Mahram also known among Muslims in Asia region as a mahram, does that mean the forbidden.
Men and women are forbidden (haram) berkahwin. Terbahagi to two namely ban ban and ban muabbad muaqqat.
Mahram Muabbad: muabbad ban is ban forever due to three cases namely consanguinity, sitting or perkahwinan. These include their mother or father and upwards, including brother and sister brother and sister feedings or sesusu (musoharah) and down, young and down to younger brothers, father and mother-in-law and upwards.
Allah says in Surah an-Nisa 'verse 22-23:
"And do not berkahwin (with women) who have diperisterikan by your father except what has prevailed in the past. Indeed, it is one thing to act vile and despised (by Allah), and a worst of the road (which passed in perkahwinan). (Surah An-Nisaa ': Verse 22)
"Forbidden to you berkahwin with (the women the following):
Your mothers, and
your children, and
your brothers and
brethren ye fathers, and
Your mother's brothers and
your children you are male, and
your children you are female, and
Your mothers who have nursed you, and
Your suckling brothers, and
your wives mothers, and
stepchildren are in pemuliharaan you from wives that you have little control: but if you do not meddle them (your wives) that (and you telahpun their divorce), the Nor any of you (berkahwin him).
And (also forbidden you berkahwin with) former wife kids me that comes from your seed.
And forbidden to you are two sisters gather once (to be your wives), except that it has prevailed in the past.
Verily Allah is Oft-Forgiving, the Most-pity. "(Surah An-Nisaa ': Verse 23
Mahram Muaqqat: muaqqat prohibition is the prohibition period or for the entire period under certain circumstances. If circumstances change, the prohibition law was also terbatal.
Among them:
1. Sister-in-law or sister-in-law. A man is forbidden mengahwini brother or sister to his wife (in-law) where his wife while still perkahwinan bond with him,
2. Children younger brother and sister to his wife (sister's son sickle). But after the split with his wife. However, limit interaction with muaqqat mahram as the law with no mahram.
Cousins (children to Mother / father's brother) is a man or a woman and they are not mahram Ajnabi, although he seemed to be in the list consanguinity. Shall maintain during the entire genitalia are in the presence not mahram. It should not be touching or shaking hands.
3. Wife to my father, brother or husband's brother Mother (Mother / Father brother "sickle") are also included in the category muaqqat mahram.
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