"Sincerity is the secret of all secrets and servant hearts that I put into my lover."
Similarly, the word of Allah SWT sebagai accepted in those sayings of Prophet Muhammad SAW.In connection with that, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad, Ja'far bin Muhammad Baqir Shodiq
explain the letter Al Mulk verse 2;
الذي خلق الموت والحياة ليبلوكم أيكم أحسن عملا وهو العزيز الغفور
Who created death and life to test yang salah your best deeds . Dan HE is Mighty, Forgiving.
According to Ja'far Shodiq paragraph referred to the letter and is not Who s the 'banyak' charity, but who is the most qualified (Ahsan) in action. Ahsan adalah closeness to Allah SWT dan intention, obviously Ahsan is tinggi not quantity. Ja'far Shodiq adding more difficult to survive in a state is always sincere in acting than action itself. Sincerity depending on whether you want one or just praise Allah SWT acting alone. Once the importance of intentions, make him say,
"indeed, the intention was more important than the act itself."
He then recited this verse;
قل كل يعمل على شاكلته, فربكم أعلم بمن هو أهد 'ى سبيلا
Say (O Muhammad), every person to live up to their demeanor, then your Lord knows best who is more righteous path. (Surat al Isroo: 84.)
Shakilah that means intention, we apparently have to be careful because sometimes that is the perfect charity tanpa riya 'atau ujub at first, after a while, so mired tainted charity riya'.
Shodiq father Ja'far Muhammad Baqir said;
"Persisting in good faith for a better charity than the charity itself."
When asked what it means to survive in good faith, he replied; Someone doing good deeds to familynya or members to seek blessings of Allah SWT, he gets the reward is recorded for him.Later he told it to others, then what was recorded was scrapped so he did not have another record charity rewards. Later, he again mentioned the charity again (a second time), he is recorded as doing riya ', sementara the record s good deed was not even there at all. "
Thus, Sincerity is the highest stage of love and devotion to Allah SWT.
According to Al Anshowi Abdulloh, sincere means to abort all impurities, dan these impurities it is the desire to please ourselves or the people (beings) lainnya.
"If the habitat is still feeling like myself, it is not yet fall into the category 'that leads to Allah' (Musafir ilalloh), dan termasuk groups who still want lasting on earth (Mukholladun fil ardhi). "
And the fear of Prophet Muhammad SAW and his salafush Sholihin was the emergence of Shirk in worship at various levels. If someone is doing a charity for the sake of self-gratification, he was included ujub, if it is for the satisfaction of others, it is riya '.
Dalam view of those wise, it is considered to have canceled worship and make it not accepted by Allah SWT. contoh Tahajud 'to' improve the quality of life or give Zakat 'for' increasing wealth, despite all the prayer is "VALID" dan the means it has to perform its obligation to implement the Shari'ah, he is considered to have the worship to Allah SWT sincerely dan neither memiliki purity of purpose.
For arifin, semua it is worship to achieving the purposes of Removing the obligation hanya .
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