Nasab Imam Shafi'i
He was named Muhammad ibn Idris ibn Abbas ibn Uthman ibn Shafi bin Saib bin Yazid bin Abdu Hashim bin Abdullah bin Abdu Manaf. Kun-yah (call of honor) he is Abu Abdullah (Abdullah's father) because he was a son named Abdullah. Imam Shafi'i met lineage lineage alahi wa salam Messenger of Allaah (SAW) at Abdu Manaf. While Hashim grandfather Imam Shafi'i was not the grandfather of the Prophet Muhammad.
It is reported that when a few days after his mother gave birth to Imam Shafi'i heard the news from Baghdad about the death of Imam Abu Hanifa. When examined closely it turns out today the death of Imam Abu Hanifah coincided with the birth of Imam Shafi'i. The scholars of the time indicate that Muhammad was a new born later will follow the scientific degree of Imam Abu Hanifa.
Prophet Muhammad Hadith indicating the arrival of Imam Shafi'i
The scholars have examined the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad with the excitement regarding the Prophet Muhammad to Imam Shafi'i.
Hadith of Ibn Mas'ud, he said: "Messenger of Allah has said: ye shall not berate pious Quraish Quraish because it will fill the earth science. O God, you have given an ordeal at the beginning of Quraysh, then give a gift at the end of the Quraish. "
Hadith of Ali ibn Abi Talib, he said: "The Messenger of Allah has said: Do not you lead the people of Quraysh and bermakmumlah you on them. Do not precede Quraish but they dahulukanlah. Do you teach Quraish but learn from them because the knowledge learned men of Quraysh would spread throughout the world, "
Imam Shafi'i seriousness in studying
Though raised in the state of orphans and the poor condition of the family, does not make him inferior especially lazy. Instead, the situation makes him more vigorous study. At the age of 9 years he has memorized the entire Koran. He was a lot of silence in the Masjid al-Haram where he is studying to scholars in various fields of science. He noted that science has gained the papers, the skin and bones of animals. Until one day the room was full of paper resting place, the skin and bones. And all the notes on the objects memorized by Imam entirely, and after that these objects burned.
Imam Shafi'i rote strength is staggering. To the extent that the entire book is read can be memorized. When he read the book he was trying to close the left page with his right hand for fear will see the left page and memorize it before he knew the right page.
On this he told me: that he never dreamed of meeting the Prophet and the Prophet said to him: "Who are you O young man?" Imam Shafi'i said. : "I am among your people, O Messenger of Allah" Apostle said: "come closer to me." Imam Shafi'i then came to the Prophet and Messenger took the spittle drooling and putting it into the mouth and lips Imam Shafi'i. after that the Prophet said to him: "Leave, may Allah blessed you." After the dream he never had difficulty in memorizing science.
He has also achieved a very beautiful language skills. His ability to compose poetry and altitude quality language recognition and rewards are very high by learned men his contemporaries.
Such high scientific achievements that have been accomplished in his very young age, so that teachers allow him to berfatwa at Masjid al-Haram. When that he even reached the age of 15 years.
Imam Shafi'i's departure to Medina
Contemporary living Imam Shafi'i Imam Malik ibn Anas, a great scholar founders Maliki madhhab. Imam Malik ibn Anas, also known as the Hadith Expert. He collects prophetic narrations in his book Muwatta 'entitled'. Imam Shafi'i book Muwatta 'borrowed' to one of the residents of Mecca and memorize in a short time. Imam Shafi'i longing to see Imam Malik in Madinah Al Munawwarah and hoped to benefit from his knowledge.
So one day Imam Shafi'i journeyed to Medina with the intention to study. On the way from Mecca to Medina he complete the Qur'an 16 times. Night one final time and the afternoon one. On the eighth day he arrived in Madinah after the Asr prayer. He prayed at the Prophet's Mosque and the first pilgrimage to the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad. After that he went to the residence of Imam Malik ibn Anas.
When Imam Malik, Imam Shafi'i face, he said: "I hope God always gives good. I was a prosecutor science. Conditions and story such and such ... "
Hearing those words Imam Malik felt pity and asked him: "what's your name?" Imam Shafi'i said: "Muhammad." Imam Malik said to him: "O Muhammad, bertaqwalah to God, avoid sin. I see no light in your heart. Have no light was extinguished by evil. Indeed, it will make you light needed by humans. "Imam Shafi'i replied:" yes. "Imam Malik said," if tomorrow you're still there, we'll teach you the Book Muwatta '.' "
Imam Shafi'i said: "O my lord, I have read the book Muwatta '" by heart. "Imam Malik said:" read "and Imam Shafi'i and Imam Malik listened reading. When Imam Malik, Imam Shafi'i worry tired, so he stopped. And Imam Malik and said: "O young people continue, I'll fix your reading." Thus, the daily activities of Imam Shafi'i was reading the book of Muwatta '' under the guidance of Imam Malik.
He was always present in the majlis of Imam Malik science that explains about the hadiths of the Prophet Muhammad. Imam Malik praised the strength and breadth of understanding of the recitation of the Imam Shafi'i studied science. Often, after reading his book, Imam Malik, Imam Shafi'i asked to pass it on to someone else. Imam Malik also often give gifts to the children as a form of love and attention he him.
Similarly so in love with his teacher Imam Shafi'i wholeheartedly. He said: "Malik bin Anas was my teacher. From him I learned and no one believed me except Malik ibn Anas. And I made Malik ibn Anas as evidence (witness) between me and God. "
Imam Shafi'i's departure to Iraq
At the time of Imam Shafi'i had completed his studies at the Imam Malik, he heard the news of Abu Yusuf and Muhammad ibn Hasan who was a disciple and friend of Imam Abu Hanifa, who was in Iraq that is in the city of Kufa. He'd love to meet them both. Then Imam Shafi'i then asked permission to Imam Malik to go to Iraq. Imam Malik gives additional provisions for animal mounts him and rent it to the city of Kufa.
In Kufa, once met with Abu Yusuf and Muhammad ibn Hasan, they were both very happy with the arrival of Imam Shafi'i. They asked him about Imam Malik ibn Anas. He said: "I have come to him." One of them said: "Do you see Muwatta 'book'?" Imam Shafi'i said: "I have memorized the book is in my heart."
It all has made Muhammad ibn Hasan and Abu Yusuf respectful to Imam Shafi'i. Muhammad ibn Hasan then asked him about the issue thaharah, charity, buying and selling, and other issues are answered with a very good answer by Imam Shafi'i. Increased kagumlah Muhammad bin Hasan on him. Then he took her home and Imam Shafi'i Imam Shafi'i allowed to copy any book he wants yan's in his library.
While in Kufa, Imam Shafi'i Muhammad ibn Hasan was a guest. When he had finished studying the books in the library Muhammad ibn Hasan, he then ask for permission to continue the journey to Persia and surrounding towns.
Back to Medina
When he was in the city of Medina Romlah there is a group of people came. He asked about the state of his teacher, Imam Malik ibn Anas. They replied that Imam Malik in good health. Imam Shafi'i was homesick and wanted to meet with teachers who really loved it. So he was preparing to journey to Medina.
Up in Medina, after a pilgrimage to the tomb of the Prophet Muhammad, he then went recitation Imam Malik. When Imam Malik, Imam Shafi'i knowing presence, he called her and hugged her with longing. The disciples of Imam Malik else was touched to see this event. Imam Malik and Imam Shafi'i took sitting side. He said: "teach this, O Shafi'i." After completing the lesson, Imam Malik, Imam Shafi'i invites into her home.
Imam Shafi'i lived for several years in Medina. During that time he always got special treatment and is considered by his teacher. In Rabi 'al-awwal in 179 H Imam Malik ibn Anas died and was buried in the cemetery of Baqi' in the city of Medina. The entire population of Medina drowned in grief because of the death of Imam a very pious and noble.
After the death of Imam Malik, Imam Shafi'i still remained in Medina. He then went to Yemen, settled and taught science there.
News of the breadth of his knowledge soon spread throughout the country. People flocked to listen to him deliver lessons. Altitude and ma'rifahnya science, be it in the field of fiqh, hadith, philosophy, medicine, astronomy and others made the caliph Harun al-Rashid invite him and asked him to teach in the city of Baghdad. Since then he is widely known and more people are coming to study him. At that time he began to be known schools. Imam Syafii taught a lot of people who would be part of their great scholars as well. Among his disciples that Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal that became known as one of Imam schools as well.
All the people, both from the authorities and the people loved and praised Imam Shafi'i position. Similarly, his disciples so respect him. This is evident when Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal and Imam Shafi'i pain dwindled. When he reached his house, Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal straight out of bed and asked Imam Shafi'i to sit in that place. Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal while sitting on the ground and at times he asked Imam Shafi'i.
When Imam Shafi'i going home, Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal raise him to the animal mount. Then Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal-up to mount him in a state hospital-by through streets and markets of Baghdad, until he can take Imam Shafi'i arrived at his home.
Return to Mecca
After some time in Baghdad, he intends to return to Mecca. Take a trip a few days he finally reached Mecca. The year 181 H. Before entering Makkah, he set up camp outside the city. Mecca residents came out to say hello and welcome. He then gave away all the gold and silver that he had told them. This was done to carry out his mother's will when he came to Mecca. Thus, Imam Shafi'i enter the city of Mecca in a state not to take anything, same as when he left Mecca in a state not carry anything.
He lived in Mecca for 17 years. During his time there, he taught science in humans. Imam Shafi'i schools scattered among the pilgrims and they bring these schools to their original place respectively.
Over the past 17 years living in Mecca he heard the death of Abu Yusuf and Muhammad ibn Hasan who had once met in the city of Kufa. After it died anyway Harun al-Rashid.
After a long time he lived in Mecca and then go back to Baghdad. There he continued his teaching activities for some time. After that he intends to leave to Egypt. When Baghdad residents heard of the departure of this noble cause, then they come out to breakup with him. In the midst of this population was Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal. So at a time when it was Imam Shafi'i holds tight to the hand of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal and said: "I'm really going to miss earth Egypt. Besides Egypt is barren earth. By Allah, I do not know for glory or for the rich I moved to Egypt. Or move to the grave? "
As if Imam Syafii feel will die in Egypt, and his grave will be in the country. Then he cried. Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal and all who witnessed the parting was crying all. Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal home with tears streaming down and said to the inhabitants of Baghdad, "the science of fiqh it has been closed, and God opened the knowledge that with the arrival of Imam Shafi'i."
Settled in Egypt
In the land of Egypt soon people fall in love with Imam Shafi'i. The scholars also honor the country and asked him to teach at the mosque Amr bin Ash. He taught after dawn until Dhuhr. Imam Shafi'i was the first to teach the science of hadith in Egypt until Dhuhr. After that he continued his lessons in his home.
The clergy and people were more educated geniuses come listen to the lessons he conveyed both in mosques and at home. Among those he studied at a later become famous scholars is Muhammad ibn Abdullah ibn Hakam, Abu Ismail bin Ibrahim bin Yahya Al-Muzani, Abu Yusuf Yaqub ibn Yahya Al-Buwaiti, Rabi 'Al-Jizi and others.
When in Egypt is also Imam Shafi'i wrote many books containing his madhhab. Among his books is Al-Umm, dictation 'al-Sagheer, Jizya, Ar-Risala, and so forth.
Some of the character Imam Shafi'i
Imam Shafi'i was a man of piety, asceticism and wara '. He was also very polite in giving warning to those who make mistakes. Her heart is very tender and generous toward wealth.
Bayhaqi narrated from Hasan ibn Habib. He said: "I saw Imam Shafi'i horseback riding through the shoe market. Suddenly his whip fall and about one shoe merchant. Then the merchant shoes wiped clean whip to whip it out and give to him. Imam Shafi'i and sent his slave to give the money to the merchant. "
There is no day that passed him without bershadaqah. Day and night he was always bershadaqah, especially in the month of Ramadan. He also often visited the poor and ensure their needs. To support his family he was traded.
Imam Shafi'i was excellent in treating relatives. He respects them and do not brag himself. He respects the appropriate position. Imam Shafi'i once said: "Most zhalimnya people are moving away from his relatives, would not know of them, dismissive and arrogant to people with virtue."
He also always forgive those who make mistakes to him. He was returning good for evil and never hold a grudge with someone.
Praise Ahmad bin Hanbal to Imam Shafi'i
While in Baghdad, Imam Shafi'i always with Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal. So his love for Imam Shafi'i, so the children of Imam Ahmad was curious to his father's. Imam Ahmad asked her daughter to invite Imam Syafii stay at home to study the behavior of his close. Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal and Imam Shafi'i meet and deliver the invitation.
When Imam Shafi Ahmad had been in the house, and had brought her daughter. Imam Shafi'i was eating a lot of food with great gusto. It makes wonder girls Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal.
After dinner, Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal Imam Shafi'i invited to relax in a room that has been provided. Daughter of Imam Ahmad saw Imam Shafi'i directly lay down and not get up to pray at night. By the time dawn arrived he immediately went to the mosque without ablution first.
After morning prayers, the daughter of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal immediately protested to his father about the deeds Imam Shafi'i, which he said reflects the lack of discipline. Imam Ahmad refused to blame Imam Shafi'i, immediately asked it to Imam Shafi'i.
Regarding the dishes he ate with great gusto, he said: "Ahmad, I eat a lot of it is true, and that there was a reason. I know it's halal dishes and I know you are generous. So I ate as much as possible. For halal food and the food was plentiful blessings of the merciful is a drug. While tonight is the blessing for me. "
"Why so, my teacher?"
"As soon as I put my head on the pillow as the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad was held in front of me. I study and have completed 100 issues for the benefit of people of Islam. That's why I did not get the night prayers. "
Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal said to her daughter: "this is what my teacher on this night. Indeed, he berbaringnya more important than all of that I do not sleep at the time. "
Imam Shafi'i went on: "I am morning prayer without ablution because I still sacred. I did not close my eyes a bit. Wudhuku still awake since Isha, so I could dawn prayer without ablution again. "
On the other occasion of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal once said: "I never prayed since 40 years ago, except in my prayers I pray to Imam Shafi'i."
Abdullah, son then asked: "O my father, like what Shafi'i, so dad always pray for him?" Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal said: "O my son, Imam Shafi'i as the sun to the world and as the health of the body. Look at my son, how important the two. "
Abdul Malik bin Abdul Hamid al-Maimuni said: "I was on the side of Ahmad ibn Hanbal, and he always referred to Imam Shafi'i. I always saw him glorified Imam Shafi'i. "
Death of Imam Shafi'i
He died on the final Friday night of the month of Rajab in 204 H after being ill for some time. After evening prayer a holy spirit he returned to his disciples in the lap Rahmatullah, ie Rabi 'al-Jizi. His body was buried to the accompaniment of weeping and moaning grief of all the inhabitants of Egypt.
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