The use of the word in which there are at:
Word of the Almighty: بديع السماوات والأرض
"(He is Allah) the Creator of the heavens and the earth." (Qs2: 117)
Word of the Almighty: قل ما كنت بدعا من الرسل
"Say (O Muhammad)," I am not the first apostle of the Prophet-Prophet. "(Qur'an: 46:9)
Words ابتدع فلان بدعة
Meaning: He has pioneered a way that no one has ever preceded it.
Words هذاأمربديع
Its meaning: something that is considered good whose goodness has never existed that resembles earlier. Of the meaning of language as heretical notion that taken by the scholars.
So create new ways in order for others to follow so-called heresy (in terms of language).
Something jobs previously done by someone not breathing also called heresy (in terms of language).
Moreover, a case that was based on matters of worship (religion) without any arguments syar'i (Al-Qur'an and Sunnah) and no example (the case is not found) in the time of Muhammad sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam then this is the meaning real heresy.
In general, significant heresy against the original teachings of a religion (ie to create something new and was based on matters of religion / worship).
The scholars salaf have given some definitions of heresy. These definitions have lafadl-lafadlnya different but actually contains the same meaning.
Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, Heresy in religion is a matter which is considered obligatory and sunnah but that Allah and His Messenger did not syariatkan. As for anything that He commanded both obligatory and sunnah then the case should be determined by the arguments of the Shari'a.
Imam Syathibi, innovation in religion is one way in which religions are created equal Shari'a intended to reach the beaches earnestly in worship to God.
Ibn Rajab, invent Heresy is a case that does not exist originally in the Shari'a. If matters are not new to the Shari'ah it is not a heretic, heretical though it can be said in the language
Imam as-Suyuti, he said, Heresy is an expression of the act against the Shari'a with a dispute or an act that causes the teachings of the Shari'a add and subtract.
By considering these definitions would appear the signs are essential to limit the Shari'ah heresy that can be raised to within a few points below:
That heresy is organizing a new case in religion. The conduct of a lawsuit is not intended to religion but merely intended to be of benefit realization of industrial and mundane as holding tools just to get the benefit of worldly men are not called heretics.
That heresy has no basis in Sharia shown. As for what is shown by the rules of the Shari'a is not a heretic, even though not specifically defined by the texts. For example, is what we can see today: people who make the tools of war such as aircraft, missiles, tanks or other than that of the means of modern warfare are intended to prepare for war against the infidels and to defend the actions of the Muslims is not heresy . Along with that the Shari'a does not provide specific texts and Prophet did not use weapons when fighting against the infidels. However, the manufacture of such devices into the generality of the word of Allah Ta'ala, and prepare the guys for them (the enemies) forces you sanggupi.Demikian also other deeds. So every anything that has origins in sariat including parts of sharia is not a matter of heresy.
That heresy everything reprehensible (Hadith Al 'Irbadh bin Sariyah dishahihkan by sheikh Al-Albani in the Ash Shahiihah 937 and al Irwa no.2455)
That heresy in religion sometimes adding and sometimes reduces the Shari'a as Suyuti said in addition to the restrictions that are necessary to perform additional motivation was religious. But when adding in addition to religious motivations, not heresy. For example, mandatory leave without udzur case, the act is immoral actions is not heresy. Similarly, do not leave the sunnah practice called heresy. This issue will be explained later with some examples when discussing the division of heresy. Hopefully.
Heresy is a huge violation of the law beyond the limits of God in making the Shari'a, because it is clear that it believes violates the perfection syariat.Menuduh Prophet Muhammad betrayed treatise, alleging that Islamic law is still lacking and requires additional, and not perfect. So in general it can be seen that all the innovations in the matter of worship / religion is unlawful or prohibited kaedah usul fiqh that the legal origin of worship is forbidden unless there is a command and also the use of the term is not appropriate hasanah heretical if associated with religious worship or as view of the crowds, but still relevant if it is associated with new things for it in the form of pure worldly affairs eg first person is traveling by camel now with the car, then the car is heresy, but heresy is heresy definition language is not a term Shari'a and examples of usage tablespoon, cars, microphones, airplanes in the present that was not there this is the essence of heresy hasanah. And examples of this case no other part of the case ijtihadiyah
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