Monday, December 3, 2012


Tafsir bi al'ilmi
The Qur'an is the "word of God an unparalleled (miracle), was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. Seal of the Prophets and the Apostles, written by the hand of the angel Gabriel in Manuscripts-Manuscripts submitted to us by mutawatir (by the crowd), as well as learn valuable worship, beginning with al-Fatihah, and closed with a surah an-Naas. And in another sense is added the phrase "maintained of each change and the change"

Among kemu'jizatan al-Qur'an, among others, is that they are in accordance with science. Where is the verse that is often cited is the sura Fusshilat paragraph 3. In this verse, Allah gives a statement, that the whole of creation, God is showing all the signs of his power in every corner of nature, even in ourselves there is any sign of his power.

From this comes a method of interpretation of the Qur'an ie bi al'ilmi interpretation. Tafsir is actually a development of ar-bi ro'yu interpretation (tafsir diroyah). Tafsir is dotted-starting the mujtahid's opinion and not based on things that dinukilkan from friends and tabi'in.
Tafsir bi al'ilmi is a form of interpretation is influenced by the latest scientific findings. This misinterpretation can be simply defined as a way of understanding the Qur'an with the discoveries of modern science. Interpretation of this type oriented verses of the Koran that are faulty (kauniyah verses), that demands a mujtahid hard work unravel the relationship between these verses to show kemu'jizatan Qur'an.
Many opinions that emerged in response to the presence of this type of interpretation. On the one hand, many arguments for the presence of this type of interpretation. Indeed, the presence of this commentary is a response from the setback suffered by Muslims in science. In fact, this interpretation itself has emerged since the time when the flow Mu'tazila Abbasid rule. And finally this interpretation back stretch after seeing that experienced setbacks and stagnation of Islamic science.
Arguments expressed support interpretation of this model, is the verses that instruct people to wear and use all his wits ability to think of God's creation. Among others in surah Ali Imran in which there is the term 'Ulul albab as people who want to think about God's creation. Another argument is that verse denounce the people who just memngikuti ancestors (taqlid) without looking for new innovations in life.
On the other hand, those who reject the interpretation of the model is wearing the argument, that the interpretation of this model is only made for the interpretation of the Qur'an, where there is a threat of the Prophet in the hadith narrated by Tirmidhi, which means more or less:

"... And whoever interprets the Qur'an in his opinion (ro'yu) it then he should be willing to put yourself in hell anyway."
They also use the argument suroh al-Baqoroh paragraphs 169 and suroh an-Nahl verse 44 that explains that apart from the Messenger of Allah, none has the right to interpret the Qur'an. For this group, the Qur'an is the book of constitution, and not the book that revealed to science.
Indeed, if we Think deeply, how a modern scientific theory that is relative, relative and may change at any time, can be used to interpret the verses of the Koran are absolute truth. Moreover, the fact that scientific discoveries are used as the basis for the interpretation of these verses is the Western people, where it is possible to understand-they are opposed to the ideology of Islam come teradopsi.
Tafsir bi al'ilmi are often criticized for using the approach sciences such as physics, biology and other disciplines who all wear basic inductive logic. Observations using the scientific method that emphasizes the importance of show trials used to formulate a theory. Scientific investigations by various disciplines emphasizing empirical attitude, and rely on a steady experiments. The impetus for scientific experiments empirically was originally emphasized by Galileo Galilei (1564-1642).
Examples of the interpretation of bi al'ilmi include the concept of the formation of the universe using the theory of the big bang suroh linked to al-Anbiya 'verse 30, the number associated with the uterine lining suroh az-Zumar paragraph 6, wind-pollinated plants are associated with al suroh -Hijr verse 22, and so forth, all of which are connected with the verses of the Koran.
The problem is mufassir statements al'ilmi sometimes seemed forced bi al-Qur'an in order to connect with science. Such statements that zarroh in suroh Yunus verse 61 shows the atom. There are also interpretations to the conclusion that contrary to Islamic doctrine which is believed by the majority of Muslims.
Concrete examples are Agus Mustofa, an author who wrote the book "turns the Hereafter is Eternal". In his book, he reveals scientific arguments, such as physics theories that reinforce the opinion that it is not eternal afterlife as believed by the majority of Muslims today.
This can lead to misinterpretation bi al'ilmi criticized. For one thing, the truth is not eternal. Why? Since the conclusion of science use the generalization to several facts. Wearing some observations that seemed to represent the entire state of the universe.
The nature of science itself is always evolving from time to time. Take the case of Pluto, for more than 70 years, Pluto is considered as part of the solar system. But recently, Pluto expelled from membership of the solar system, and is classified as an ordinary celestial bodies similar to asteroids.

Do the math? This question can be answered with a variety of answers, depending on when the question is answered, which was answered, who responded, and what is seen as "mathematics" by the answerer.

So many opinions appearing in the definition of mathematics. Some say math as a language of symbols, mathematical methods of logical thinking, mathematics is the science of quantity and magnitude, mathematics is the science of manipulating symbols, and so forth.
The term mathematics (UK) mathematike comes from Greek, meaning "Relating to learning". Mathema derived from the root word meaning knowledge or science, and are closely related mathanein word meaning learning (thinking).

So based on etymological, math word meaning "knowledge obtained by reasoning". Math is formed as a result of human thought associated with the ideas, processes and reasoning. In the early stages, mathematical form of the human experience in a world empirically, processed in cognitive structure and ultimately concluded the mathematical concepts.
Mathematics has three properties, namely deductive, structured, and serves as the queen of sciences as well as servant. Emphasis is taken by this paper is the nature of mathematics as a science by deductive reasoning.
As a deductive science, mathematics does not accept generalizations based on observation. Although the math, the truth can begin inductively. But the truth of generalizations that may need to be proven deductively. Deduktiflah logic used and the laws of mathematical logic in specifying the meaning of the mathematical expression, for example is if we say that all even numbers divisible by two, then we should be able to mebuktikannya untukkeseluruhan even number, although previously we take an axiom is a statement that 2n even number.

Proof of the Qur'an with Mathematics

Al-Qur'an, the entire content is a miracle. Symbols meaning, namely lafadz-wording is also a miracle. To mebuktikan kemu'jizatan al-Qur'an, done in various ways, one of them by connecting the Koran with the existing science.
In proving the Qur'an with commentary bi al'ilmi, found many shortcomings, one of which was caused by the logic used by most science is inductive logic. And what about the disclosure miracles of the Qur'an by the Qur'an traced using a mathematical approach?
The Holy Qur'an has encouraged people to pay attention, to think, to understand and to reason. In the creation of the heavens and the earth, life goes on, and all of God's creation, there is a remarkable order of calculation. And it's all in units of numbers.
The figure is the spirit of mathematics, a science of pure language (lingua pura) is a universal language and it is believed by Carl Sagan, a physicist, as the universal language of the universe. Math is not a creation of human beings such high berintelegensi Euclid, Pythagoras, Archimedes, al-Khawarizmie, Galileo, Kepler, or Stephen Hawking. Mathematicians are not invent mathematics, but they found no rules or mathematical equations in all things created by God.
What is the mathematical relationship with the Qur'an? Peerlu we know, that one kind of miracle of the Qur'an is I'jaz 'adadi (miracles which are numbers). This phenomenon has been studied by 'scholars' previous scholars and even today is still widely studied by the' ulama.
I'jaz 'adadi is then referred to as a miracle proving new approach, namely the mathematical sciences. As performed by A. Alif Sampayya Salma, Abu Zahra an-Najdi and others.
Way to establish the Koran as kemu'jizatan very unique. These include the discovery of the balance amount of word shahr (month) 12 times, the number of words sholawat (jama 'of prayer) is five times, ad-dunya and al-akhiroh equally called 115 times, and so forth.
Moreover, the use of a computer to calculate the number of words in the Qur'an, the numeric value of a word, a sentence to the overall percentage of the Qur'an as well as the discovery of the number 19 as a key figure for understanding the combinations of numbers in the Qur'an , all the more established use I'jaz 'Adadi in proving kemu'jizatan Qur'an.
Kemu'jizatan it the same proof of the Koran by non-mathematical and mathematical science? Of course different. Mathematics proves the truth of the Qur'an is not the observation of nature, but by finding common ground and balance numbers in the Qur'an.
Math does not know the scientific observation of the universe to understand the Qur'an kemu'jizatan. In contrast to Physics, Biology and Geography kemu'jizatan Qur'an proves the observation of the universe, then "connect" with the Koran.
Math requires only the Qur'an itself. Math requires only data 'how many words yaum?', 'How many letters in a sentence bismillahirrohmanirrohiim?', 'What number suroh an-Nuur in the Manuscripts?' And so forth. From there, do a permutation, combination and other arithmetic operations that would indicate a miracle.
The process of taking a purely logical proof and comes from the Qur'an itself, making math Qur'an is remarkable and far from controversy. The nature of mathematics itself which does not require observation also increasingly convinced that the Qur'an is true mathematics.
However, evidence of the Qur'an in this way, one also sometimes used to support their arguments. Take the example of Rashid Khalifa who conclude that the last two verses suroh at-Tawbah should be excluded from the Koran because "disrupt the composition of mathematical al-Qur'an".
Proof kemu'jizatan Qur'an with mathematics also provide a spread of dogma and faith of a scientist. As Abu Zahra 'an Najdi who tried to support the schools-schools of the Shi'a.

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