الحمد لله, ترك الجمعة ممن تجب عليه من غير عذر كبيرة من كبائر الذنوب. ومن ترك ثلاث جمع تهاونا طبع على قلبه وكان من
All praise to God, leaving Friday prayers without udzur for the person who shall perform the prayer is one of the major sins. And whoever is leaving Friday prayers three times because her lazy it will be closed and he was among those who neglectful.
روى مسلم في صحيحه عن أبي هريرة, وابن عمر رضي الله عنهما, أنهما سمعا
النبي عليه الصلاة والسلام يقول على أعواد منبره: "لينتهين أقوام عن ودعهم
الجمعات أو ليختمن الله على قلوبهم, ثم ليكونن من الغافلين"
hadith narrated by Muslim from Abu Hurairah in shahihnya and Ibn Umar
radi 'anhuma, they heard the Prophet sallallaahu' alaihi wa sallam said
in the pulpit: "It should be a people completely stopped from leaving
Friday prayers or Allah will shut their minds later they become part of those who are neglectful. "
وفي حديث آخر "من ترك ثلاث جمع تهاونا طبع على قلبه".
In another hadith, he said: "Whoever leaves three Friday prayers out of laziness then closed his heart."
عقوبة قلبية, وهي أشد من العقوبة الجسدية بالسجن أو الجلد, وعلى ولي الأمر
أن يعاقب المتخلفين عن صلاة الجمعة بلا عذر, بما يكون رادعا لهم عن
is the penalty associated with the heart, is more dangerous than the
punishment of the body, such as in prisons or whipped. It
is therefore mandatory for a leader / government to punish those who
left Friday prayers without udzur to provide a deterrent to them for
their immoral deeds.
الله كل مسلم أن يضيع فريضة من فرائض الله, فيعرض نفسه لعقاب الله,
وليحافظ على ما أو جب الله عليه ليفوز بثواب الله, والله يؤتي فضله من
A Muslim should fear Allah by not wasting that Allah impose liability, so he keeps himself from the punishment of Allah. Then he should take care of what God enjoined to be lucky to get the reward of Allah and He gave His virtues to anyone He wills.
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