Here will be explained about:
- Ta'aruf and
- The process
1. Is the definition of Ta'aruf?
Taaruf is bersilaturahim activity, if at this time we met face to face word, or a visit to someone's home for the purpose acquainted with the inhabitants. Boles also said that free is the purpose of the meet was to find a mate. Taaruf may also be done if both parties agree and the family just waiting for a willing kid or a decision not to proceed to the necromancer khitbah - taaruf wishing to bring an arranged marriage with the intention that know each other.
As the proposition that objective in doing the introduction and approach, taaruf very totally different to making love. Taaruf the shar `i was told by the Prophet Muhammad for couples who want to marry. Essential distinction between sex with ta'aruf is in terms of the objectives and benefits. If the goal is more to lovemaking momentary pleasure, fornication, and adultery. Taaruf clear objective criteria to determine which potential mates.
2. Is the distinction bercouple and Ta'aruf?
In love, know and know certain things done by potential mates who did not meet the criteria for an introduction. Like the one who wants to buy a second bike, but did not do the inspection, he's just holding or mencuba bike without ever knowing enjinnya conditions.
While taaruf is such an expert motorcycle mechanic check the engine, steering system, brake systems, lighting and electrical systems, wheels and so on. If it turns out good, so then he bargained. When doing taaruf, someone either the man or woman has the right to ask the details, such as about the disease, bad and good habits, and other properties. Both parties must be honest to say it. Kerana if not honest, it may lead to future crises.
3. There's A question like this?
a. How does the law come to the house sisters (women) who want to marry in order to get to know the character and nature of each?
أبصارهن ويحفظن فروجهن ..
"Tell the believers let them maintain their views and their pubic-up to his word-And tell the believing women to also let them maintain their views and their genitals."
In Saheeh Muslim from Jabir bin Abdillah radi 'anhuma he said:
سألت رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم عن نظر الفجأة? فقال: اصرف بصرك
"I asked the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam about the views of women who all of a sudden? then he said: 'Palingkan your eyes.' "
The woman's voice and speech at home is not that forbidden nakedness. But ill be for a woman to speak up and speak lbh of the demands of off-the intent and soften the sound. Likewise with the contents of the conversation should be morbidly matters that arouse lust and invite slander. If so then his deep voice and speech into that aurat and slander forbidden. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says:
فلا تخضعن بالقول فيطمع الذي في قلبه مرض وقلن قولا معروفا
"So do you speak with that soft voice that men who have heart disease within a tempting and say words that doing good."
It is the woman came to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and his companions about his present and then she spoke to the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam and his companions expressed interest to listen. But they spoke ill of the demands lbh intent and without voice softens.
4. Process Ta'aruf
Then how to process the syar'i taaruf so towards marriage blessed? Namely the first one can not wait for, for example the distance between taaruf the wedding for a year. The sisters were asked to wait for a year because Ikhwan must work first or have completed college. It is clear menzalimi kerana sisters to wait, and also what is no guarantee that free time waiting process was no annoying devil?? The second is not to be shy, so if it's bsedia to marry should immediately to apply themselves to bertaaruf. If shame it will lmbat process.
Ethics for bertaaruf ie do not rush to impose love. For example, when we get a bio prospective partner without knowing more deeply, suddenly unsure of what it was. It would be nice if you know more from personality, fizikal, as well as family background, so that later we do not like buying a cat in a cage.
5. Conclusion
Thus it is clear that free sex is not tolerated in the Islamic alternative to finding and choosing a mate. Being clear is not to reveal that free affection or love for the wife of a candidate for a wife Rasmi yet. Neither expression directly or by telephone, or by mail. His deep mutual feelings of love and affection is a relationship that implies sex to be dragged into the libel.
As indicated by the Shari'a way to know a woman who was about proposed is to find relevant information about a person who knew him through both of the biographies (curriculum vitae), character, nature, or other things that needed to be known to be of benefit to marriage. It may also request information by women themselves through the medium of a person such as a friend's wife or the other. And those who are asked to testify obliged to answer as best as possible, although it should open his deep disgrace women are not included in the category of backbiting is reprehensible. It includes six cases were excluded from backbiting, though someone mentions disgrace. And vice versa with the woman concerned to know who desired him to ask for her hand, could follow the same way.
Proposition that suggests this is the hadith Fatima bintu Qais when spoken by Mu'awiya bin Abi Sufyan and Abu Jahm, and then he asked counsel to the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam then he said:
"As for Abu Jahm, then he is a man who never put his stick over his shoulder As for Mu'awiyah, he is a poor man who did not own property. Marry Usamah bin Zaid. "(Narrated by Muslim)
The scholars also expressed bolehnya speak directly with the candidate's wife who proposed according to the demands and interests intent. But of course without seclusion and from behind a hijab. Ash-Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen in the Asy-Syarhul Mumti '(130-129/5 mold Darul Atsar) said:
"Bolehnya talking with prospective wives who proposed condition shall be limited to not arouse lust or without enjoying the conversation. If it happens then it is haraam, his deep every person must avoid and stay away from temptation. "
The case is termed ta'aruf. As related to the things that are more specific organs namely, the way that is taught is to do nazhar, namely women who want to look at proposed.
Allaah knows best
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