Known in Arabic the term "الاستمناء", ie forcing the release of semen. Or is the term defined, "الاستمناء" was issued semen by means other than jima '(intercourse / coitus) and is considered unclean ways such as issuing a seminal force by hand with lust, or can also be "الاستمناء" conducted among couples with her partner and be assessed in this way (not haram).
In the book I'anatuth Tholibin (2:255) mentioned meaning "الاستمناء" was issued semen by means other than jima '(intercourse), both conducted by the unlawful by hand, or in any manner permissible by her partner.
The term "الاستمناء" here is the same as masturbation or masturbation.
Wasilah (Intermediaries) Masturbation
Masturbation can be done by hand, or how to make out the other, can also with a view or just imaginary. We will review the three ways. Masturbation is a flirt is like a pubic scraping the abdomen, thighs, or by groped or kissed, and not until there is sexual intercourse on the genitals. The effect is the same kind of masturbation masturbation by hand.
Law Masturbation
Masturbation with merely to arouse lust, the law is generally unlawful. Because Allah Ta'ala says,
والذين هم لفروجهم حافظون (29) إلا على أزواجهم أو ما ملكت أيمانهم فإنهم غير ملومين (30) فمن ابتغى وراء ذلك فأولئك هم العادون (31)
"And those who keep his cock, except for their wives or slaves that they have, then surely they are not blameworthy in this regard. Anyone looking behind it, then they are the transgressors. "(Surat al Ma'arij: 29-31). Transgressors is a zholim and exaggeration. God does not justify a husband or a wife making out in addition to his harem. Additionally forbidden. However, according to scholars Hanafiyah, Syafi'iyah, and Imam Ahmad, masturbation is makruh tanzih law (should be avoided).
If masturbation made to suppress lust and fear of falling adultery, then it may be common, some even say mandatory. Because of these conditions means doing what is forbidden in times of emergency or work action mudhorot lighter.
Imam Ahmad in the other opinion says that masturbation is haram even in conditions remain concerned fall into adultery because the existing switch masturbation is by fasting.
Malikiyah Ulama have two opinions. Some say the reason may be due to emergency conditions. Some say forbidden because the replacement is by fasting.
Hanafiyah Ulama like Ibn 'Abidin found that if you want to get away from fornication, masturbation it must be done.
From the various opinions that exist, the authors assess the opinion stating that masturbation haram stronger as the view of Imam Ahmad in one opinion. Because lust is not always containable with masturbation. With frequent fasting is sunna fasting would be easy to stem height lust. The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam said,
يا معشر الشباب من استطاع منكم الباءة فليتزوج فإنه أغض للبصر وأحصن للفرج ومن لم يستطع فعليه بالصوم فإنه له وجاء
"O young men, whoever has the baa-ah (the ability to get married), then marry. Because it's going to lower his gaze and guard over the pubic. Anyone who is not able, then fasted for fasting is like a drug for her restraint. "(Narrated by Bukhari no. 5065 and Muslim no. 1400)
Through masturbation wife
The majority of scholars assess bolehnya masturbation if the conduct is a partner (wife), as issued by mani pubic swiped at the husband and wife for the thigh or abdomen is not carried out under restricted (ie such as fasting, or when berihram I'tikaf when Hajj and Umrah ).
But other scholars say masturbation behavior of the couple (the wife) were considered makruh. In Az Nihayah Zain and Fatawa Al Qodi stated, "If a husband and wife playing with her genitals, legal makruh, while allowing husbands and out semen. As it resembles the act of 'azl (semen spilled outside pubic wife). Deeds' azl own assessed makruh. "
Compulsory Bath After Masturbation
The scholars agreed that the mandatory shower masturbation (impure or junub) if the semen came out with feels good and radiates. While scholars Syafi'iyah regardless if the semen out without feels good and radiates. Provided out semen during masturbation, they are still required to declare a shower. Similarly, the opinion of Imam Ahmad and opinions that are not distinguished in the schools Malikiyah.
Whereas if doing masturbation and he held his semen to keep it out, it is not required to shower. Due to the necessity of bathing here is associated with a view or not.
Masturbation Effect on Fasting
Masturbation hand Malikiyah invalidate the fast according to scholars, Syafi'iyah, Hambali and most scholars Hanafiyah. Since penetration without leaving any seminal invalidate the fast. Then of course if the discharge semen with lust clearly invalidate the fast. If the fast is invalidated, it is not accompanied by such kafaroh jima '(intercourse) during fasting because no proposition requiring that kafaroh. Scholars argued Hanafiyah and Syafi'iyah.
Side Health Dangers of Masturbation
Premature ejaculation or too fast finish when having actual sex. When doing masturbation, usually people tend to do it in a hurry hoping to soon reach orgasm. How to masturbate in a hurry will familiarize the nervous system to perform sex quickly when having sex. And the result is premature ejaculation.
Weak sex drive when already married. The desire to have sex is sometimes very low because it is used to doing masturbation when he was young.
The ancients called excessive masturbation will lead to foolishness because it is always imagining things porn and orientation of the mind is always negative.
Body so skinny and weak. Because the mind is always negative and think that porn-porn makes much energy is depleted. This causes the body was emaciated.
Difficult enjoying real sex with a woman. Because as a teenager was used to manually feel sex or masturbation. Penis familiar with the specific pressure of the hand become unresponsive to stimulation of the vagina.
Feeling guilty about masturbating too often lead to a sense of inferiority and lack confidence in the social environment.
For a young woman who likes to masturbate or masturbation virginity hymen can tear layer.
Experience impotence or erectile fail during intercourse. People who are used to creating masturbation is mental stimulation in the form of fantasies, it makes the penis are not used to physical stimulation when having actual sex.
So often daydreaming and thinking negative always makes social adaptation is limited. (Source:
Solution of Masturbation
The scholars give advice to people who are already addicted masturbation, let him multiply prayer, diligent beat the view of seeing the forbidden, and diligently exercising to lose syahwatnya. But if he is faced with two paths, namely adultery or masturbation, then let him choose a lighter mudhorot ie masturbation, he believed that the act is a sin that he should repent, seek forgiveness and prayer multiply. (Source: islamweb)
Solutions that can be specified:
Many pray and repent to God, to quit masturbation forever.
Must have the determination, willpower, and a strong motivation from yourself.
Mix with people who are pious, intelligent, pious, faithful, pious. Avoid milieu that brings you to the "valley immoral" or "black world" or hanging out with people who like masturbation. Best friends are both very influential on someone is like someone who is friends with perfume sellers. If not given free, we can be able to smell the fragrance for free. Read article Associating a Good Influence Friends.
Get busy themselves with worshiping especially many sunnah fasting because fasting will be easy to curb lust. Similarly, keeping herself busy with prayers in congregation, night prayers, chanting, and reciting the Qur'an and do useful things like sports.
If you "like masturbating", be careful or beware of prostate cancer! Therefore, the results of research conducted by the University of Nottingham UK, states that men aged between 20-30 years old who "likes to masturbate" have a higher risk for prostate cancer. Also, total 34% or 146 of 431 people affected by prostate cancer often do masturbation from the age of 20 years. Afterthought, prostate cancer is cancer that develops in the prostate gland, caused by prostate cells mutate and begin to grow out of control.
Avoid looking spectacle, impressions, images, video, the "exciting", "fantastic", or porn, either on the internet, TV, VCD, DVD, etc.. Avoid too "adult literature", "hot story", or "sexual spices".
Be aware that masturbation is only going to spend your time and energy that you can actually use to do other things that are useful. (Adapted and summarized from:
Leave masturbation and mileage lawful manner, and remember the words of Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam,
إنك لن تدع شيئا لله عز وجل إلا بدلك الله به ما هو خير لك منه
"Surely if you leave something for Allah, Allah will restore to you the better for you." (Narrated by Ahmad 5: 363. Shoaib Shaikh Al Arnauth said that this hadith shohih sanad)
Wallahu waliyyut taufiq. Walhamdulillahilladzi bi ni'matihi tatimmush sholihaat.
* Discussion on the derived largely from Al Mawsu'ah Al fiqhiyah, Kuwait Ministry of Religious Affairs publication, the index word 'الاستمناء', juz to-4, p. 97-102.
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