1. Did you know? Apparently the name used in the World's Most are "Muhammad" followed by the name of "Jack"
2. Albania is the only country on the continent of Europe were 90% of the population is Muslim
3. The following sayings are derived from Arabic: Algebra, Zero, Cotton, Sofa, Rice, Candy, Safron, Balcony, even 'Alcohol' is derived from the Arabic, Al-Kuhl, who has erties "powder" which later absorbed into English.
4. Several verses in the Holy Qur'an describes the importance of equality between men and women (mathematical calculations). The word "man" and "woman" in the Qur'an is equally numbered 24
5. Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world according to many sources, it would be a religious dijangkakan nombor 1 in the world in 2030
6. If now the Qur'an were destroyed, the Arabic version of the Quran will be immediately recovered by millions of Muslims, called "Huffaz" who had memorized the words in the Qur'an from initial start up to the end of paragraph .
7. Muslims increased 2.9% per year. This growth is faster than the growth in the population of the earth itself is only 2.3% per year.
8. Based on data from the Ministry of Defense of the United Syarikat. Budgeted seramai 15.000 Moslems in the U.S. submissive Militari (Stats 1997).
9. Seramai 8 million Muslims now in the U.S. and 20,000 Americans convert to Islam every year after the events of 9/11
10. The body of the Prophet Muhammad ever want stolen 2 times, but kedua2nya failed and one that stole removed by God from the earth
11. Qur'an is the only holy book that should be memorized millions of people (Hafidz / penghafal Qur'an) so that the authenticity / purity is always maintained.
12. If other religions have more than 4 versions of the scriptures are different from each other, the Quran there is only one and there is no contradiction in it:
13. The astronauts have found that free planet was issued some sort of radiation centered in the city of Mecca, precisely derived from the Kaaba. The surprise is that radiation is infiniti (not expired), the radiation penetrates the planet mars and still continuity. Researchers believe that free radiation characteristics and linking between the Kaaba on the planet Earth with the Kaaba in the afterlife.
14. The last words of the Prophet Muhammad before his death was "Ummatii ... ummatii ... ummatii" which reveals how the love of the king to his people.
15. The first prayer performed by Rasulallah SAW overlooking the Grand Mosque is the Asar prayers with his companions, having previously leaned toward Masjid Baitul Maqdis for 16 months.
16. A total of 23 times during the Prophet led war, defeat only once in the suffering of the Muslims, that is, the battle of Uhud.
17. Musa is the name most often mentioned in the Qur'an, while Mary is satu2nya her name mentioned in the Qur'an.
18. All children Prophet Muhammad, namely, Al-Qasim, Abdullah and Ibrahim, died at the age of approximately 2 years. God deliberately called them earlier so that the Muslims did not raise them to be new apostles.
19. Black Stone was sent down from heaven, the color is whiter than milk, and the sins of our children and grandchildren that make Adamlah black.
20. Al-Khwarizmi (mathematician), Jabir Ibn Hayyan (chemistry), Ibn Khaldun (sociology and history), Ibn Sina (kedoktoran), Ar Razi (kedoktoran), Al Biruni (fizik), Ibn Battuta (anthropology) are examples of the hundreds of Muslim scholars the reference in moden science.
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