Sheikh Muqbil bin Hadi al-Wadi'i rahimahullah was asked about polygamy law, whether the sunnah?He replied, "Not the sunnah, but the permissible (allowed)".Indeed .. the recommended or not polygamy is only for a husband who berkesanggupan to be fair on his wives. As the Word of GOD Almighty:فإن خفتم ألا تعدلوا فواحدة"Then if you fear it will not do justice, then (marry) only one." An-Nisa: 3But .. O servants of GOD .. know that ye all the elevating science side derajatmu GOD Almighty among all His servants the other is according to the existing knowledge on you with all upper case
anything contained in heart. Remember .. that real science is various shades and colors, and anyone who receive favors GOD Almighty with full control of the other features one of the sciences, surely she is very blessed because GOD Almighty has given him a lot of favors. That this is so I call it the science of diverse styles and color for the human liver, the Science Patience, Sincerity, Wise, Just and another sebahagainya, were all sciences were refined with faith and conviction and faith and devotion to the Lord of the Universe and Nor and necessarily the science fair or else it alone.Polygamy Legal TermsAdil is the legalization of polygamy on condition that the husband's ability to obtain all abilities.However, know .. that is an obligation for you to ask your wife's blessing on the oldest of the side, he jikalaulah understand and agree that you would want to obtain another wife besides thereof, then do it kehenedak item is in your heart. Then jikalaulah you already bear children with the oldest wife is by your side while they've Hero (Adult), then ask for the pleasure of those that no one juapun that his case is Aniya from each other. Medium if you have a child who is not his wife eldest Hero (adult) then it is enough for you to ask permission from their mother alone.And if one of them the mother and child (wife and children) no blessing on your wish, then leave because GOD Almighty alone. Be patient, and put thy trust in Almighty GOD, it's such a good way especially for you than mayhem. And do you ever taken any other thereof, which cause you to receive the wrath of GOD for that. ie are you playing - play with other women are you hiding behind your wife (cheating) in the forbidden adultery on you.And do juapun precisely one of you take recourse to divorce his wife so that you would be rejoicing with another woman. Fear ye to GOD to actually really scared, and to it the place you return. Verily GOD Exalted Knower witness to anything that you hide.Following the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa SallamJikalaulah in such a case it (polygamy), are you going to follow the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam. So know .. that actually Alaihi Wa Sallam Prophet sallallaahu Nor had him take another wife during his lifetime that his first wife (khadijah), while after the death of his forge khadijahlah then another wife, women prisoners of war, or the woman whose heart is willing to Prophet, or the friends who wanted to have a closer relationship with the prophet and his companions wished for him to marry their daughter who was a widow, so likewise there is like that of Abu Bakr would kinship between him and the Prophet is closer, until then he asked the Messenger willing to marry his daughter Aisha when've Hero (quite old), being other than Aisha radhiallahu 'anhu everything is widowed.Similarly, Imam Ali Bin Abu Talib, the Prophet's daughter Fatima was about to collect Azzahra with another woman."It was narrated from Ibn Miswar Makhramah ra: 'Ali bin Abi Talib ra. Abu Jahl applying girls, while her husband at that time he was Fatima, the Prophet's daughter. When hearing an application Ali, Fatima went to the Prophet and said:'Surely thou hast spoken that you never get angry because your daughters. I told him that Ali was about to marry the daughter of Abu Jahl. 'Miswar said: Then the Prophet. stand. I heard him read tasyahud, then said:"Amma ba'du. Actually I married Abu'l Ash bin Rabi '. She talked to me and he membenarkanku. And indeed, Fatima bint Muhammad is a lump of flesh. And I really do not like it when they slandered. And by Allah, the Prophet's daughter should not be assembled with the daughter of the enemy of God to a husband for ever. "Then Ali radhiallahu 'Anhu leave proposal. (Saheeh HR. Muslims 7: 142)Later in history, next to the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam heard the news, he said to Imam Ali Bin Abu Talib radhiallahu 'anhu:"Verily Fatima is my flesh and blood and I was worried he would be disturbed his religion." Then He said one of his sons in-law of 'Abdi Shams (ie' Uthman bin Affan ra), by praising his marriage to her well judged. Then He SAW said: "son-when he speaks to me honestly, if you promise me, fulfill it. Actually I not forbid the lawful or justify the unlawful, but, for the sake of Allah, the Prophet's daughter should not at all be gathered in one place with the daughter of the enemy of God for ever and ever. "(Al-Hadith).This means that the real Imam Ali ibn Abu Talib radhiallahu no mixing Fatimah Bint Muhammad sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam with any woman, she was detained and her heart.Until then after Fatimah Az Zahra's death, he and his wife as a woman mixing between each other.So O servants - servants are glorified GOD by GOD, could be thou do selayak Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa Sallam and Imam Ali Bin Abu Talib radhiallahu anhu, they unite incomparable for their first wife prior to his death??And remember the warning from GOD Almighty in His word for husbands who want to unite her with one another:ولن تستطيعوا أن تعدلوا بين النساء ولو حرصتم"Meaning: And you would not have ever interchangeable justice among wives (mu) even though you really want to beruntuk thus" [An-Nisa: 129]Therefore, in a hadith of Aisha radhiallahu 'anha bahwasa Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam was split among the wives turn fairly, then complain to Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala in prayer:"Meaning: O Allah, this is the division of the turn that I was able to meet and denounce what you do not incapacitate me to do" [History Hadith Abu Dawud, Tirmidhi, Nasa'i, Ibn Majah and Ibn Hibban dishahihkan and Judges][Fataawa mar'ah. 2/62]Considerations Before PolygamySo .. O servants of GOD .. is there you have power over one of the sciences it is about fairness yourselves fully to you, the people - and the people around you as well as for your wives? Jikalaulah "yes", then do it, is if it is not or you are in any doubt about the fairness of yourself for your wives, then you should leave .. so real that it is better for you than the unjust persecution was something that was hurting the other.And then .. still able to guard the sanctity of your wives? If "yes," then do it, is if it is not or you are in doubt about such a subject it .. then you should leave ..Then there anything you could provide protection for security and comfort and happiness in their hearts, you're not going to do any damage to them selves? Because GOD Almighty is nothing like the damage. If "yes," then do it, is if it is not or you are in doubt about such a subject it .. then you should leave .. as such it is no closer than the mayhem, and the mayhem that is a great sin case. Being GOD Almighty is witness to anything you do.Amount Allowed polygamyIndeed Tabaraka GOD Almighty has provided you limit the number of wives allowed you, that is only 4 people. And whoever exceeds the limits set GOD surely he has broken over anything that GOD Subhana wa Ta'ala created for himself.As the Word of GOD Almighty:فانكحوا ما طاب لكم من النساء مثنى وثلاث ورباعwomen, then marry (other) that you enjoy: two, three or four people. An-Nisa: 3Then the verse was strengthened by the Word of GOD Almighty others, which reads:وامرأة مؤمنة إن وهبت نفسها للنبي إن أراد النبي أن يستنكحها خالصة لك من دون المؤمنين"Pious woman who gives herself to the Prophet if the Prophet wanted to marry her, as a specialization for you, and not to all who believe. Al-Ahzaab: 050."As a specialization for you, not for all the believers," meaning that .. that GOD Almighty hath a husband is only allowed more than four wives only to the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam as a specialization course for him, was never for his community. Because the science fair, patient, sincere, thoughtful and owned by him would have been beyond the ummah, was again the moral perfection of character is commendable that he belongs to them all.Giving necessity of each wife a house Except If They Rela One-Stop,To follow the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam.It is mandatory for you to give each - each wife a house and nothing in between wives under one roof so that no strife and jealousy between them, unless the consent of your wives over you.Word of GOD Almighty:وقرن في بيوتكنMeaning: And let them stay in their homes "[Al-Ahzab: 33]Another word of GOD Almighty:واذكرن ما يتلى في بيوتكن من آيات الله والحكمة"Meaning: And remember what is recited in your houses of the revelations of Allah and wisdom (the Sunnah of your Prophet)" [al-Ahzaab: 34]This means that GOD Subahana Sunnah wa Ta'ala mentions that the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam Nor only one there.Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, after a few friends who said: "I will always pray night and will not sleep". The other one said: "I will continue to fast and will not break." The other one said: "I will not marry a woman".When greeting them came to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, he was preaching directly in front of his friends, as he praised Allah and then he said."Meaning: Kaliankah earlier that say" so and so? ". By Allah, I am the most fear of Allah among you and most devoted to him. Even so, I fast and I break, I pray the night but I will sleep, and I marry women. Those who do not like the Sunnah, then it is not from (people) I "[History of Al-Bukhari]This means that the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam gave permanence to his community to uphold the Sunnah that stands up to him, was he who reneges on his sunnah surely he hath not sanctioned as a person he recognized as his community.Of Aisha radi 'anha that the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam once asked when sick who drove his death, "Where am tomorrow? Where me tomorrow? "What he meant is the day (turn) Aisha. Then his wives allowed him to live where he wants, so he lived in the house until his death Aisha at his side. Aisha said, "So he died on the day to turn in my house.Then God take his life while he rests his head on my chest, while he mingled with the sweat sweat "[Al-Bukhari Hadith History]From Anas radi 'anhu, he said, "The Prophet had been in the home of one wife, and one of his Ummahatul Faithful (wives of the Prophet) sent a plate of food. Then she (the Prophet's wife) whose home occupied the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam hit the waiter hands so that the plate was dropped and broke. Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam collecting shards plate and then collect the food back into it and said,' Your mother was jealous'. Furthermore, the waitress was arrested that he was given a plate of the house occupied by the wife of the Prophet. Then the waiter handed him a plate of good to the wife who solved his plate. While the Prophet still hold the broken dishes at home plate rupture crime scene "[Al-Bukhari Hadith History]Ibn Syaibah rahimahullah in the book Al-Mushannaf (IV/388) said, "Abad bin Al-Awam reported to me from Ghalib, he said," I never ask Hasan-or asked-about a man who has two wives in in one house? He said, They (the Companions) memakruhkan al-wajs, that he screwed one of them while the others see. " Atsar is valid.In the book Al-Mughni (VII/26), Ibn Qudama rahimahullah said, "A man should not collect two wives lived in one place without the pleasure of both, whether young or old, because between them there is a disadvantage, where between kedunaya no animosity and jealousy.While the unification of the two could spark fights and wars. And each one of them will hear the motion if he screwed another wife or it could be he will see it. And if they both agree to it, then it is permissible, because that right belongs to them, so they are both tolerant to leave.Similarly, if both are willing to sleep on their husbands between them in a blanket. And if both are willing to interfere with their husbands one of them in the presence of the other, such that it was not allowed, because it contains the humiliation, disgrace, and the collapse of authority so that it is not allowed even if they allow ".Imam Al-Qurtubi (XIV/217) said, "Not allowed to collect his wife in the house, unless they are willing".In the book Al-Majmu Syarhul Muhadzdzab said (XVI/415), "If a man has several wives who are not placed in the same house, except by expressing them or one of them, because it can cause a quarrel between them. And not allowed him to interfere with one of them while the others were to be with him because of the demikiian it is not good manners anymore damage relations "Records.Among the forms of self-prevalence homes for each wife is no intervention in terms of food among wives. It has been shown by previous hadith, "Then one Ummahatul Faithful sent a dish in which there is food." This hadeeth indicates that the diet of each of the other wives apart. But if they were gathered in a banquet with the pleasure of all the wives, then it is no problem. Bish Showab Allaah knows best.
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