Monday, December 3, 2012


Prayer is not a game, but it is a sign of submission, seriousness, ketawadhuan, and humility before God (Almighty). Should be a servant when he went, he used to wear proper clothing; should not carelessly in praying! Choose proper clothes, because there are some people who do not pay attention to the condition of her clothes and, as he entered the prayer, without wearing a head covering, such as turbans, skull cap, and more. As if he is a coolie worker wearing clothes on their backs, when he went to Allah the Lord of Alamin. Allah (Exalted) says,
"O son of Adam, wear your jewelry in every (enter) mosque, eat and drink, and be not extravagant. Allah loves not those who exaggerated ". (Surat al-A'raf: 31).
Al-Imam Isma'il ibn Umar ibn Kathir Ad-Dimasyqiy-rahimahullah-said when interpreting this verse, "Based on these verses and hadiths that convey him from the Sunnah, then it is recommended ornate when to pray, especially on Friday, the day ied, and also (recommended) use perfume, because it includes jewelry, and (using) Siwak, because he perfection of it. Among the main outfit is a white dress ". [See Tafseer Ibn Kathir (2/281)]

Among the jewels of a believer is a head covering, such as skull, and Imamat (turban). The habit of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, and his companions, either in prayer, or outside the prayer, they always wear Imamat (turban), burnus (headdress that continued with clothes), or skull cap. The habit of stripping the head, without a skull cap or a turban, then this is the habit of people outside Islam. Amr bin Huroits-radi 'anhu-said,
أن النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم خطب وعليه عمامة سوداء
"The Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam never preaching, he was wearing a black turban." [HR. Muslim in his Saheeh (1359), Abu Dawud in his Sunan (4077), Ibn Majah in his Sunan (1104 & 3584)]
Al-Hasan Al-Bashriy-rahimahullah-said in the habit of telling friends in wearing skull cap and Imamat,
كان القوم يسجدون على العمامة والقلنسوة ويداه في كمه
"Once the it (the Companions) prostrate on the turban and skull cap (cap), while the second hand on his sleeve." [HR. Al-Bukhoriy in the Book of Ash-Sholah: Bab As-Prostration Tsaub Ats-fi ala al-Harr Syiddah (1/150) in mu'allaq with shighoh jazm, Abdur Razzaq in Al-Mushonnaf (1566)] Abdullah bin Sa'id -rahimahullah-said,
رأيت على علي بن الحسين قلنسوة بيضاء مصرية
"I look at Ali ibn al-Husayn was a white skull cap made in Egypt". [HR. Ibn Abi al-Mushonnaf Syaibah in (24 855)]
Here are some hadiths and atsar showing that the Salaf (the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, friends, tabi'in, and tabi'ut tabi'in), and the later generations have the morality and customs, which is well beyond the cowl prayer, especially in prayer. Habits and Sunnah has been abandoned by generations of Islam, only for reasons of shame, and not according to age-in-sangkaannya!
Moreover, with the emergence of various models, and famous hairstyle, such as model-Duran Duran, Bechkham, Mandarin, and others. All this led to the Sunnah wear hats start to fade and disappear. Minal fitan Nas'alullahas Salamah. So, disunnahkan for everyone who wants to carry prayers to wear proper clothing and the most perfect. The perfection of prayer is to wear clothing Imamat (turban), skull cap, or other commonly worn on the head when worshiping. Allowed to pray with open head for men, because the head is only a privacy for women, not for men. But of course it should not be used as an entry into the habit of prayer or outside prayer without turbans or skull cap. A person who does not wear a headscarf-without-udzur, then makruh law. Moreover, when performing the obligatory prayers, and especially to do it again when the congregation. [View As-Sunan wal Mubtadaat (p. 69) works Asy-Syuqoiriy].
Shaykh Muhammad Al-Albaniy Nashiruddin-rahimahullah-said, "It seems to me, the real prayer is not wearing headgear law is makruh. Because it is something very disunnahkan if a Muslim prayed wearing Islamic dress was perfect, as mentioned in the hadith: "For verily Allah has the right to deal with the most ornate themselves. "(The beginning of the above hadith is:
إذا صلى أحدكم فليلبس ثوبيه فإن الله أحق من تزين له
"If any one of you pray, then let him wear two-piece dress. For verily Allah the right to self faced with ornate. "[HR Ath-Thahawi in Sharh Al-Atsar Ma'aani (1/221), Ath-Thabrani, and Al-Bayhaqi in al-Sunan dalamAs-Kubra (2/236) with a hasan isnaad. It is, as mentioned dalamAl-Majma 'Az-Zawa'id (2/51). See also Ash-As-Lineage Shahihah no. 1369]
Shaykh Al-Albaniy said, "Do not wear headgear is not a habit that is carried out by the scholars of the Salaf, both when they are walking on the road and when entering places of worship. The habit of not wearing traditional headgear is actually done by the foreigners. This idea was deliberately smuggled into Muslim countries when they launched colonization. They worked on this bad habit: but unfortunately even followed by Muslims. They have put aside personalities and their own Islamic traditions. This is actually a bad influence very fine wrapped inappropriate to undermine traditions of Muslims and can not be used as a reason to allow the prayers without wearing headgear.
As for the argument that allowing leave the head without cap as proposed by some people from Anshorus Jama'ah Sunnah in Egypt is to mengkiaskannya the fashion people are wearing ihram while performing hajj. This is the worst metaphors business they do. How this could happen, while not covering the head when the ihram is syi'ar in religion and is included in the rituals, which is obviously not the same as the rules of worship.
If the working class that they did was right, it would have hit well with the opinion that the obligation to allow the head to keep it open when ihram. Because it is the duty of the pilgrimage circuit. [See Tamamul Minnah fit Ta'liq 'ala Fiqhis Sunnah (pp. 164-165)].

Never mentioned a history which states that the Messenger-Shollallahu 'alaihi wasallam-do not wear headgear when praying except when ihram.
Anyone who thinks he has no use when praying-Imamate in addition to the time-ihram, then he should be able to demonstrate their argument. Its true that the right to follow. [View Ad-Dinul Khalish (3/214) and al-Ajwibah An-Nafi'ah an Al-Al-Waqi'ah Masa'il (p. 110)]
That needs to be mentioned here is that prayer without wearing headgear is makruh ruling alone, and prayer is not canceled as mentioned by Al-Baghawi and the majority of other scholars. But do not be mistaken that the law merely makruh, oh may freely do not wear headgear, do not!! Because this is not the habit of the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam and his companions. [See Al-Majmu '(2/51).
The presumption that a congregation lay people behind the priest who did not wear headgear are not allowed. This is not true. Can not be denied that it is better not done, before a priest meets all the requirements of perfection prayer, and following all-Sunnah Shollallahu 'alaihi wasallam-. Only we seek refuge in Allah.

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