والسارق والسارقة فاقطعوا أيديهما جزآء بما كسبا نكالا من الله والله عزيز حكيم
The author intentionally included the verse, as the foundation for developing thinking, after the release of the decision that the Council of Ulama Nahdlotul published in Republika dated August 9, 2002 about a corrupt died unlawful if disholati many questions from the congregation.
The author is morally agree with the decision because the current condition of the nation's foremost leaders bureaucrats involved in cases of corruption is very, very far. Indonesia as a country that achieved ranking / ranking first in the Asian countries in the achievement of corruption that reached stage III. It is said in some media wrote corruption stage III can be explained, that if someone Minister corruption, corrupt minister mentioned by the Director General, and the Director General in corrupt by any subordinates under the same roof. Or if a governor of corruption, it will be corrupted by his Vice as well as corruption is in the corrupt Vice Governor by the assistant. Such an overview of Indonesia.
If at the district level, the start of the Sub corrupt, by the corrupt will be Sekwilcam, Sekwilcam in corrupt by its staff.
To avoid misunderstanding of the role in terms of this study, it is necessary to explain the author of several senses:
a. Corruption is the behavior of individuals who use the authority and position to extract private wealth, harm the interests of the General and State. 1
b. Corruption is any person who acts unlawfully enrich themselves sendiri.atau another person or a corporation can be detrimental to the financial yanh State or the State's economy. In life imprisonment or imprisonment for 4 (four) years and a maximum of 20 years and a fine of Rp. 200,000,000.00 (200 million) and a maximum of Rp. 1,000,000,000.00 (one billion dollars) 2
c. In Islamic law ijtihadiyah corruption is still a problem, yet most scholars to be the deal, because of the problem of corruption accumulate various forms of immorality among others:
1) Violating the mandate (one feature hypocrite)
2) Nick (when it reaches nishab / minimum 93.6 grams of gold) are exposed to sanctions severed hand, if the current price of gold / gram is Rp. 80,000. then nishabnya is Rp. 7.4.888,00
3) robbery because there are elements of a person's deprivation of their rights by using the power / authority, subject to the rules cut the hands and legs at the ankles are crossed.
4) Embezzlement.
5) Bribery.
6) Carelessness in Administration / Menegemen.
7) Extortion.
8) Fraud
9) betrayal.
From some of the above definition, corruption is an act detrimental to the State / Public to private interests. Can be done in the form of misuse of office, authority or providing false statements do not correspond to reality. On the negative nature of the criminals are prominent are: Greed, Dishonesty, feeling bear to see others suffer. Of the three properties is developed into a fraud, extortion, bribery, fraud and treachery.
Acts of corruption, the authors deliberately dividing two parts so that the seat of the problem more clearly, then make it easy to determine the type of sentence.
a. Corruption By Using Power.
Corruption by using power, generally carried out by the authorities, namely The offices Chief, Commander, Chief. Acts of corruption by the authoritarian power-holders by using the control bodies kelemaha rank and tenure status are far below. So the subordinate element does not move for fear of being moved rank and jabatanya or complicated life (rights, obligations kesejahteraanmaupun) for example:
1) Allocation of funds is not on target. Funds for the purchase of stationery personal automobile tires / on to divide.
2) The funds for the welfare of the personnel in the capture itself (private).
3) The funds for the procurement of office facilities channeled to party / person.
4) Funding for the development was taken for personal or group interest.
5) and other sebagainnya.
In the above cases, criminals who use power is not much difference with the footpad of the subordinate, then betrayed him to his boss.
b. Corruption Not With Power.
Corruption is generally done by a subordinate element of the form
1) Memorandum Pemalsuaan shopping, out of 1 million, reported 2 million.
2) Taking office facilities for private purposes (paper, markers, ink)
3) Using office facilities for personal gain. Official car for personal business, transporting merchandise on rent to haul wood.
Corruption at this level, the behavior tends thief (without using the power and authority)
c. Corruption Combined Between Using and Abusing Power Authority Department.
For example:
1) A judge who took bribes to free suspects.
2) A Marine police, who arrested later contraband wood in bribes to free wood.
3) In order to be elected as governor he did bribe.
4) The pastor in France sell buy indulgences.
From the description above, it became clear that the emphasis is the abuse of power through the bargaining process.
4. LEGAL corrupt.
The front has been described acts of corruption committed by means of power or not, the legal sanction is also adapted to the background. With the power of what he was doing the graft.
a. Analogous to the robbery, the corruption done by the strength and power that has corrupted and has reached a nishab / minimum limit imposed by the law of limited cross cut hand wrist. (Nishabnya gold weighing 93.6 grams, 1 gram of 2011 gold worth Rp.400.000, 00 then nishabnya = Rp. 38,520,000.00). If the result of these actions caused the victim died he could be sentenced to death, as Allah says in surat Al Maaidah verse 33,
إنما جزاؤا الذين يحاربون الله ورسوله ويسعون في الأرض فسادا أن يقتلوا
أو يصلبوا أوتقطع أيديهم وأرجلهم من خلاف أو ينفوا من الأرض ذالك
لهم خزي في الدنيا ولهم في الأخرة عذاب عظيم
Meaning: "" The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and RosulNya and make mischief in the land, the killer should be killed, for the robber who kills his victims should be crucified, for the robber who just robbed the victim of property law uncle had cut her arms and legs are limited cross wrist ".
b. Analogous to theft, the law is limited to the wrist when the hand piece has reached a nishab (93.6 grams of gold).
Hypocrisy is often termed the two-faced or two-headed snake. The meaning of the term adalh someone behave between speech and impulse different / contradictory. For example, when someone says her faith insulting / mencibirkan the aspects of faith teresebut. Muhammad once said about the signs of a hypocrite, that is;
"The signs of a hypocrite are three, namely when he said
lying, if he benjanji he mwengingkari, if he be treated
believe he betrayed. "(Narrated by Muslim Bukhary)
In a perfectly self-contained corrupt traits above special mandate issue. At the time of Muhammad someone who embezzle the spoils of war should not be disholati, the more of a hypocrite in the Holy Qur'an 84 verse Attaubah letter, clearly haram disholati, dido'akan, namely:
ولاتصل على أحد منهم مات أبدا ولاتقم على قبره إنهم
كفروا بالله ورسوله وماتوا وهم فاسقون
"And do not ever menyolatkan someone corpses
dead among them (hypocrites) and do not berdo'ah buried
it, in fact they have disbelieved Allah and RosulNya
and they died in a wicked ".
after looking at the corruptors case above, it was natural when a corrupt when dead, unclean disholati, as analogous to a hypocrite. The more so if we observe the moral of Indonesia which had sunk in all fields such as now many officials tegah bureaucrats still with the heart and reckless conduct corruption on a large scale until it reaches the dam billion trillion. The author watched with a feeling of wonder why on earth Pancasila is still a lot of heartless people.
Let us invoke the presence of God may we dropped our children and grandchildren be born and inner strength to be able to do what is best for the nation and the state religion. Ameen.
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