Someone asked, "In fact, the Koran down malem Tatyana 17th of Ramadan qodar what the heck? Kan in a letter al-qodar, Al-Qur'an down malem Tatyana qodar. Continues the Prophet said Tatyana qodar in ten tuh end of Ramadan. How come the people in ngadain nuzulul Quran dated 17 Ramadan?. "
Perhaps the problem is also that there is in the mind of the reader as well. Here is a little explanation about "nuzulul Quran" taken from some book that explains about this issue.
The method lowered the Qur'an (Kaifiyah Inzal)
First: Al-Qur'an Unloaded In Mass
شهر رمضان الذي أنزل فيه القرآن
"The month of Ramadan is the (month) in which Qur'an revealed." (Al-Baqarah 185)
إنا أنزلناه في ليلة القدر
"Surely we lowered (Al-Qur'an) on the Night of Power." (Al-Qodr 1)
إنا أنزلناه في ليلة مباركة
"Surely we lowered (Al-Qur'an) on the night of the blessed." (Ad-dukhon 3)
In the third paragraph above, all of explaining about the decline of Al-Quran first time, ie during Ramadan precisely Tatyana Qadr night; night glory. And the letter is ad-Dukhon Mubarok night Tatyana Qadr is the night in Ramadan as saying by most scholars of tafsir. (See commentary Al-Alusi)
In the book of Al-Burhan fi 'Ulumil-Qur'an bouquet Badruddin Sheikh Az-Zarkasyi (W. 794 H), he said that in this case the scholars differ in opinion of the famous 3.
And of the three opinion, the best approach to strong opinions and truth is the opinion held by many scholars Jumhur, namely:
That the Qur'an was revealed at once into the sky world (Daarul Izzah) on the night of Lailatul Qodr then lowered by gradually throughout the life of the Holy Prophet after he was appointed as the Prophet in Makkah and Madinah until he died.
Many of the scholars who say that the opinion is the closest to the truth, according to a history published by Imam Hakim in mustadroknya with a saheeh isnaad, from Ibn Abbas radhiyallhu 'anhuma, he said that Al-Quran was down at once into the sky at night Tatyana world Qadr. Then lowered gradually over 20 years, and then he read something about the verse,
ولا يأتونك بمثل إلا جئناك بالحق وأحسن تفسيرا
"It is not the infidels came to you (bring) something odd, but we bring to you a right and best." (Surat al-Furqan: 33)
وقرآنا فرقناه لتقرأه على الناس على مكث ونزلناه تنزيلا
"And the Quran has been sent down to us gradually that you read it slowly to humans and we lowered it section by section." (Surat al-Isra: 106)
Imam An-Nasa'i also narrated with a saheeh isnaad from Ibn Abbas radi 'anhuma, he said: "...... and the Koran placed on Baitil Izzah world from the sky and then Gabriel descended with him to Muhammad."
Second: Al-Qur'an Passed By Berangsuran
Having inherited a complete (whole) of the heavens lawh Mahfudz World (Bait-ul-Izzah), Al-Qur'an down a berangsuran for 23 years (this is a strong opinion); 13 years in Mecca and 10 years in Medina. And lower berangsuran Qur'an has described the word of Allah,
وقرآنا فرقناه لتقرأه على الناس على مكث ونزلناه تنزيلا
"And the Quran has been sent down to us gradually that you read it slowly to humans and we lowered it section by section." (Surat al-Isra: 106)
And this is one of the features of the Qur'an, the holy book of the Prophet Muhammad's dropped berangsuran after fully unloaded / at once.
This is different from other heavenly books revealed at once, the Gospel, the Torah and the Psalms, without any installment. Allah says:
وقال الذين كفروا لولا نزل عليه القرآن جملة واحدة كذلك لنثبت به فؤادك ورتلناه ترتيل ولا يأتونك بمثل إلا جئناك بالحق وأحسن تفسيرا
And he said those who disbelieve: "Why is not the Qur'an revealed to him all down right?": Thus that We may strengthen your heart with it and we read it Tartil (regular and correct). It is not the infidels came to you (bring) something odd, but we bring to you a right and best explanation. (Surat al-Furqan: 32-33)
And the first verse down according to most scholars of Al-Alaq is (and this is a strong opinion), or what we call the letter Iqra 'verses 1-5. It's based on history issued by Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim in Saheeh both of 'Aisha Radiyallahu' anha Wife Rasul SAW.
When Verses First Down?
As for the "when" the letter Iqra 'was revealed, scholars and historians disagree about this. Some say the month Rabiul Awwal, others say the month of Ramadan, and some are saying the month of Rajab.
But a strong opinion is that the month of Ramadan according Allah SWT says: "Ramadan is the (month) in which Qur'an revealed." (Al-Baqarah 185).
And most scholars also agreed that a letter Iqra 'is the revelation of the first down, as well as the appointment of the Prophet Muhammad a Prophet. And this happened on Monday, according to the hadith narrated by Imam Muslim from Abu Qotadah companions radi 'anhu, that the Prophet was asked about fasting on Monday, and he replied: "It was the day where I was born and revealed to me a revelation. '
Then Scholars disagree about the date again fall in the month of Ramadan. Some say 7 nights of Ramadan, others say 17 nights of Ramadan, some are saying 24 a night, there is also a saying on 21 Ramadan.
Sheikh Shofiyur-Rohman Al-Mubarokfuri said in the book of Sirah Nabawi Rahiqul-Makhtum essay: "after doing enough research, it may be concluded that the day was Monday evening the 21st of the month of Ramadan. Which coincides dated August 10 660 M, and when it was age appropriate Rasul SAW 40 year 6 months 12 days a few months, exactly 39 years 3 months 12 days count sun. Monday in the month of Ramadan that year was between 7, 14, 21, 24, 28, and from some authentic narrations that Tatyana Qadr night that did not happen except in the odd nights of the ten end of Ramadan. If we compare God's word verses of Al-Qodr first hadeeth of Abu Qotadah explaining that the revelation descended on the Monday, and with the calendar counts Ilmiyah on Monday in the month of Ramadan of the year, it can be concluded that the first revelation to the Prophet SAW was down dated 21 Ramadan nights ".
Why Night 17 Ramadan?
And that became the basis of most Muslims in the Quran to commemorate nuzulul on the night of 17 Ramadan, perhaps what is mentioned by Imam Ibn Kathir (W. 774 H) in his book Al-Bidayah wan-Nihayah, Al-Waqidi narrated from Abu Ja ' far Al-Baqir as saying that "the first revelation to the Prophet SAW fell on Monday 17th of Ramadan and is said also 24 Ramadan."
The conclusion that the night-Qodr Tatyana called night fall the Qur'an is true, because it was the night that the Qur'an down completely once from lawh-Mahfuzd to the sky world (Baitul-Izzah).
And the Qur'an down the berangsuran preceded by the letter of Al-'Alaq verses 1-5 are also momentum appointment Muhammad a messenger is 17 nights of Ramadan are often celebrated by most Muslims, either in Indonesia or in other countries.
Although the determination of 17 nights of Ramadan as a time initially drops Al-Quran is still disputed by many scholars, as described above.
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