Just before his death, Noah's call her children to face him. So as soon as Sam came to see him, but his brothers did not appear that Ham and Yafits. As a result of noncompliance Ham and Yafits, Allah then lower compensation to them. Yafits who did not come because his wife prefers both (sexual relationships) gave birth to a son named Sannaf. Later then Sannaf lowering odd child. When born, the children out at once in the form of less than perfect. Besides the large size and weight of each is different, there is a big physical while the other small. For further great subsequently continued to grow to exceed the normal size (giant), whereas the smallest one kept as small as a little man. They became known as Gog and Magog.
In addition to the odd, Gog and Magog have appetite than normal. And when they eat certain plants so the plants will stop growing until it dies. Likewise, when the drinking water from somewhere so the water will not increase anymore. So many water sources and rivers to dry it. Communities around they have to bear the impact that food and water crises.
Because social interaction is not conducive due to the problems brought about by Gog and Magog is, they then tend to isolate ourselves in a mountain pass in the midst of the community of nations holding another Yafits descendants, which include nations: Armenia, Russian / Slavic, Roman and Turk in large areas surrounding the Black Sea. But when they need to eat and drink, going out together simultaneously to the surrounding areas as yet untouched by them earlier. Because of his physical condition, they are able to travel long distances in a relatively short time compared to a normal human. For the class of giants because they are able to move with a wide range of classes, while little man is due to such a light weight against gravity so that when running very fast like gliding with the wind.
At the height of the unrest of the period, and then Allah sent one of His servants who skinned black (but not including the negro race) with two small lumps (not bony horns) on both sides of the forehead which is more often not visible because it was covered by the Prophet's turban Dhul Qarnain as to block the rate of Gog and Magog which has led to the destruction of nature that will continue to grow wider.
"Give me pieces of iron," until the iron has been equally with the second peak of the mountain, Dhu'l-Qarnayn said, "Blow (fire)," Until now it has become the iron (red as) fire, he too said, "Give I copper (a boil) so I poured over the hot iron. "-Al-Kahf: 96 -
As per the instructions of God, as the Prophet Dhul Qarnain then invites people around the location of residence Gog and Magog to jointly create a wall of copper and iron that would cover only the hole and out of them. Once completed, the people who formerly lived near the wall are invited to leave a location that is dry without water and plants, going into a more viable place for habitation.
"So they can not climb and they can not be (too) melobanginya." Al-Kahf: 97 -
Gog and Magog had confined keep trying to open a metal wall by any means, even by licking it because they know that anything they touch with their mouth stops growing / grow, dry or eroded. This method is able to make the parts they touch the wall becomes thinner. But each time it hollow, God reinstate its original condition. To survive as long trapped behind a wall, kind God to grow moss, as the only plant that can grow and multiply even more every time eaten by the people of Gog and Magog.
"Dhu'l-Qarnayn said," This (wall) is a mercy from my Lord, then when it comes the promise of my Lord. He will make Moulder, and the promise of my Lord is true. "Al-Kahf: 98 - Allah Almighty also revealed to Prophet Dhul Qarnain as that wall will be maintained and will be open when the time comes that one day before the coming of the Day of Judgement. Then God made occult (not visible) location of the wall.
"Until now opened (wall) Gog and Magog, and they go down quickly from all the high places." -Al Anbiyaa: 96 -
They are trying to get out in various ways, until the sun goes down they will have to make a small hole to get out. Then the leader said, "Tomorrow we go back our work and tomorrow we must get out of here. "But the next day a small opening that was closed again as usual by the will of God. They were confused but they are working again to make a hole to get out. Similarly tersebuat events occur repeatedly. Till one day ahead of the Apocalypse, in the late afternoon after making a small hole their leader said, "Hopefully, tomorrow we go back our work and tomorrow we must get out of here." So the next morning the little hole is still there, then opened the wall at the same time outside the occultation of sight before. And The Gog and Magog are trapped for thousands of years has been growing rapidly in number will go down like waters satisfy the appetite and drinking in all the places they could reach the earth.
At the time of Gog and Magog attack when approaching Judgement and then the Muslims including the Prophet 'Isa who was cornered in a mountain (the tour). Prophet Jesus and Muslims together and pray to God to avoid problems caused by actions Gog and Magog. Then Allah commanded caterpillars suddenly break out of the neck Gog and Magog are direct result of their deaths simultaneously. WaAllahu 'Alam.
From various sources.
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