The days that Mahsyar called Yawm al Mahsyar (Arabic: يومالمحشر, Yaumul Hasyir). Then it was said in a hadith by Muhammad that Palestine is the land Mahsyar (collected) danMansyar (distributed) human.
The human condition on the day of resurrection varies according to the charity of worship in the world. After a phase of awakening beings from the grave, then humans and other creatures will enter a phase in Mahsyar, which would then be given / presented;
Ita al-Kitab a charity record each given every creature,
Mizan will then be faced with a balance that will weigh between merit and sin every creature.
Haudh (lake) every prophet will have this well.
According to Islam, Muhammad had a lake named Kautsar, but only prospective population Heaven can feel the delicious water.
During the day it's excruciating, Muhammad will provide help to all beings called Udhma intercession, he would ask God to be held as soon as possible reckoning.
Human objec practice will depend on what they do for a living, when it was all men would be busy with their own affairs. So that children no longer recognize his parents, and vice versa.
When the sun goes out so that the earth in darkness. Takala them in such conditions, the sky above them spun and exploded into pieces during the 500 years that the sky split with all his might and then melts and flows like silver which is heated to red and humans intermingled scattered like insects under bare feet, no dressing and walking.
Then the sun published by God, just above the head with a distance of only 2 arc, so man parched by the scorching heat of the sun's intensity is turned up and the sweat was pouring rain, flooded fields mahsyar along with tremendous fear because they will be presented before God. For those who believe, and do good righteous good deeds would be protected from the blazing sun.
Then sweat rose to their bodies, according to their level before God. For some people sweat will pool reaches the knee, for most others reach the waist and reach for some other nostril fact some people almost drowned in it.
For people of faith will be given by the intercession of Muhammad, intercede in the form of:
Accelerated talks and dipermudahkanNya enter Paradise,
Added reward scales that are heavier than sin,
Entered into Paradise without reckoning.
According to Islam, men who received intercede Mahsyar Muslims are always chanting, shalawat to Muhammad, sincere help people in difficulty.
The day is also called "Call Calling Day" in the Qur'an al-Mu'min 32 letters, because all the people who gathered in mahsyar part sehagian another call for help.
human grouping
On the day of the resurrection of all humankind will be resurrected in 3 groups:
The group was driving,
walking group,
The group that runs the face.
There was one friend who asked, how can a bunch of runs with his face, then Muhammad replied "Allah made them run away, must be able to make them run with a face."
At this time, Muslims come in groups, based on the An-Naba '[78]: 18 and hadeeth, Muhammad said, "O Muadh, you actually ask something really big. There are 12 groups of my Ummah will be brought into the field Mahsyar. They everything that Allah Almighty exchanged, unlike when they live in the world. "the Group is as follows:
Resurrected from the grave with the condition without arms and legs. These are people who, when the world used to love disturb neighbors.
Resurrected from the grave with the state in the form of wild boar. These are people who, when his ease lazy and negligent in the prayer.
Resurrected from the grave with a donkey conditions, such as abdominal bloating them while inside a mountain and filled with snakes and scorpions. Meraka these are people who are reluctant to pay zakat.
Resurrected from the grave with blood condition memancut out of their mouths. These are the people who lie in the buying and selling.
Resurrected from the grave with a foul-smelling conditions over the carcass. These are the people who do immoral stealth for fear of being seen, but do not fear God.
Resurrected from the grave with their necks broken condition. They are the people who become false witnesses.
Resurrected from the grave without having their tongue and mouth oozing out pus and blood. Meraka it is people who are reluctant to testify to the truth.
Resurrected from the grave the situation upside the head down and feet up, and farajnya ooze pus flowing like water. Meraka is a person who dies without a chance to do zinadan repent.
Resurrected from the grave with the condition of the black face and dark blue eyes and belly fire. They are people who eat the orphan's property by unjust means.
Resurrected from the grave with the condition of their bodies filled with hairpiece and leprosy. They are the ones who rebel against their parents.
Resurrected from the grave with a blind conditions, their teeth elongated like bull horns, extends to their lips and their tongues protruding chest extends to the abdomen. His stomach also menggelebeh to thigh and out wide dirt. These are people who drink wine.
Resurrected from the grave with the condition face a luminous glow like the full moon. They passed like lightning sirath catwalk snatched. These are people who do good works and a lot to do good, always stay away from acts of disobedience, they maintain the five daily prayers, when the death of their condition repent and receive forgiveness, love and pleasure of Allah.
A field flag mashyar later installed by the leaders of the truth and underneath there are rows of followers. The flag was installed and flown by:
Flag Liwaus Shidqi (Truth) was raised by Abu Bakr al-Siddiq for everyone a true and honest will be under the flag.
Flag Fuwaha 'to Mu'adh bin Jabal to all those pious and jurisprudence will be marching under the banner of this banner.
Flag Zuhud to Abu Dhar Al-Ghiffari for all people who animates and membudi with ascetic power will be under this flag.
Generous to Uthman ibn Affan for the donors will be underneath.
Flag Martyrs to Ali ibn Abi Talib to everyone who was martyred together marched under this banner.
Flag Qurra 'for Ubay bin Ka'b to the reciters' march under the same flag this banner.
Flag for Bilal bin Rabah Mu'adzin for mu'adzin will be on the line under this flag.
Flag of people killed by persecution to Husayn ibn Ali to the people who will be killed by the persecution under this flag.
Seven people were getting shade
In Mahsyar with very hot temperatures at judgment day, surely the man becomes confused and panicked to find shelter. And on the day that a man would say: "Where is the place to run? '. In Al-Quran revealed firmly and clearly about the condition as Allah says in surah Al-Qiyamah: 10-11:
"On that day the people said," Where the place is run? "Certainly not! There is no refuge!" But with God there will be some people who get the shade, but not all people can take shelter under it, it is the grace of God and shading. There are seven people who will get the shade of God's mercy in the day that there is no shade except His shade is:
ruler / leader of the fair.
A teenager who began adolescence to worship God.
A man whose heart dipertautkan with mosques.
Two people who were in love-love for God, which are both together and apart for God.
A man who when seduced by the beautiful noblewoman again, and he replied: "I fear Allah".
A handout issued and hidden, until his left hand not knowing what the right hand was done (meaning he did not tell donate alms and to other people).
A dhikr to Allah in a quiet place, so his eyes shed tears.
Yawm al reckoning means the day of judgment / judgment of good deeds and bad deeds of man. After being in the next Mahsyar examined them one by one. Before the inspection, they were told about the deeds they have done even if they had forgotten what they were doing. Charity man in the world have been recorded by the Angel Kirâman Katibin, without the slightest kekliruan.
Humans will merenima notebook charity that has been done when in the world. Charities are then weighed in on mizan or balance. Whosoever shall put his good deeds heavy to heaven and light goodness will put hell. If the book (record) it's heavy kebaikkannya charity will receive the right hand, whereas if the book will be received heavy evil deeds left hand. In accordance with the Word of God Al-Isra verse 71,
"Remember the day that we call every time race with the leader, and whoever is given the book of deeds in his right hand then they will read the book, and they were not persecuted at all." (Al-Isra verse 71)
"And as for the man given his book from the right, his deeds will be calculated easily, and return to a professional merry. As for those given the Book deeds from the left he will experience misery, and dimasukakan Sa'ir into hell." (Al-Insyiqaq verses 7-12)
After the expiration of the judgment, then the creatures that have been brought to account through the catwalk shirath led to a thinner than a hair and sharper than the sword, by the following hadith: "To me that's a bridge (ash-shirath) of the hair softer and more mightier than the sword ". In another story it says bridge hairline split seven, but never found to support this proposition. At the bridge Muhammad who first set foot, and then followed by a group of ten people.
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