Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Handling bodies

Islamic law is a provision that regulates behavior and human deeds. Muslims in filling his life must always be guided by the laws of Islam. Therefore, the provisions of Islamic law should be able to answer all the problems that Muslims needed
Basic Competency
Students are able to describe the treatment of the body and be able to put it into practice.
students were able to describe the jinayat and hudud and lesson and apply it to everyday life
students were able to describe the provision of Friday sermons and preaching and able to practice
Competency Standards
Students are able to carry out syariatislam in everyday life

After the learning process students are able to.
1. Outlines the procedures for body care;
2. practice how to care remains
3. outlines the provisions of Islamic law on criminal and punishment;
4. identify wisdom about crime and punishment
5. identify lessons on Friday sermons and preaching;
6. compose texts Friday sermons and preaching and practice.
Surat An-Nahl verse 125
Surat Yusuf Section 104
Surat Luqman Verse 17
Surat Muhammad Verse 7
Surat Ali Imaran Section 159
Surat as-Saff Verses 2-3
Surat Ibrahim Verse 4
Surat Al-Jumu'ah Verse 9
Islamic law has a principle of specificity that distinguishes other regulations. The basic principles are three: not burdensome, Menyedikitkan load, and gradually in a legal setting.
Not Memeberatkan
Islamic law does not burden people with obligations beyond their means so burdensome to implement. God says the following
God desires ease for you and does not desire difficulty for you .... (Surat al-Baqara: 185)
Besides that, it can be read in surah Al-Hajj verse 78 and An-Nisa 'verse 28. based on these verses was held rukhsa, namely ease rules that do not put the people of Islam in difficult conditions and heavy. The definition is as follows rukhsa
a. Iftar relief for people who are sick or on a journey (see Surah Al-Baqarah verse 184)
b. Bertayamum waivers for people who can not use the water (see suarat Maidah Verse 7)
c. Allowed to eat carrion or other unclean foods when in urgent situations (See Aurat Al-Baqarah verse 173)
Load Menyedikitkan
This principle is a consequence of the first. If it is said not burdensome, but it will eliminate a lot bebanya meaning of the first principle. Therefore, to not memebratkan memeberikan the Shari'a is not much load, easy to implement, and its provisions are not overly detailed (see suarat Al-Maida Verse 101)
Gradually the Legal Setting
In the early days of Islam was revealed, there is no legal stipulation explicitly and in detail. Sharia law in setting done by gradually so as not too surprising. Legal determination is done in stages. Stages are as follows
Silent, the law does not specify kepda something, such as the issue of inheritance, Islamic law of inheritance is not directly cancel at the time of ignorance.
raised the problem mujmal, ie in general, and then described in detail.
Forbid something gradually, as found in a forbidden way khamr (wine). First, it is explained that the wine is a sin and its benefits, but sin more dominant (see Letter Paragraph 219). Second, the prohibition of approaching prayer for those who are drunk (see Surat An-Nisa; verse 43). Third, is expressly prohibited by the order to leave (see Surah Al-Mâ'idah verse 90).
In chapter VIII will discuss Islamic law burial, criminal, and preaching and preaching.
Implementation body
Islam has reminded us all that every animate insane doomed to death. Allah swt. Speaking as follows
Every soul shall taste death. And only on the Day of Resurrection sajala be paid your wages .... (Surah Ali Imran verse 185)
If one of the relatives of the deceased, the family left behind should be sincere and willing to let him go because everything in this world belongs to Allah. And will return to Him.
.... Sesunggungnya we belong to Allah and to Allah we shall die,. Surah Al-Baqarah verse 156)
Note sanda prophet Muhammad. Following.
That is Abi Hurairah, the Prophet. Said, "Many-many things that decided you remember the fun, the dead. (HRTirmizi)
The following are the things that must be considered related to the corpse.
Eye bodies should be closed (screwed) then pray and ask for forgiveness to hold his sin against.
Closed mouth bound by the chin and head.
The whole badanya should be covered with a cloth. This is done as a courtesy and not to open her nakedness.
Allowed to kiss the corpse for families or friends who mourn his death. Prophet. Ever kissed Uthman ibn Ma'zun when he died they looked tears on his cheeks.
Families left behind should immediately pay the debt he owed the corpse if, as the words of the prophet peace be upon him. As follows
Inform family, relatives, and friends of his death in order to take care of, pray, and menyelatkannya.
Can not harm the body, as it can not harm the living, except in urgent situations, for example there's a baby in the womb.
Should not me4ncela dead
As for our obligations to the body, ie bathing, mengkafani, menyalatkan and buried. That obligation is an obligation kifayah, ie obligations directed to the crowd. If they had been working from, Gone others from liability. If no one is working, all sinned.
Bathing the body
The first obligation should be to the corpse is bathed. Consider the words of the Prophet. Following.
That is
From Ibn Abbas, the Messenger of Allah. Said when a man fell from kendaraanya, and then he died,: give her a bath with water and lote leaves (or something that can clean like soap). "(Bukhari and Muslim
Terms bathing the corpse is
the body is the body of Islamic masoih there though only in part is found, for example because of the accident;
did not die a martyr (died in battle defending the religion of Allah), as the words of the prophet peace be upon him. Next.
Jabir, verily the Prophet. It has been ordered against those who are slain in the battle of Uhud, to be buried with their blood, not bathed, and not disalatkan (HRBukhari)
As for how to bathe the body are as follows
Bodies should be placed on high, for example over a length of wood.
The body is placed in a place protected from the view of many people and closed the curtain.
Clothing bodies replaced with basahan clothing such as sarongs for easy bathing and nakedness remain closed.
Backs corpse propped up on something and massaged her stomach so that the dirt that is in the stomach to get out.
Mouth, teeth, nails, fingers, head, and body wash beard, hair and beard (if a beard) combed slowly.
After flushing the entire body, the body slowly washed with soap and watered again until clean.
After that diwudukan, then doused with water mixed with camphor, lote leaves, or other fragrant.
As for the right bathing the corpse is as follows
When a body of men, is entitled to bathe
Perhaps as long as your wife or mahram woman;
If both have a wife, a mahram, and others similar, the more entitled to washing are his wife;
If there are no men and no mahram too, remains quite ditayamumkan only.
When the body of women, the right to bathe is
Can a husband or mahram woman as long;
If both no husband, mahram, and others similar, the more the husband is entitled to bathe;
If there are no men and no mahram too, remains quite ditayamumkan only.
When the body of children, the right to bathe is
The women]
mengkafani corpse
After bathing, the obligation we have to do is mengkafani.
The things that are needed in the body are as follows mengkafani
The shroud is in good condition, but it must not excessive, not of the types of materials are luxurious and expensive.
Shroud should be clean and dry and perfume.
Three layers for men and five layers for women,
People who died in ihram, whether ikhram pilgrimage and Umrah Ihram, can not be fragrant-Haruman and headgear.
If the body was worthy man, how mengkafaninya is spread a shroud-piece and sprinkled on each layer of fragrances, such as camphor and the like. Then, the corpse is placed gently in atad shroud. Both hands placed on his chest with his right hand over the position of the left hand and straightened by the stomach (ribs). Shroud of three layers of clothing.
If the body was female, mengkafani same way with corpses of men, only women's bodies should be shrouded with five pieces of fabric consisting of discussion (the fabric), shirt, cap, veil (niqab), and the cloth that covered the entire body.
As for how to put a shroud on the bodies of women described in the following words of the Prophet.
From Laila Bint Qanif, he said, "I am one of those who helped bathe Umm Kulsum the daughter of the Prophet. When he died, the first given Muhammad PBUH. Basahan To us is the fabric, then clothes, then cover the head, and hood, and after it was put into in another fabric (which cover all body). while the Messenger of Allah. standing in the doorway carrying kafanya and gave him a piece kaminsehelai.
Menyalatkan body
When the body is bathed and cover him, should immediately disalatkan, as the words of the prophet peace be upon him. Next.
The Messenger of Allah, said, "ye shall Salatkanlah dead," (Reported by Ibn Majah)
Brsabda Prophet, "Salatkanlah thee shall people say la ilaha illallah." (HR Daruqutni)
Things that must be considered in the implementation of the prayer remains, among other requirements, harmonious, and how to pray body.
Terms Salat
a) All the requirements are mandatory, a requirement prayers bodies, for example close the genitals, the sacred body and clothing, as well as facing the Qiblah.
b) The body had been washed and shrouded
c) The location of the body next to the menyalatkan mecca, unless salat or prayer over the grave supernatural.
Pillars of Prayer body
Pillars of Prayer body is
a) Prayer intention remains
b) takbir four times;
c) read the Qur'an-Fatiha after takbiratul-ihram;
d) read prayers prophet after the second takbir
e) praying corpse, after the second takbir
f) greetings.
How to Work on Salat's body
How to pray the bodies are as follows
a) Prior to pray body, we must take ablutions, prays as obligatory.
b) After standing upright, we are saying the first takbeer, raising his hand accompanied the corpse prayer intentions
c) When reading Takbeer, we read the Quran-Fatihah.
Consider the following hadith.
That is
Prayer unauthorized people do not read Surat Al-Qur'an-Fatihahh. (Muntafaq alaih)
d) seterlah reading Al-Qur'an-Fatihah, then we read the second Takbeer (Allahu Akbar).
e) After reading the second takbir, and then we read the blessings on the Prophet.
O Allah, grant blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad.
Which is better to
This means O Allah bestow blessings upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family, as to which Thou hast mercy to Abraham and his family, and bestow blessings to the Prophet Ibrahim and his family. Indeed, in all of nature you adalaghTuhan the Most Praiseworthy and Exalted.
f) after reading the prophet prayers, we read the third takbir (ALLAHHU Akbar)
g) after the third takbir reading, we read the prayer.
Prayer for the dead man are as follows
O Allah, forgive him, have mercy on him, sejahterakanlah him, and forgive him.
More mainstream.
O Allah, forgive, have mercy on him, sejahterakanlah him, and forgive him. Honour the place, where the entry luaskanlah, adengan mandikanlah in ice water and moisture and clean kesalahanya as white cloth cleansed from dirt, replace his home with a nicer house, and his family with a better family, and jodohkanlah with good mate and keep leboh (guard) from the punishment of the grave and hellfire).
Prayer for the dead women is as follows
O Allah, forgive him, have mercy on him, sejahterakanlah him, and forgive him.
More mainstream.
O Allah, forgive, have mercy on him, sejahterakanlah him, and forgive him. Honour the place, where the entry luaskanlah, adengan mandikanlah in ice water and moisture and clean kesalahanya as white cloth cleansed from dirt, replace his home with a nicer house, and his family with a better family, and jodohkanlah with a better mate and keep (guard) from the punishment of the grave and hell.
Prayer for the dead children were as follows
O Allah, make his savings, savings lessons, examples and helper to her parents, and her parents beratkanlah scales and pour a good patience at the heart of both. And do not be a trial for his parents after his death, and do thou (God) blocking both parents.
h) after reading the prayer for the dead, and then we read the fourth takbir.
i) When reading Takbeer, we read the following prayer
O Allah, do not engaku forbidden (Haling-block) we'll reward, do not you give us trials or sepeninggalanya, and forgive us and him.
More mainstream
O Allah, do not engaku forbidden (Haling-block) we'll reward, do not you give us trials or sepeninggalanya, and dia.dan forgive us and our brothers who have faith ahead of us, and do not you let malice in our hearts towards those who believe, Ya Allah You are All Forbearing and Merciful.
j) When finished reading the prayer, we do greeting menengiok dank e left to right, with the word
Security, mercy, and blessings of Allah be with you all hopefully stay on.
Burying bodies
As for burying the bodies should be considered in the following
1) The bodies were buried immediately, as described in the following hadith.
From Abu Hurairah, the Messenger of Allah said, "you Hendklah synchronized lifting bodies, because if people are virtuous, then you melaksanakanya to goodness, and if he is not godly, that the crime was quickly lost from the yoke." (HR Jama'ah)
2) made a grave-sized body with a depth of about half as tall as the arm coupled with a width of about 1 meter.
3) Liang grave can not be dismantled by wild animals, the intention is to keep the body buried corpses honor and maintain the health of people around the eating of a foul odor.
4) The body carried to the four corners, as the words of the prophet peace be upon him
Those who followed the body then must take on the four corners of the bed (coffin) because sesdungguhnya way it is sunnah prophet.
5) Having to place the funeral, the body is inserted into the grave by his side to the right and faced the Qibla. When putting the body in the tomb, disunahkan read the prayer.
With the name of Allah and the religion of the Prophet (Tirmidhi and Abu Dawud)
6) and, rope-detachable straps and covered with wooden planks or bamboo, and stockpiled until excavation liangkubur be flat.
7) Praying and ask forgiveness for the cadaver.

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