Aqiqah NOTICE OR Sacrifice ??
aqiqah is sacrificial animals are slaughtered for the newborn child and the parents is prescribed as an act of gratitude to God and draw closer to Him, and expect salvation and blessings on the children born to them. Law enforcement is sunnah muakkadah aqiqah. Imam Ahmad said: "Aqiqah is the sunnah of the Prophet. Aqiqah he has done for Hasan and Hushain, his companions are also doing it." When doing so, disunnahkan on the seventh day. If it can not, then on the fourteenth day. If not, then in the twenty-first day. As the Messenger of Allah to have said: "All children are born with aqiqahnya tergadaikan, slaughtered on the seventh day." [Ibn Majah, Abu Dawud and At Tirmidhi, and dishahihkan Al Albani in Saheeh Al-Jami `As Sagheer, 2563].
He saw also said: "Aqiqah slaughtered on the seventh day or fourteen or twenty-one." [Reported by al Bayhaqi and dishahihkan Al Albani in Saheeh Al-Jami `As Sagheer, 4132]. Or if he can not afford on those days so he can do at any time he has the spaciousness of sustenance, as the meaning of the opinion of the Shafi'i and Hanbali schools of scholars that aqiqah sacrifices to be performed before or after the seventh day.
As for those responsible for committing aqiqah is the father of the baby is born, but the scholars differ as to do it is in addition to his father:
1. The scholars of the Shafi'i madhhab found this sunnah charged to those who bear live on.
2. The scholars Hanbali and Maliki schools found mengaqiqahkan someone is not allowed and is not allowed except for her father who was born a mengaqiqahkan himself even though he's been great because according to sharia that aqiqah it is the duty of the father and can not be done in others.
3. A group of scholars Hanbali madhhab found someone allowed mengaqiqahkan himself as something disunnahkan. Aqiqah not have to do as a child and a father can mengaqiqahkan child even though the child was born baligh because there is no maximum time limit. (Al Islami wa Fiqhul Adillatuhu it juz IV 2748) Aqiqah or Qurban From the above it can be concluded that aqiqah not be done on the seventh day, and it is up to the ability of parents and spaciousness sustenance, can even be done while the child is grown / baligh.Orang most responsible for aqiqah is the father of a baby born at the time whenever he had the ability. But if it is because the father has a hitch to hold it so the child can take his place, namely mengaqiqahkan itself, although this is not a consensus of the scholars. From the above it two when one is confronted by two choices with limited funds held between the qurban qurban or aqiqah precedence for him, due to the following:
1. The order of sacrifice is addressed to any person and has the ability mukallaf different aqiqah command that initially he addressed to the father of the baby is born.
2. Although there is an argument that allows someone mengaqiqahkan himself but this was not agreed upon by the scholars. Arguments of those who allow someone mengaqiqahkan itself is what is narrated from Anas and issued by Al-Bayhaqi, "That mengaqiqahkan Prophet himself after he sent a messenger". If this hadith shohih, but he said, "Behold, this hadith is munkar and in it there was Abdullah bin Muharror and he included weak as mentioned by Hafiz Ibn Hajar al. Then Abdur Rozaq said," Actually they have been talking about this issue because This hadith. "(Nailul Author juz VIII it 161-162, Maktabah Syamilah) Friend Zakat all, hopefully useful explanation. Allaah knows best bi-sowab ash
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