Law Tattoos, Eyebrow Hair Pull Teeth And Spread apart:
Women are specifically mentioned in the above hadith as considering that the most tattooed in the past are among women.
Non Permanent Tattoos (Patch)
"And I will mislead them, and will generate an empty delusion on them and will make them and they are really cut and I will order them and then they actually change it. Whoever made the devil a protector besides Allah mk Indeed He suffered a loss that is real. "
From Abdullah radi 'anhu he said:
My mother said that when ignorance before tersebarluas science he made a line in the bottom jaw. Not perfect tattoo but he will indeed make the condition do not know if it's haram or halal. But now he heard that a woman who men damned tattoo. Give us a fatwa may Allah SWT membalasi you all with kindness.
Praise belongs to Allah SWT His one and only god blessings and greetings may shed the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and his companions families. Wa ba'du.
Tattooing is prohibited in any part of the body a perfect tattoo good or not. That must be done by your mother is to remove the tattoo if it does not cause harm and repentance and ask for forgiveness of what has happened in the past.
(Committee remains for discussion Ilmiyah and Fatwa Saudi Arabia. Yang undersigned: Chairman: Abdul 'Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz. Vice: Abdurrazzaq Afifi. Members: Abdullah Ghudayyan)
He said in one letter to the requesting fatwa:
"I tell you that he is cursed woman who connects hair and who asked to connect women tattooed tattoo and ask.
When done by a Muslim when he does not know the law unlawful or tattooed when he was little he had to eliminate after learning keharamannya. But when there is trouble or harm in removing enough to repent and beg for forgiveness. And it does not matter that still exist from the tattoos on his body. "(This fatwa issued from his office with the number 2/218 H on 1/26/1409)
What laws tattooed face and two hands? It is customary that exist in our society. And what should be done to someone who made the tattoo when little?
"Tattooing is forbidden and is a major sin, because the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam cursed Al-Wasyimah and Al-Mustausyimah. All accursed through oral Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam. Thus tattoo is forbidden in Islam and is one of the major sins .
It also includes changing Allah's creation that has been promised by the devil in which he would instruct the person who answered the call of the sons of Adam as Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala:
"And I would have ordered them to change the creation of Allah."
So tattoos are things that can not be done, tdak be silenced and should be banned. Also warned of, and explained that it was one of the major sins.
And the person who made the tattoo if it's your will and voluntarily sinned and he is obliged to to repent to Allah and if it is able to eliminate tattoos. As if it was made without discretion and without His approval as if done at a small moment have not understood the sin on which to do it. But if allowed to be eliminated, he must eliminate. But if not possible then he can udzur in these conditions. '
He said: "Tattoos are haram and shirk increases when someone draw something haram like animals. Whoever did and knew the law was about forgiveness to Allah., And if you can remove without causing harm then semesti was eliminated."
(Sunan Abi Dawud Lesson Book Bab Az-adultery La'nul wasyimah wal mustausyimah 8/572)
Rahimahullahu He said: "If it may be removed by the treatment it shall be removed. If not possible unless the harm which was concerned with the risk of losing a limb or lose the benefits of that limb or something worse happens limbs seem that it is not mandatory eliminate them. And if he does not repent sin. But if he does not worry about something that is earlier or similar then it should be removed., and he is considered adulterous by the delay. Same thing in this case is all well laki2 and women. "
Rahimahullahu Ibn Hajar said: "Make no curse tattoos haram based on the hadith of this chapter shall eliminate if possible, even with the hurt. Unless otherwise perish fear something or lose the benefits of the limbs can be enough to leave and repent for sins abort. And in this is the same between men and women. "
Tattoo Laws In Prayer
From Alqomah of Abdullah ibn Mas'ud, he says,
"Allah cursed women who become a tattoo and tattooed woman asked, her eyebrows were plucked and women who asked that her eyebrows plucked feathers, as well as women who stretch their teeth for beauty. They are women who change the creation of Allah" (Bukhari no 4604, and Muslim, 5695).
All actions are perpetrators threatened with damnation is a great sin. There is no doubt that the above hadith proposition that tattooing is an act whose value sins done by women and men.
Sin is in the tattoo issue is not just reserved for actors (read: tattooist), but also obtained by the object tattoos.
Abu Malik Kamal al-Sayyid ibn Salim said,
"In this age of new models are emerging tattoo tattoo stamped and painted on the skin, not inserted into the skin. Tattoos of this type are allowed on the condition if it does not harm the skin and can not be shown to other than her husband. We say could because it does not include changing the creation Allah then such a girlfriend for nails or hair. Yet better is because it resembles the left actually tattooed "(Fiqh Sunnah lin Nisa case 427, Maktabah Taufiqiyyah Egypt).
Tattoo on any part of the body of law forbidden. Based on these arguments Allah SWT says:
Meaning changing Allah's creation according to a tabi'in Al-Hasan Al-Basri rahimahullahu adl with tattoos. In the hadith of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam:
"Allah curse those women who tattooed and who asked revocatory tattooed or shaved hair and teeth that hone For beautified. Women who change the creation of Allah."
Abdullah radi 'anhu said: "Why should I not curse those who cursed the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam while it is also in the Book of Allah: 'And what the Apostle brought to you then accept it.' . "
From Abu Hurayrah radi 'anhu from the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam he said: "Allah cursed women who connects hair and beseeching men to connect women-tattoos at a tattoo and ask her."
Here's fatwas of the scholars within this issue:
Fatwa al-Da `Lajnah imah
Fatwa ash-Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz rahimahullahu
Fatwa Ash-Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan
Fatwa ash-Shaykh Abdul Muhsin Al-Abbad
Opinions Al-Imam An-Nawawi
Ibn Hajar
With the discovery of laser technology to remove tattoos permanently without injuring the skin, then discard a tattoo is absolutely mandatory.
There is also a view that tattoos hinder people prayed for in the prayer required of our body, our clothing, and a place of prayer we are in a state of pure and clean, but the ink or dye used in tattoos odious because it would hit or mixed blood while needling tattoos. There are also opinions that say, perhaps without getting tattoos without the use of blood and ink remain chaste. If already bertatoo is valid prayer? Judging from the above law, the scholars see that the tattoo had to be removed because it contains material still feared unclean and blocking berwudlu. Moreover tattooed also does not reflect the Islamic adab. The scholars make provision removing tattoos as follows:
When the tattoo done after the legal age of his own, then it is required to eliminate or at least trying to eliminate them, as long as removing tattoos is not served until the damage of the body (skin) tertatoo or cause pain above the ordinary. If so, then it is not required to eliminate them valid and sufficient repentance and prayer. When the tattoo done before the legal age at the time, it is not necessary to eliminate legal and prayers. Some Arab tribes had a tradition of tattoos put on their baby's face as a sign of membership of tribes and there are also some who believe tattoos kabilan as a beauty enhancer.
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