said," Please, O Prophet, you first that conveys something ". Through revelation, Prophet said: "O 'Ali, you know, who were the people who sell and buy camel?.' Ali replied, 'No'. Prophet further said, "People who sell untu it was the angel Gabriel, while the purchase is the angel Michael." With curious Ali asked, "Then to whom should I pay 100 dirham debt?" The Prophet replied, "It's all rizkimu, because keikhlasanmu issued shodaqoh". That's one role model who displayed a friend of Ali ibn Abi Tholib. With the tremendous sincerity, he bershodaqoh in a difficult but ultimately getting tremendous change. From 6 dirhams to 300 dirhams. In addition to the above story, many stories that reflect the spirit of kindness. Ali also made a lot of poetry, writing and lecturing give advice. One advice is as follows: There are five things that take 5 things from me Do you expect anything from anyone except Allah expects from Thou shalt not be afraid of anything, unless you are afraid of sin and Allah Please you learn things you do not know Do not be ashamed to say do not know, when asked something you do not know Be patient on the basis of faith. And make faith in your body such as the head Ali died at the age of 63 years on Friday in Romadhan. Ali was included in the first list of people who go to heaven. Prophet said: "Ali was very much in love and RosulNya Allah, and Allah and RosulNya love him". "Quoted from the study day Saturday, February 18, 2012, Darussalam Mosque City Tour, Persons: Drs. H. Aseph Aonuddien MSi"
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