The reason why the enemies of Islam is Jewish and what is it? In this article I will explain the reason Islam is the enemy of the Jews. Here's an explanation of the reason Islam is the enemy of the Jews that I know of:
First, God insists that with the pagan Jews is the greatest enmity against the believers.
لتجدن أشد الناس عداوة للذين آمنوا اليهود والذين أشركوا
"Indeed you dapati those hardest enmity for those who believe are the Jews and the idolaters." (Surat Al-Maida verse 82)
Is worth when the war in Gaza yesterday Zionist regime of Israel is deliberately making Palestinian Muslim children as their military target. Because according to their Palestinian children in Gaza will grow into the 'terrorists'.
Secondly, the Prophet shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam describes the Jews as the greatest of his malicious nature of the Islamic Ummah. Envy in Arabic does not mean just jealous or envious. Envy in Arabic containing at least three senses:
(1) Iri see others get a pleasure
(2) Striving enjoyment in ways to make it off of the earlier
(3) After the escape he will try his best to comfort the move to hand
Here are three items that contained the malicious words in Arabic. And according to the Prophet shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam Jews are the most loaded malicious nature.
إن اليهود قوم حسد, وإنهم لا يحسدونا على شيء
كما يحسدونا على السلام, وعلى آمين
"Indeed, the Jews are a people full of malicious nature. 'And they do not envy the things as hasadnya against us (the Muslims) in terms of (saying)" Hello "and" Amen. "(Saheeh Ibn Khuzaimah HR 1500)
Through the above hadith the Prophet shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam explained that among the major reasons the Jews envy the Islamic Ummah as we said a prayer habits "Hello" to each other when meeting. Speech reflects the love and brotherhood that thrives among fellow believers. And this is not liked by the Jews. They are therefore very popular with the political "split bamboo" or divide et empera when facing the Islamic Ummah. They really hate to see the Muslims berkasih mutual compassion and maintain unity. That's why they gave candy to Mahmoud Abbas and his Fatah group gave the Hamas military aggression. Some Muslim nations make their Palestinian collaborators while others are destroyed and the accused as a terrorist group ...!
Another thing that causes them envy us are saying "Amen." Speech is usually played Ummah as they pray in the mosque-prayer, especially praying Fajr, Maghrib and Isha when Imam download Jaharkan prayer readings. Therefore Jewish hate against the Islamic Ummah habits-especially the men-establish prayer in congregation in the mosque. They will try every effort to distance the Islamic Ummah from doing this. And that is why most of the brutality of the Israeli forces in Gaza today is destroying at least 22 buildings mosque where some of them during prayer dirudal progress ...!!!
Third, God confirmed that most of the Jews had a habit of treason. Only a few of them who are not traitors character.
ولا تزال تطلع على خائنة منهم إلا قليلا منهم
".. And you (O Muhammad) will always see the treachery of them except a few of them (which is not treason) ..." (Surah Al-Maida verse 13)
Jewish history is the history of betrayal. They used to betray the Prophet messenger of God. In fact they usually betray God ...! One example of Jewish treason against God are depicted in surah Al-A'raf. Where there is a Jewish village that banned fishing on Saturday. But under God taqdir fish it just popped into the sea on Saturday alone while other days the fish did not appear. So what's villagers? Nominally held fishing nets on Saturday night. Then on Saturday they watched the fish into the trap nets have them installed. Then she arrived Sunday they'd roll nets before the fish got out of it.
واسألهم عن القرية التي كانت حاضرة البحر إذ يعدون
في السبت إذ تأتيهم حيتانهم يوم سبتهم شرعا
ويوم لا يسبتون لا تأتيهم كذلك نبلوهم بما كانوا يفسقون
"And ask the Children of Israel on the land which is near the sea when they break the rules on Saturday, in time to come to their fish (which were around) them floating on the water surface, and in the days that are not Saturday, the fish did not come to them. thus do We try them because they act wickedly. "(Surat al-A'raf verse 163)
That is why when we remember the first time Israeli killing machine attacked Gaza on December 27, 2008. The date was a Saturday. They deploy warplanes dropped dozens of unmanned missile that killed hundreds of Gazans. They anticipate a curfew on Saturday by way of deploying unmanned war machines. So they killed by relying on modern technology which can be set remotely. They betrayed the law of God with scheming just like ghetto fishing ban in the case on Saturday ...!!
If they betrayed Allah let alone "just" the Palestinians that they value not only not human. The Jews saw them as a nation than Ghoyim or Gentile in English. Ghoyim meaning creatures that are not categorized as a human being because it does not include the Jews.
Brother, this is a small part of the reason why we need to be hostile to the Jews. Indeed there are many more long list of their crimes. It is true hadith of the Prophet shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam below:
عن عدي بن حاتم عن النبي صلى الله عليه
وسلم قال اليهود مغضوب عليهم
Adi bin Hatim of the Prophet shollallahu 'alaih wa sallam, he said: "The Jews are the wrath of God ..." (Tirmidhi 2878)
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