The discharge is normal blood in women, black color and smells bad. Blood is very important for women to understand themselves, including also the guy because he will be a bridesmaid or have relatives that he had to explain about this issue. There is little explanation of the things that is not really a ban.
First ban: Prayer. The scholars agree that the prayer is forbidden for women menstruation and childbirth, both obligatory prayers and sunnah prayers. And they also agreed that women menstruation has no obligation and does not need mengqodho prayer 'or replace it when he holy.
From Abu Sai'd, the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "not if the woman's menstrual period and he did not pray nor fast? That lack religion of the woman. (Agreed alaih, HR. Bukhari No.. No. 1951 and Muslims. 79)
From Mu'adzah, he said that there was a woman who said to 'Aisha' Do we need mengqodho 'Our prayers when holy? "' Aisha said," Are you a Haruri? Previously we had menstruation in the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam was alive, but he does not command us to mengqodho'nya. Or 'Aisha said, "We did not mengqodho'nya." (Narrated by Bukhari No.. 321)
In a recent medical study, it was found that the movement of the body and exercise, such as prayer much beneficial for pregnant women, as well as the dangers of prayer for menstruating women.
A woman who was praying, especially when you're bowing and bowing to add circulation to the uterus. Please note that the womb and egg together, so it requires a lot of blood. Moreover, women who are pregnant, her uterus requires vast amount of blood that can be consumed by the baby and clean up pollution in the blood circulation. When a pregnant woman was praying, in fact she helped meyalurkan blood to the fetus in the womb.
As for the menstruating woman, if prayer, pray while, as if he was in the womb of blood flow, blood when it needs to be lowered (discarded). It is estimated that women menstrual blood flow about 34 Ml, suppose a woman's menstrual prayer can cause damage to the device in his body.
All movements of prayer, like bowing and prostration can add the smooth circulation of blood to the uterus of a woman, beneficial for pregnant women, but dangerous for menstruating women. It's perfect Islamic law, is one of the greatness of God, why do women menstruate prohibited praying.
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