Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Zionist project could stand on the foundation of the principle of "balance" to the effect that the condition of existence is the weakness of the surrounding country. That is, if the Arab Islamic revival project the Zionist project will come to an end because it is considered a cancer at the heart of the Arabs and Muslims.

Israel Zionist project has similarities with western imperialism in the project; neighborhood should remain weak, and fragmented, psychologically and civilization behind, so that the Arab region will remain under foreign hegemony and only a source of raw materials (raw) and a product market west.

Sure enough, since more than 60 years the Arab region around The Occupied Palestinian experience a variety of underdevelopment, disunity and weakness. Therefore, the changes that occur at this time in the region, if it continues in the right direction, it will "destroy and alter the balance of" conflict that could disrupt core Zionist project.

Zionist project can upright and continued on the foundation of "ketimbangan great balance" with the Palestinian forces and Arab regimes. Israel and the U.S. have tried to squash and make the situation calm in the Arab region and leading them towards a peaceful settlement. Peace is not because the Arabs believe the regime and those who believe that Israel has a right to exist.

Therefore, if the Arabs rid of their corrupt regimes and authoritarian forms of government and fight for honor and freedom, then there is a different perspective in the management of the conflict with Israel. that is not based on the arrogance of a particular country or trailing to the west. However, based on the formula of resurrection who refuse humiliation because cling to religion and its world and does not accept the principle of minimal liberation liberation of the occupied territories or at least to restore human rights.

Danger Strategy Against Israel
For a long time experts to discuss strategies on three strategic danger that threatens the Israeli entity:

1. The growth of Islamic power "extreme" in Palestine. ie if the Palestinian resistance to the helm of the Palestinians and stop the negotiations that Israel can not impose conditions.

2. Weakness and korupsnya Arab regimes in the region at a time when the Islamic group "extreme" will take their place so there will be Neighborhood Israel's enemies.

3. Palestinian population growth and declining Jewish exodus to Israel. because the number of Palestinians in the "occupied Palestine 1948" will exceed the population of Israel in 2015.

Arab Revolution was getting under way now. If these changes will shape the Arab regimes that represent a new political will of its people, the dangers of a strategy for Israel will actually happen.

However, if the change is only temporary and will only result in the new regime are equally corrupt and authoritarian then Israel may be saved from this wave.

If these changes lead to a positive direction, especially around Palestine, then there will be some changes that will be touched Israel directly or indirectly.

1. Establishment of a new atmosphere of the people officially and more supportive and more hostile to Israel resistance.

2. Improve the effectiveness of Arab and Islamic dimension of the Palestine issue.

3. The opening of the door for Arab Islamic revival project that could reverse the balance of power with Israel conflict and the short or long term.

4. The weakening of the American and western hegemonic regimes in the region, trailing end of the mental, and the formation of an independent government in accordance with the priorities without foreign dictation.

5. The formation of man (generation) of new areas that have the strength and spirit and freedom, without fear, not only to drive the process of political, economic, social, and military means alone, but generation is not willing to land and its holy places under occupation.

6. Pullback project a peaceful solution to the Arab regimes, and freezing penganuliran Cam David agreement and the Valley of Arabah and weak normalization between Arabs and Israel.

7. Optimization of human resources and wealth and human potential that can ensure progress in the future in the face of Israel.

Landscape in Israel
Changes in the Arab region currently makes Israel nervous. Because Israel wants the surrounding area remains weak, divided and backward, but if there is a change and a strong united Arab region and advanced then this would be a nightmare.

Israel failed to make peace project that can be agreed upon the Arabs. As long as Israel is deliberately memanej conflict and not solve the conflict. Arab weakness makes Israel increasingly arrogant by waging an increasingly strong Judaization.

But this time the change seemed to make Israel feel the loss for wasting a golden opportunity. Because they wasted real peace process.

Possible Israel stance
1. Israel most likely getting closed and isolate themselves. Because Israel is in fact experiencing a crisis of fear for himself and his future existence. Also crisis "project" unacceptable surrounding region. They will be stronger win principle "closed nation".

2. Tanpaknya change in the Arab world today does not make Israel would make concessions in peace negotiations projects, such as Arabic or a similar one approved initiative. It may be that Israel will offer a new kind of peace, while the Arab region more "extreme".

3. Israel will rely a lot on military power and will prepare a military force especially against neighboring countries, more specifically Egypt.

Alongside the fall of Hosni Mubarak, Israeli security and military budgets add up to 700 million dollars. Israeli Defence Minister Ehud Barak on March 8 during an interview with the Wall Sreet Journal that Israel may be asked additional U.S. military aid worth 20 billion U.S..

4. Israel will convince the United States and the western world will be his role as the guardian of the interests and their allies in the Arab region.

5. Israel will try to take advantage of the conditions to create instability in Saudi Arabia clashes to divert the direction of change is correct.

Louis Bernard, American Jewish thinkers wrote articles in magazines published by the U.S. Department of Defense Executive Intelligence Research Project in June 2003 that it proposes to share the region by dividing Iraq into three countries Kurdish, Sunni and Shiite, Syria divided into three states Announcements, Durziyah, and Sunni, Jordan split into two one for the Palestinian state and to the nation two bedouin, dividing the country into five Lebanese Christian, Shia, Sunni, Durzi, and Announcements, split into several countries, such as Saudi before united by King Abdul Aziz bin Sauud, dividing Egypt into two Muslim countries and Qibti, Southern Sudan into two countries Zanjiah and North Arabian, Mourotania into two Arab countries and Iran and Zanji into four states.

Bernard Louis insists that it is for the interest of Israel because those countries will continue to split and endless war, and it is definitely weaker than Israel, at least for the next 50 years.

Observers famous Alov Ben Israel daily Haaretz confirms the issue of March 25, 2011 that the Arab revolutions will reformat the area which will eventually make the limitations and rules set by the deal Sykes - Picot agreement divided because Arabs but not quite so in the coming years there will be new countries.

Ben estimates Alov countries Emirate, Saudi, Syria, Libya, Sudan, Yemen will split. It would appear the state of Kurdistan. It will benefit Israel.

Therefore, the bearer of the revolution must be careful in the process of reform and change and be aware of the solicitation ethnic, tribal and groups that would dismember them.

In summary, Israel will not remain silent and will try to continue to exist to be the strongest in the region and were controlling the game so it is in a safe position.

But Israel was aware that he also runs contrary to the movement of history. He realized there was no guarantee the power will last until the end. There was no guarantee of the Arab world continue to be weak. Israel is also aware that there must be kezhaliman and ultimately the colonization.

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