Saturday, December 8, 2012


Sin is basically insubordination or disobedience toward God and RosulNya either doing things that are prohibited or neglect was ordered. That sin involves two parts: major sins and minor sins. It is shown as in the Qur'an; meaning: "If you avoid major sins among the forbidden sins you do, We shall remit (small sins) and We put you into place noble (heaven). [Surah An-Nisa: 31].

Both are disobedience to God and RosulNya, which sets it apart is the level of impacts and threats to the culprit.

Definition of major sins and minor sins

Great sin (kaba'ir) is any sin that resulted in punishment in this world or threatened by God with a special threat in the Hereafter; getting Allaah, His curse and anger. As Allah says in Surah Al-Maida: 45;, which means "whosoever does not judge by what Allah hath revealed, they are the people who do wrong".

Prophet mentions some sin of which the history of Bukhari and Muslim hadith, which means:

"He said, 'Stay away from things that destroy seven (7 major sins)." They said,' What is it, O Messenger of Allah? ' He said, 'associating partners with Allah, magic, killing, eating usury, eating the orphan's property, away from the battlefield, and a vile woman accused mu'minat fine' "(Bukhari Muslim).

In another narration: "Shall I inform you of the greatest sins? That shirk, disobedient to parents, and giving false testimony. Messenger kept repeating the words, so we were hoping that he stop repeating" (Bukhari).

While small sin (shaghaa'ir) are sins that do not lead to punishment in the world and there is no specific threat in the afterlife.

It is as disamaikan by the Prophet:

"Abu Huraira narrated that the Prophet. Said, 'It has been established by man his share of adultery which certainly does: adultery both eyes is to see, ears to hear fornication, adultery is said verbally, zinanya fingered hands, feet stepping zinanya, while the liver is zinanya wanting and dreaming, kermudian farjilah justifying or rejected him '"(Muslim).

Minor sins or major sins are influenced by one's favorite in forgiveness or sin, as stated in a hadith that "There is no great sin and seek forgiveness when accompanied by no small sin (if performed) with continuous". (Narrated Ath-Thabrani)

The consequences for the perpetrators of the Great Sins

Anyone who committed major sins he had committed a major transgression and tyranny and will get penalized in accordance with the sin that has been done. There are some great sin mentioned will not be forgiven by God, that is shirk (associating partners with Allah) and the Apostate (not return to Islam). But the person who has fallen into shirk or apostasy, then realized his mistake and the magnitude of the sin that has been done, he could not despair of forgiveness and repentance Allah Ta'ala, "For verily Allah is Oft repentance, Most Merciful." (QS . Al-Hujurat: 12).

While the sins of others remain with the consequence that is getting 'Uqubat and or punishment in the afterlife if they do not repent and return to the rule of Islam.

Criteria great sin

There is a mention of the size of the large-small a sin to look at the promise of God to his doom as stated in the Qur'an. Didikatakan also that sin is any sin that has hadd syar'i God has created (a particular sentence). But not all of sanction is a great sin.

Based on existing descriptions of Al-Quran and As-Sunnah and explanations Jumhur 'Ulama, the criteria for major sins can be categorized into two;

Sin that resulted in punishment in the world or 'uquubat / sanctions. Includes:
Hudud: Sanctions for disobedience set (levels) by the Shari'a, and the right of God's provision. Hudud is only imposed for the following crimes: (1). Zina, (2). Homosexual / liwath, (3). Qodzaf (accused of adultery without four witnesses, (4). Khamr Drink, (5). Apostate (did not want to return to Islam), (6). Robbed (hirobah), (7). Rebelled against the state (bughot), and (8). Steal.
Jinayat: abuse or assault to the body requiring that Qisas (retaliation in kind) or diyat (fines). Persecution here include the persecution of life and limb. Your options are: (1). Pebunuhan / persecution ended with the murder, (2). Persecution without ending up with a murder.
Ta'zir: sanctions imposed for disobedience in which there are no limits and expiation.
Ta'zir generally divided into: (1) breach of privilege, (2) breach of glory, (3) actions that damage the mind, (4) violation of the property, (5) disturbance, (6) subversion; (7 ) offenses relating to religion.

Mukholafat: Violation of the rules that have been defined by the state. When Caliph provisions contrary to shariah, can race against it. And Just violations resulting damage / tyranny great including great sin.
Sin getting specific threats, gets the punishment, la'nat and anger of God, including:
Punishable by Hadd.
There are a number of verses of Al-Quran that threaten a pelnggaran dengn hukumn limit, misalny in surah Al-Baqoroh: 178.

There's a saying Fahisyat.
Sin can be known also by the expression fahisyat for violations. Among the Surat An-Nisa: 15

The perpetrators threatened to curse
There's a saying Allah curse the perpetrators either the Qur'an or the As-Sunnah, like Surat an-Nisa: 51-51

Threatened Woe (wayl)
In the Qur'an there be some verses that contain the word wayl (woe), diantarany in Sura al-Muthaffifin: 1-3.

From the explanation above criteria, we can understand which included a multitude of sins, though not exactly know the number. Even there are some scholars who discuss specific major sins in a book.

Obligation as Muslims are not doing either big or small sin. Be aware that there is a systematic disobedience, Muslims sometimes forced or compelled to do it, such as Riba and others in the network is not arbitrate to the shari'ah of Allah. This is because the country that we live in it is not applying the rules set by Al-Khalik.

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