Tuesday, December 11, 2012

case makes apostasy

A Muslim does not say if he only pledged two sentences creed. People who once vowed could be infidel because he did such a Muslim religious cancellatio Shirk, nifak (hypocrisy) or denounce Islam. The following discussion will address the issue of apostasy and the things that can undo Islam. Moga teenagers can understand this.

Apostasy comes from the word meaning irtadda raja'a (again), so that when it is said irtadda 'an diinihi it means that the person has infidels after embracing Islam (see Mu'jamul Wasith, 1/338). Actions that led to him kafir or apostate called riddah (apostasy). In terms of meaning riddah is: be disbelieved after berislam. Allah ta'ala says (which means): "Whoever among you turns back from his religion and then die disbelievers, they are the ones who erased deeds in this world and the hereafter. And they are the dwellers of the Fire. They shall be in it. "(Surat al-Baqara: 217) (see at-Tawheed li Shaffits Tsaalits' Aliy, p. 32)

The conviction of infidels / apostates
Legal verdict pagan / takfir can be divided into two categories: takfir muthlaq and takfir mu'ayyan. The definition of takfir muthlaq are general rules that apply to people who do a kind deed is entered in the category of disbelief (kufr akbar). Like for example the words of the scholars, "Anyone who believes the Qur'an is a creature he infidels." Expression of this kind can be raised by anyone as long as the argument is based on the Qur'an and Sunnah with the understanding of right and not addressed to a groups or individuals. The takfir mu'ayyan then he is a disbeliever in the form of sentencing an individual or group of individuals. The second type of takfir is not the right of every person, but the authority of the scholars who truly expert or specialized agencies (scholars) appointed by the local Muslim rulers. For individuals sentenced disbelieve necessary steps are not easy, and any other terms, until it was proven that he or she really has done it out of pagan religions (see Mujmal Masa'il Iman al-'Ilmiyah fi usul al - 'Aqeedah as-Salafiyyah, p. 17-18).
Various riddah / apostasy

[1] riddah with cause speech. As an example speech denouncing the Almighty or His Messenger, or the angels vilify one of the apostles. Or claiming to know magic, claiming to be the prophet, who claimed to justify the Prophet. Or pray to other than Allah, beristighotsah to other than God in the affairs of the only controlled by God or seek protection to other than Allah in such matters.

[2] riddah to cause action. For example did bow down to statues, trees, rocks or tombs and slaughtering animals for diperembahkan him. Or throw Manuscripts in dirty places, practice witchcraft, learn magic or teach. Or decide the law is not the law of God and believe in his skill.

[3] because riddah with confidence. For example believes God has allies, believe khamr, fornication and usury as being kosher. Or believe bread is forbidden. Or believe that prayer is not required, and so on. Or believe something that clearly haram halal agreed. Or believe halal something keharamannya agreed.

[4] riddah to cause doubt. As the obvious doubts his case in religion, such as the Prohibition of Shirk doubt, khamr and adultery. Or doubt the truth of the minutes of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam or the other Prophets. Or doubt the truth of the Prophet, or Islam doubtful. Or doubted the suitability of Islam to be applied to the current era (see at-Tawheed li Shaffits Tsaalits' Aliy, p. 32-33)
Ten Islamic Invalidate

Here are ten cases were classified as cancellatio Islam. Although the actual cancellatio Islam was not limited to this case only ten. It's just a matter of ten subjects, namely:

[1] Doing polytheism in worship to God. Namely addressing one form of worship to other than Allah. Allah ta'ala says (which means), "Whoever is to Allah the true God of heaven forbade it, and where the return is hell ..." (Surat al-Mâ'idah: 72).

[2] To appoint intermediaries in worship to God is used as the objective of the petition / prayer and intercession place to ask but Allah.

[3] Do not believe kafirnya idolaters, doubting their disbelief, or even justify their beliefs.

[4] The belief that there is a law in addition to the instructions and guidance of the Prophet are more perfect and better than the instructions and the law he sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam.

[5] Hating Apostles doctrine, though he was also doing the teaching.

[6] Making fun of Islamic teachings, reward or punishment.

[7] Magic.

[8] Assist in destroying the infidel Muslims.

[9] The belief that some people may not follow the Shariah of Prophet Muhammad sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam with menganalogikannya the Prophet Khidr as a prophet Moses' alaihimas greetings.

[10] Turning total of religion and practice it would not mempalajari (see Nawaqidh al-Islam, by Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Baz rahimahullah it. 2-4 Maktabah ash-Syamilah software).
Law relating to the apostate

[1] People who are apostates should be asked to repent before being sentenced. If he wants to repent and return to Islam in the span of three days it is accepted and released from punishment.

[2] If he refuses to repent then it is obligatory to kill him. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said, "Whoever is changing his religion then kill him." (Narrated by Bukhari and Abu Dawud).

[3] apostasy impede him to utilize his property in the timeframe he was asked to repent. If he repents then his property returned. If he does not want it to be a treasure treasure fai 'is reserved for Baitul Maal since he was sentenced to death due to suicide or since lapsed. And there are scholars who argue given his wealth for the sake of the good of the Muslims in general.

[4] The apostate is not entitled to inheritance from a relative, and they could not inherit her fortune.

[5] If he dies or is killed as an apostate sentenced then his body was bathed, not disholati and not buried in the graveyard of the Muslims will be buried in the cemetery but pagans buried in the ground or in any other than the Muslim cemetery (see at-Tawheed li Shaffits Tsaalits' Aliy, p. 33). Similarly, a quick explanation of this, may be useful.

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