Friday, December 7, 2012

Primacy of prayer in congregation IN MOSQUE 

The first part of two posts
Prayer is the second pillar of Islam and is a very important pillar of Islam after syahadatain. Prayer is worship that must be accomplished in a limited time (prayers have certain times) and God commands us to always keep. Allah Ta'ala says:

"Verily, the prayer for the believer is certain obligations (set) time." (Surat an-Nisa: 103)

"Keep the prayers (mu) and Wustha prayer, and stand for God in a state of humility." (Surat al-Baqara: 238)
Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi Wassalam said:

"Islam is built on five cases: the creed that there is no god has the right to be worshiped but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, and prayers ..." (Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)
It has many of the Muslims who abandon prayers, well it is not prayers at all or a waste of time to pray prayer mengakhirkan. Allaah has threatened those who belittle and mengakhirkan prayers of his time. Allah says:

"They came after them (after the chosen people of God) replacement wasted prayers and indulge their desires, then one day they will see (due to) their error." (Surah Maryam: 59)

"So woe to those who pray. (Namely) those who are neglectful of their prayers. "(Surat al Ma'un :4-5)
And should the people who still have faith in him fear the words of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi Wassalam. From Jabir radhiallah anhu, he said:
"The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi Wassalam said,

'Verily (boundary) between someone with pagan polytheism and the prayer.' "(Narrated by Muslim)
In the hadith Buraidah radhiallahu anhu, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi Wassalam said:

"The agreement between us and them is prayer, so whoever left her an infidel." (Narrated by Ahmad and Sunan Ahlus removing dg saheeh isnaad).
Indeed, prayer is the link between servant and God. Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi Wassalam said:

"Surely one of you if you were praying, then he bermunajat (talk) to his Lord." (Narrated by Bukhari).
In qudsy hadith, Allah Ta'ala says:
"I divided the prayer between Me and My servant into two parts. For my servant what he asked (to be given). So if the servant say:

'Praise be to Allah the Lord of hosts,' And God said: 'My servant praised me. " If he had to say:

'The Most Gracious, Most Merciful', Allah said: 'My servant praised me. " If he had to say:

'The master day of vengeance ", Allah said:' My servant glorified Me '. If he had to say:

'You alone we worship and only You we ask for help', Allah will say, 'This is part of me and part of my servants, and for him what he asked for.' If it reads:

'Show us the straight path (ie) the people who have given you a favor, not (the way) of their wrath, nor (path) they are misguided.' And God said: 'It's part of my servant and the servant My what he asked for. '"(HR.Muslim)
Including cases that adorn the prayer is the command to pray in congregation. Even so the importance of prayer in congregation as to start time of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi Wassalam until the time of the priests schools, they are all so preoccupied. Bukahkah Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi Wassalam to never utter his desire to have someone lead the people, and others looking for firewood which will then be used to burn the houses of those who do not attend the prayer in congregation?.
Did not the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi Wassalam also once said:

"Those who heard the call to prayer, then he did not come (to the mosque), then there is no prayer for him." (Narrated by Ibn Majah, hadith saheeh)
Ibn Mas'ud said radhiallahu anhu:
"Those who like to meet God one day as a Muslim, then he should keep the prayer-prayer, with the prayers that he called. Allah Almighty to Prophet outlines streets you clues (Sunnah-sunnah). If you pray at home, like a man who was praying at his home late, surely you have left the sunnah of your Prophet. If you leave your Sunnah, surely you get lost. And not a man with perfect purity and deliberately to the mosque among the mosques (there) except Allah writes for him a favor for every step that he swung and lifted also with a degree and by which the removal of the sin. As you know, no one left (prayer in congregation) but the real hypocrites hypocrisy. And really people (who was unable to) at the time, was taken to come (to the mosque) and then being carried by two men in the rows diberdirikan. "(Narrated by Muslim)
Praying in congregation is also the most emphasized worship, obedience, and also the largest Islamic syi'ar the greatest, but many people who attribute a Muslim himself to underestimate this. This dismissive attitude could be due to several factors, among others:
a. They did not know what was prepared by the Almighty in the form of rewards are great and abundant reward for people who pray in congregation or they do not appreciate and do not remember it.
b. They do not know the law of prayer in congregation or pretend not to know.
Therefore, below I will present the virtues of praying in congregation dimasjid.
Prayer virtue BERJAMAH
A. Depending on the mosque hearts will be in the shade (Throne) of Allah Ta'ala on the Day of Judgement.
Among what it shows is that the primacy of prayer in congregation who loves the mosque to pray in congregation in it, then Allah Ta'ala will shelter under His shade on the day there is no shade except His shade. From Abu Hurairah friend radhiallah anhu, that the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi sayings, he said:

"There are seven categories that will be shaded by Allah under His shade on the day there is no shade except His shade: a just imam, a young man who grew up in the worship of his Lord, someone whose heart is dependent on the mosques, two who love each other for Allah together and parted ways due to his cool person (adultery) by women who have status and beauty, then he said, 'Truly I fear Allah', a man who bersadaqah secretly so that his left hand does not know what is spend by his right hand, and someone who remembers Allah in a state of quiet (self) then both his eyes. "(Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim)
Imam Nawawi rahimahullah said when explaining his saying, "And the man whose heart is dependent on the mosques."
"That is, very loving and always perform prayers in congregation in it. Its meaning is not constantly sitting in the mosque. "(Sharh an Nawawi VII/121)
Al 'Allamah al-' Aini rahimahullah menjelaska what can be gleaned from the words he sallallaahu 'alaihi these sayings, "It includes the virtue of those who always were in the mosque for prayers in congregation, because the mosque is God's house and the house of everyone who restrain themselves. Deservedly who visited glorify people who visit; then what about the Lord the Merciful? '.
B. Virtue Walking to the Mosque for prayers in congregation Implement
1. He noted footsteps toward the mosque.
(Apostle) who spoke with the revelations, a noble lover sallallaahu 'alaihi Wassalam explained that steps foot into a Muslim mosque will be logged. Imam Muslim narrated by Jabir bin Abdillah dai radhiallahu anhuma, he said, "Bani Salimah want to move to the nearby mosque, while the place is empty. When it came to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi Regards, then he said:

"O Bani Salimah! Remain in your settlement, because the steps you will be. "
They said:

"There are encouraging us when we move." (Narrated by Muslim)
Imam Nawawi rahimahullah said in explaining his saying: "O Bani Salimah! Remain in your settlement, because the steps you will be on record. "
"It means, keep dipemukiman you! For if you remain in your pemukiamn, the traces and steps that many of you will be heading to the mosque. "(Sharh an NawawiV/169)
'Abdullah bin Abbas radhiallahu anhuma said, as narrated by Ibn Majah in prompting, "Settlement of the Ansar very far from the mosque, and they want to be close to him, then this verse came down,

"And we write down what they have done and the scars they left behind." (Surah Yasin: 12)
Finally, they remain in their settlements. "(HR.Ibnu Majah)
Recording of the steps leading to the mosque not only when he went to the mosque, but also note when returning it. Imam Muslim narrated from Ubayy ibn Ka'b radhiallahu anhu story of an Ansar who never left behind from prayer in congregation, nor did he want his house adjacent to the mosque, he said to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi sayings:

"I do not rejoice if my house (located) near the mosque. I want to order my steps to the mosque and my return when I go back to my family record. "
Then the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi Wassalam said:

"God has brought together all of it for you." (Narrated by Muslim)
In the history of Ibn Hibban:

"God has given it all to you. God has given you what you are looking for, everything. "(HR.Ibnu Majah)
2. Glorious Angels fought to record it.
Among the arguments that demonstrate the virtue of walking to the mosque to pray in congregation that God raised position measures the (walking) to the mosque, even the angels brought near (unto Allah) scrambling to write them down and bring it up to the sky.
Imam rahimahullah at Tirmidhi narrated from Ibn 'Abbas radhiallahu anhuma, he said, the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi Wassalam said:

"That prophecy tabaarakta wata'aala my Rabb, came to me in the most beautiful way." (Narrator saying, 'I expect it to say,' In your dreams. '). Then He said, "O Muhammad! Do you know, what the noble angels who fight each other? "The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi Wassalam said:" I said,' No '. Then he put his hand between her shoulder so I feel the coolness in my chest (or he said, 'In my neck'). Then I know what is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth. "He said," O Muhammad! Do you know to what the noble angels who fight each other? "I replied," Yes, about kaffarat (cases that take away sins ). Kaffarat it is staying in the mosque after praying, walking distance to pray in congregation, and perfecting ablution when you do not. "(Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, Hadith saheeh).
If on foot to pray in congregation does not include the noble charity, will the Angels muqarrabun not be scrambling to take down and bring it up to the sky.
3. Walking out to pray in congregation is one reason to get insurance in the form of a good life and a good death anyway.
Not only did the Angels fought to record deeds walk to pray in congregation, even God makes guarantees a good life and a good death anyway. Mentioned in the previous hadith:
"Whoever did it - the three deeds mentioned in the hadith, among them walking out to pray in congregation - and he lived well and died well too."
How great is this guarantee! Life baikdan good death. who promised that? He is Allah, the Almighty, which no one has done more than he kept his promise.
4. Walking towards shalar congregation is one reason abolition mistakes and exalted degree.
Narrated by Imam Muslim from Abu Hurayrah friend radhiallahu anhu that Rasool's Wassalam said:

"Shall I point out to you about the case that will eliminate errors and also raised a few degrees?" The Companions replied, "Yes, O Messenger of Allah?" He said, "Perfecting the ablution 'unwelcome at many steps to the mosque- mosque, and waiting for the prayer after praying. So, that ar-tibath (fighting in the way of Allah). "(Narrated by Muslim).
Ar-ribath in origin-as stated by Imam Ibn al-Athir is standing for jihad to fight the enemy, tying the horse and prepare it. Prophet of Allaah be upon Wassalam likening him what was mentioned in the form of righteous deeds and worship him. It also confirms the magnitude resemblance notch three deeds mentioned in the hadith, many of whom went to the mosque.
Keutaman also applies to someone who stepped out of the mosque, Imam Ahmad rahimahullah narrates from 'Abdullah ibn Amr radhiallahu anhuma, he said, "The Messenger of Allaah be upon Wassalam said:

"Whoever goes to the mosque to pray in congregation, then the step will eliminate one error and one more step will be written as a virtue for her, both when going and come home." (Narrated by Ahmad, hadith is saheeh).
5. Reward people who go out in the state of purity (have ablution) to pray in congregation as reward those who perform Hajj and Umrah.
Imam Ahmad and Abu Dawud narrates from Abu Umamah friend radhiallahu anhu. He said that the Messenger of Allaah be upon Wassalam said:

"Whoever comes out of his house to the mosque in a state of purification (has wudoo ') to perform the obligatory prayer (in congregation), then the reward is like the reward of those who perform hajj and ihram." (This Hadith by Shaykh al-Albani dihasankan).
Zainul 'Arab said in describing the Prophet of Allaah be upon sayings: "As reward those who perform hajj and ihram," "Namely, the perfect reward." (' Aunul Ma'buud II/357)
Allahu Akbar, if the reward is so great that people came out to pray in congregation, then how does the reward of praying in congregation?
6. People who come out (to the mosque) to perform prayers in congregation is under warranty Allah Ta'ala.
Prophet of Allaah be upon Wassalam explained that the people coming to pray in congregation is under warranty Allah Ta'ala. Imam rahimahullah bu Dawud narrated from Abu Umamah radhiallahu anhu, from Rasool's sayings, he said:

"There are three groups, all of which are guaranteed by Allah Ta'ala, the people who came out to fight in the way of Allah, then it is guaranteed by God until He mewafatkannya then put it into Heaven or return with a reward and ghanimah, then the people who go to the mosque , then it is guaranteed by God until He mewafatkannya plainly put it in Heaven or return with a reward, and the person who entered the house with a greeting, then it is guaranteed by God. "(Narrated by Abu Dawood, at shahihkan by Shaykh al Albani)
7. People who came out to pray in congregation in prayer to be back home.
Imam Ibn Khuzaimah narrated from Abu Hurayrah in shahihnya radhiallahu anhu, he said, "Abul Qasim Allaah be upon Wassalam said:

"If any one of you wudoo 'at home, then come to the mosque, then he is in prayer until he returned. Therefore, do not say that-while menjaringkann between his fingers-. "(Narrated by Ibn Khuzaimah, in shahihkan by Shaykh al Albani)
8. Good news for people who walked in darkness (to perform prayer in congregation) to obtain the perfect light on the Day of Resurrection.
Imam Ibn Majah narrated from Sahl ibn Sa'd as Sa'di radhiallahu anhu, he said that the Messenger of Allaah be upon Wassalam said:

"Let the people who walked in darkness to the mosque rejoice with (get) the perfect light on the Day of Resurrection." (HR.Ibnu Majah, Shaykh al-Albani vote saheeh)
Ath Thayyibi rahimahullah said, "About disifatinya light with perfection and restrictions with (in the) Day of Judgement, hinted to the faces of the believers on the Day of Judgment, as in the word of God:

"Being light they radiate in front and to the right of them, while they say, 'Our Lord, we light the way for us.'" (Surat at Tahriim: 8) (quoted from 'Aunul Ma'buud II/268)
Disampaing the Prophet of Allaah be upon Wassalam instructed all parties to give glad tidings to those who walk in darkness to the mosque with this great news. Imam Abu Dawud related from Buraidah radhiallahu anhu, Rasool's Wassalam said:

"Give good news to the people who walked in darkness to the mosque with cahay (which will be earned) on the day of Judgment." (Narrated by Abu Dawood, at shahihkan by Shaykh al Albani)
Al-'Allama' Abdur Ra-uf al Munawi rahimahullah explains this hadith, "When they run into troubles because of constantly running into the night towards obedience, then they are to be rewarded in the form of cahay that illuminates them on the Day of Judgment." (Faidhul Qadiir III / 201).
9. God prepares a stopover in heaven for anyone who goes to the mosque or go home (from it).
In riwayatkan of ash from Abu Hurayrah radhiallahu Syaikhan anhu from the Prophet of Allaah be upon sayings, he said:

"Whoever goes to the mosque and home (it), God prepared for her sojourn in heaven every time I went and came home." (Muttafaq 'alaih, lafazh is owned by Bukhari).
If the transit of people who go to the mosque or home prepared him by Allah, the Lord of heaven and earth, and the Creator of the whole universe, then how persingahan it??
C. People Who Come to the mosque is Allah Ta'ala Guest
Among what indicates the primacy of prayer in congregation in the mosque is what is described by the Prophet of Allaah be upon sayings that people who come to the mosque was the guest of Allah Ta'ala, and shall glorify guests visited. Imam ath Thabrani Salman radhiallahu anhu narrated from the Messenger of Allaah be upon Wassalam said:
"Those who do wudoo 'at home with a perfect then approached the mosque, he was the guest of God, and who in kunjunginya shall glorify his guests." (Narrated by ath Thabrani)
How do I glorify God are his, while he is the most gracious Lord, the Lord of the heavens and the earth? The companions of the Messenger of Allaah be upon Wassalam also confirmed this. Imam Ibn al-Mubarak rahimahullah narrated from 'Amr ibn Maimun, he said, "The companions of the Messenger of Allaah be upon Wassalam said,' The house of God on earth is a mosque, and God shall glorify Him who is visiting in it. '" (Kiitab az Zuhd )
D. Allah Ta'ala Rejoice with his servant coming to the mosque for prayers in congregation Implement
Imam Ibn Khuzaimah narrated from Abu Hurairah radiallahu anhu, he said that the Messenger of Allaah be upon Wassalam said:

"It is not any one of you wudoo 'perfectly well and then went to the mosque, except she did not want prayer in it, but God rejoice him as a family man who went away delighted with his arrival." (HR.Ibnu Khuzaimah, dishahihkan by Shaykh al-Albani )
Imam Ibn al-Athir rahimahullah said, "Al Bassyu is excitement with fellow companions, gentle in the matter and penyambutannya. It is permisalan made about him by the grace of God welcome him, held it (him) and honor him. "(An-Nihaayah fii Ghariibil Hadith wal Atsar I/130).
E. Virtue Waiting for Prayers
People who sit waiting for the prayer, then he is in prayer and Angels plead for her forgiveness and gift of grace. Imam Muslim narrated from Abu Hurayrah radhiallahu anhu that Rasool's Wassalam said:

"One of you sit down to wait for the prayer, then he is in prayer while not berhadats, and the angels pray for him: 'O Allah! Give him mercy, O God! Rahmatilah it. '"(Narrated by Muslim).

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