Friday, December 7, 2012

Worst of PEOPLE SEEING ie the Day of Resurrection

Doomsday event will simply overwrite the bad and the ugly man. They were idol worshipers, those who ascribed partners to Allah, to deny all the grace and His blessings, not forbidding the evil they see, and they hasten in doing disobedience to God. They always do the deeds that made God angry. They perform a variety of sins and mistakes as quickly as birds and fierce beasts.

From the hadith-hadith there, it was clear to us that the people who live at the end of the world is the worst thing, the worst, most perverted, most shirk with Allah and the infidels. They are also the most eligible man in hell jahannam on the Day of Resurrection.

It was narrated that the Prophet said, "Then, when they are in this condition, all of a sudden God sent a gentle breeze. Winds are hitting them from underneath their armpits armpit, and then pull out the soul of every believer, and Muslim, and only human beings worst. They were having sex, copulate like donkeys bersetubuhnya. Upper doom they happened ". HR.Ahmad.

People who portrayed the Prophet as being the worst side of God and the creature is most similar to the animals even more misguided are those who have always given the favor of God in their lives prior to the end of the world events that sin, lies, and immorality they grew. They are the people who do wrong, although God always provide sustenance, health, and life was good to them.

Word of God, "God will reward their banter and let them vacillate in error". QS.Al-Baqarah: 15.

People who meant God in the following noble verse are the people who will be alive at the time of the Day of Judgment. Allah says, "Say, 'whoever is in error, then let Rabb, Most Gracious, extend maturity for him, so that when they have seen what threatened him, both punishment and doom, they will know who is worse position and weaker helper -helpers ". QS.Maryam: 75.

People are still alive when the apocalypse ynag happens is that the people who have been awarded the unceasing pleasure of God. Also abundance and goodness flowing profusely in front of them.

In a hadith, the Prophet tells us about the human condition that led to the fire towards kepadang mahsyar Sham country, and how they used to live before the end of the world full of pleasure after holding the spirit of God all those who believe.

It was narrated from Ibn 'Umar that the Messenger of Allah said, "Then Allah sent a cold wind from the direction of Sham ie just before the end of the world so that no one is left on the planet who in his heart goodness weighing an atom seed or faith but digenggannya. Till when one of them entered into belly of the mountain then definitely the wind that was going to enter in to be able to hold it.

Then the worst of human beings lived as fast as a bird (in doing disobedience) and fierce beasts (in doing injustice). They do not know that kindness dna does not deny munkar, so the devil came to them and said, 'Are you going to accept? They said, 'What do you say to us? 'He also ordered them to worship idols and with all that, they become abundant sustenance and their life becomes better. Then ditiupkanlah trumpet, that's when the apocalypse ". HR.Muslim.

The question is about the people who are deprived life by God before the end of the world, that people of faith to act degrees between them, until Allah deprive souls in whose hearts there is faith Maskipun atomic weight of seeds. If this shows anything, it shows the greatness of God's mercy on the believers, although only the atomic weight of seed faith no heart. It's all because God is knowing whether the events of Resurrection, torment and suffering.

How not, when the apocalypse happens, everything will be destroyed there. The stars, planets, mountains, oceans and rivers destroyed, and the fire will be blazing seafaring. Any place on earth will shake with a terrible shock.

Due to the terrible events, Allah loves those who in their hearts there is faith even by atom, to not see events for the event with their eyes. Those entitled to see it is people who do not have the slightest faith in his heart. Their hearts had been impregnated with shirk and disobedience, and the worship of idols, demons have been flowing in them such as blood flow in the veins.

Allah says, "And it has been absorbed into the hearts of those that worship of the calf because of their disbelief. Say, 'very evil deeds you have ordered your faith if you believe in the Torah". QS.Al-Baqarah: 93.

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