Wednesday, November 28, 2012


"O you who believe, do not enter a house is not your house before asking permission and greeted residents. Which is better for you, that you (always) remember."
[QS. An-Nur 24: 27]

In life, we will never be separated from the activities of visiting and receiving guests. Sometimes we were visiting and the next time we visited. In order to visit the visiting activity remains positive impact on both sides, then Islam provides guidance how best to visit and activities receiving guests is done.

Before entering someone's home, a visit must first ask permission and say hello to the household.

Which comes first performed, ask for permission or say hello? There is some scholarly opinion about this, first ask permission and say hello and the second vice versa. The majority of Islamic jurists found the second. They argue that by mentioning some history Bukhari hadith the Prophet Muhammad, Ahmad, Tirmidhi, Ibn Abi Syaibah and Ibn 'Ad al-Bar that even with a different editor but all stated that greetings ahead of asking for permission (as-salam al qabl -kalam).

Meanwhile, other scholars also have to compromise on the two opinions by stating that, when guests see one household, then she say hello first. But if they do not see anyone so he asked permission first. The latter is chosen by al-Mawardi.

Asking permission can with words, and can also be a knock on the door or press the bell or other means well known to the local community. Even regards itself could also be considered at the same time as the license application.

According to Prophet Muhammad, the maximum permission can be done three times. If no answer should be visiting back home. Never enter someone else's house without permission, because in addition to unpleasant and even interfere with the host, it can also negatively impact the guest itself. Rasulullah SAW said, which means:

"If anyone of you have asked permission three times, and is not allowed, then he comes back."
[HR. Bukhari, Muslim]

Why ask for permission maximum of three times? Since the first beats as a courtesy to the host will be the arrival of guests, knocking both provide an opportunity for residents to get ready or prepare everything necessary [could be no tables or chairs or clothes that need to be trimmed], knock three occupants of the home are expected to walked to the door. After the third knock still no one answered the door, there is likely no one at home, or occupant of the house is not ready to receive guests.

Guests are not able to exert his desire to visit after the third knock, because it would interfere with the host. Each person is given the privacy of their homes. No one could bother him. Hosts are encouraged to accept and even glorify guests, but still have the right to reject the arrival of guests, if she was not in the mood ready to visit.

According to the expression of the Qur'an, not to force entry when no one is home, or rejected by the host, guest cleaner for itself. This means that better maintain the good name and honor him. If he persisted in to visit, he will be judged lacking morality, when he entered when no one in the house, might mean he was accused of stealing. Both are detrimental to his reputation. Allah says in Surat an-Nur verse 28 which means:

"If you do not find anybody in it, do not you go before you get permission., And to say to you:" Go back (only) is "then let you come back. Was more clean for you, and Allah knows what you do."
[QS. An-Nur 24: 28]

In addition to requesting permission and greeting other things that need to be considered by everyone who visit are as follows:

Do not visit any time. Bertamulah at the right time, during which the host is not expected to be disrupted. For example, do not visit a rest or sleep time.
If accepted visiting, do not be so long that the troublesome host. After the business finished immediately returned.
Do not engage in activities that make the host is interrupted, for example, check out the space and furnishings, personal ruang2 entered without permission, or use the facilities in the house without the permission of residents. Allowed to enter the house by no means permitted everything.
If offered a drink or meal Honor banquet. Even the Prophet advised the sunnah fasting fasting should be open for dinner in honor of [HR. Baihaqi].
Had to say goodbye when going home. Leaving the house without permission in addition to not commendable, it also invites slander.
Receiving Guests
Receive and glorify guests without distinction of their social status is one admirable trait that is highly recommended in Islam. Even the Prophet glorify properties are linked with faith in Allah and the Last Day. He said which means:

"Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him speak good or keep quiet. Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should he glorify his neighbors., And whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day let him glorify his guests."
[HR. Bukhari and Muslim]

Glorifying are implemented by his visit with a sweet face and a gentle speech, mempersilahkannya sitting in a good place. If you need a special room reserved for receiving guests who always kept neatness and keasriannya.

When guests came from far and want to stay, the host shall receive a maximum of three hearts and menjamunya three nights. Over the three days is up to the host to keep menjamunya or not. According to Prophet Muhammad, the first day with a special meal of dishes commonly eaten daily host. While the second and third days were treated using the same meals are eaten daily host. Entertaining guests more than three days worth charity, is no longer an obligation. Rasulullah SAW said, which means:

"Entertaining guests is only three days. Jaizahnya day and night. Spent What are the three days is charity., And was not able to keep guests stay [more than three days] because it would burden the host."
[HR. Tirmidhi]

According to Imam Malik, is a day and a night jaizah is to glorify and entertain guests with the usual dishes everyday.

Meanwhile, according to Ibn al-Athir, is a daily jaizah is provided supplies to overnight guests for a day trip. In the context of a trip in the desert, it is necessary for the provision of a minimum day and night to meet with the next terminal.

Both pemahanan to be compromised by doing both when his guest was membutukan equipped to continue the journey. But anyway shape, the substance remains the same that is recommended in such a way to honor guests.

Indeed, God's truth is God alone

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