Monday, December 10, 2012


Zakat profession or income has actually been known for a long time. Some explain this history, including the history of Ibn Mas'ud, Mu'awiyah and Umar bin Abdul Aziz, who explained that he took alms from a'thoyat, jawaiz (gift) ff al-madholim (ghasab goods are returned). Abu Ubaid narrated, "Umar bin Abdul Aziz is a rewarder of them work and take the zakat, and if the return of al-madholim (ghasab the returned goods) taken zakat, and he also took the zakat of a'thoyat (regular pay) given to the accept it ".

Zakat bases professions such as Surat al-Baqarah, verse 267: "O you who believe, spend in some of (the) business is good .......... you" and Surah At Tawbah: 103.

Fatwa scholar at the First International Mu'tamar about charity in Kuwait (30 April 1984 AD), among others, are also mentioned zakat objects that are not specifically mentioned in the hadith is: charity professions, corporations, and other business activities.

Various scholars have argued that the imposition of zakat can diqiyaskan profession or analogy with the two types of zakat as well as the agricultural zakat and charity money / gold. Analogy with agricultural zakat, as zakat profession has no haul. This means that if zakat agriculture shall be issued at harvest (Sura 6:141), then zakat profession shall also be issued when we receive the results of operations (effort) us.

Analogy with the zakat money / gold, because the income we receive in money not in kind. Zakat Zakat profession with farming analogy to nishabnya, which is equivalent to 524 kg of rice, so that if the price of rice is USD 5000.00 / kg mean nishob zakat profession of Rp 2,620,000.00 per month. For percentage, followed zakat money / gold that is 2.5% of the proceeds received (gross).

Several reasons Zakat obligations Profession, among other things: the Quran verses a general nature that require any type of property issued zakat. Various opinions of the scholars past and present, although using different terms. In part by using a general term that is al-amwaal, while others specifically provide terms with the term al-mustafad as contained in the fiqh of zakat and al-fiqh al-Islamy wa 'Adillatuhu.

From the point of justice - which is the main characteristic of Islam - Zakat imposing an obligation on any property owned will be very clear, as opposed to just setting the obligation of zakat on certain commodities are conventional. Farmers who are currently disadvantaged in general condition, but should tithe, when their crops have reached nishob. Since it was very fair as well, if even this zakat is obligatory on the revenue generated doctors, lawyers, consultants in various fields, the faculty, staff and employees who have high salaries, and other professions.

In line with the development of the human race, especially in economics, earnings activities through skill and profession will grow over time. It will even be the main economic activity, as occurs in industrialized countries today. Imposing an obligation of zakat to him, showing how Islamic law is very aspirational and responsive to the times. Afif Abdul Fatah al-Tabari states that the rules in Islam is not merely based on justice for all mankind, but in line with the welfare and needs of human life, all ages and circumstances, although the epoch is different and develops over time.

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