No doubt, shahwah Islamiyah (Islamic awakening) has become a phenomenon that is so obvious, does not require proof anymore. Resurrection of seriousness is evident in the people of this generation; men and women, parents and young people, in pursuing the hints and welfare, preserve religious symbols and jealousy that so great will honor and sanctity of religion, and it is God's gift to the slave- His servants.
In the dawn of Islam, there is a good that is illuminating the whole of nature and humanity and the promise of the good life for all mankind. However, what happens in the world today, what is happening in the Muslim community, or perhaps more precisely we say: what's happened to Muslims now, because the subject is not exactly the majority of Muslims, Muslims just being a passive player who becomes the object various slander and change.
What was witnessed by people from a wide range of concepts and ideas as well as tremendous revolution in the field of cutting-edge media and communications, making revisit the issue of Islamic resurgence is a necessity that can not be negotiable, in fact, be something that must be resolved before its too late, before the boat buffeted by waves and sank slander doubtful. And then, we will be self-deprecating with regret mounting.
Why science is needed in the process of Islamic revival?
Here we will concentrate the discussion on the necessity of the existence of explicitly controlling Islamiyah shahwah process knowledge and insights with authentic Shari'a, if we want the continuity and effectiveness of the rise of Islam and wanted a future full of success, victory and glory to the people. So far, the young Muslims have influenced the factors that keep them away from the provision of Shari'a itself with sufficient knowledge to keep themselves from lust and temptation gerogotan reality of life that might make them deviate from their duty in life and keep them of the concept of religion and the right guidance. These factors consist of a variety although the same effect. And no doubt, the primary factor is the political, social, concepts, ideas, schools and plus other factors.
These factors are more than enough to encourage the reformers, educators, preachers and people who have a concern for religion is to echo the reconstruction principle of Shari'a sciences, investment horizons and Islamic sciences in the self-generation of Muslims. However, when we seek to renew and straighten trip shahwah Islamiyah, then we have to start from a clean starting point and in accordance with the objectives of the Shari'a straight. Therefore, should that be the starting point and tool control shahwah Islamiyah not current conditions and circumstances that influenced the culture and the identity of each of us, because it is something that is volatile and unstable, just like the character that is always time and age changed.
In addition, if we make it as a starting point, then what do we do when it is nothing but a mere emotional reaction is dominated instead of refined minds and much of the planning that comes straight from the concept of Islam. Sometimes, the last condition makes them drawn to these factors-be it social, political, psychological or thoughts so that they go through the process of the rise of Islam regardless of the means, as well as their attention to the goal!
Therefore, the achievement of this movement should be initiated by binding to the younger generation with a cultural identity shahwah Islamiyah, Islamic knowledge and insight that comes from faith and our religious concepts in the course of reform resurrection. Islam commands us to seek knowledge and Allah has placed the clerics in a very high position. Similarly, al-Qur `an, he was a lot of talk about the reason, science, theory, tadabbur, tafakkur in various patterns on various occasions. Some of which come in a pattern ficil amr (command verb), nahy (verb prohibition) or the description of the properties commendable and praise. In addition, there also come in the form of denial (of the clans who prefer the opposite meanings of these noble), in the form of stories, wisdom exposition of the law is a law, enforce proof, rejected the argument and the patterns of another common in al-Qur `an.
Here, we will not show the arguments relating to Shari'a law in search of knowledge and the primacy of Sharia sciences, as such is something that has been agreed by all scholars. However, through this place, we would like to emphasize that any direction shahwah islamiyah for Shari'a equipped science and knowledge should be based on the understanding that our religion is so ordered. Islam is a religion that calls for science, and science is the science of the most important to know God and the glorious Sharia-Sharia. Therefore, it is a necessity for young Muslims today to equip themselves with the Shari'a sciences authentic and form the basis of a strong Islamic culture, as a form of execution would command of Allah only, not as a reaction to events in the world, nor because of the demands of reality going on around us, where stupidity caused the Muslims lost in the dark pieces libel, causing a variety of distortion image of Islam and the birth of carelessness and recklessness by some Muslim groups.
All that is not the main reason for this is very important-though-that led us to this mission peal. In addition, in essence, all causes will be merged into one on the motivation, the execution of the order of Allah and worship Him. Thus, the mission has remained the fundamental principles and eternal, unchanging nature along with the changing times, the fire will never be quenched with various disasters and vilification that befell this people, and not subject to knee-jerk reaction that turns on and off instantly.
At the time of the rise of Islam held by the educators who are aware of this fact, they are the opposite of the principle of worship, understand that their ultimate goal is the pleasure of Allah, and very understanding of Shari'a law and practice it in all areas of life, it will come to fruition shahwah islamiyah desirable, even though the drought has hit so long. Grace and blessings will come down to this race with the permission of Allah the Almighty for everything.
In this paper, we do not want to give the obvious effect is known as the fruit of this method in directing the pace shahwah Islamiyah, we just want to highlight some much needed human influence on the present, so that they avoid many mistakes and correct them before losing control.
Studies on the influence of Sharia Islamic Shahwah
Oneness of Allah and worship Him with real arguments and proof: And this is no dispute that in it, but, the thing we need to note here that these people have given interpretations and unacceptable takwil group scholars are firmly grounded in knowledge, not in accordance with the rules of the Shari'a and science; well takwil in concept, charity or in the methods. The emergence of various penakwilan astray and spread in inciting young Shahwah Islamiyah really not hazard light. And this confirms the importance of young people to return to the true principles of the Shari'a sciences. Not only that, the principle of Shari'a sciences will make Shahwah Islamic Shari'a in the direction of the pattern right, subject to the command of God, working for His good pleasure and avoid His wrath. He will forward the pleasure of Allah upon personal interests and worldly demands. With a straight Shari'a principles, shahwah Islamiyah not be directed to material goals or targets cheap, there is no bargaining in the principles and rules anyway and would not budge because of insults and curses. And none of this would happen without the provision of Shari'a sciences absorbed from sources with knowledge of the pure Islamic faith sincere encouragement.
Following the method Ta'aqqul, tadabbur and Tafakkur in Interaction
The appeal of al-Qur `an to do tafakkur, tadabbur, contemplating the wonders of the human self and the signs of God's power that lay in the universe, take lessons and examples from the stories of the past - and this is a very clear appeal in the book-has faidah produce other non-faidah produced science and Islamic knowledge or humanities and astronomy. Faidah is no less important than the sciences, could even be considered as a way that conveys to its destination. Faidah is none other than the conclusion of the intellectual methods of enlightened thinking-of course-ray guidance in understanding and interpreting various phenomena, causal relationship, the premise and the conclusion.
Muslims have gone through a very long time under the influence of emotional, through a variety of activities without a touch of Shari'a which invites the use of reason in digesting various means and targets and aims to equalize the benefit to individuals, society and the people. Shahwah Islamiyah was exposed to a variety of diseases, we should not hesitate to admit it, because our goal is to improve this revival with the permission of Allah.
No doubt the song that caused the greatest effect away from the manhaj al-Qur `an in interpreting the phenomena and analyzing events is confusion, disorder, random and thematically, and far from neutrality. Even the driving factors in people is passion and emotion, not the principles and ideology, except for a small portion of the reformers and scholars Rabbani, may Allah bless all their efforts.
Hatred or anger, joy or pleasure, desire for revenge, personal success and spontaneous reaction of emotion not included in the psychiatric manhaj al-Qur `an to achieve the correct interpretation, preparing an effective movement, providing color and made history. Yes, we can not deny the role of emotions in a stimulating, inflame sensitivities kindness, cultivate the spirit of jealousy for the honor and sanctity of religion, however, when entering the practical level, shahwah Islamiyah still need methods tafakkur, tadabbur and nazhar. If not, then we can not apply the instructions of Al-Qur `an contained in the words of Allah," O you who believe, be ye really upholders of justice, bearing witness for Allah, even against yourselves or your parents and relatives. if he is rich or poor, Allah knows better kemaslahatannya. Do not follow your own desires and deviate from the truth., and if ye distort (words) or decline to do justice, verily Allah is well aware of all what you do. "(Surat an-Nisa: 135). And the word of God, "O ye who believe so people are always uphold the (truth) for Allah, bearing witness with justice., And let not hatred of a people time, encouraging you to do injustice. Apply fair , because fair is closer to piety., and fear Allah, verily Allah knows what you do. "(Surat Al-Maida: 8)
From this it is clear, that instill a pure Islamic insight in the lives of young people is something that can not be ignored, if we expect them to be able to understand the reality of life and prepare an appropriate provision to deal with all probelamtikanya. At that time, they will use is a light-filled sense of revelation and not with emotions and passions and they will be able to describe the scheme straight thinking to build the project so that they are likely to civilization has share in saving humanity amid the confusion. While at mastering emotions and Shahwah Islamiyah movement based on the psychological impulses, the result led to two things: a sense of frustration that shackles the mind and spirit, so that they no longer play the role they assume, or, acting rashly without reckoning with the revolution and ended with the destruction, freezing priorities, direction determined shahwah Islamiyah fools and snobs clever, so little by little away from the principles of religion. Thus, shahwah Islamiyah which aims to make improvements, morality, sincerity to Allah turned into a slapstick scene of political, social, cultural or any other who never wanted anything but mundane things smell.
Achieving Pure Islamic Discourse
Observing discourse, both internally (by yourself) and externally (with others) with the control group fanaticism unwise for Muslims. Although we recognize that the school is a reality that can not be denied, only, fanaticism schools can not straddle the universality of Islam, both among the revolutionary groups, as well as other Muslims societies. Benefit of the people are very big, the pillars of faith and the principles agreed by all groups should ensure the unity of this people in a same sentence; sentence that can be used to greet another group and were able-with the permission of Allah unite adherents among Islamic schools an assortment of the brotherhood of faith. Therefore, the group of fanatical sect should leave everything rekindle the flame of discord or anger followers of other sects, especially leaves something to be used as a tool enemies to undermine the unity of the people, like the infidel group, accusing him of heresy, pinning properties very bad or accused of wrong.
As a result of all of that is very clear, do not need to be discussed at length, here we will only cite an example of a proposed answer Ibadhiyah scholars from Amman to scholars Ibadhiyah of Libya in the past century. Sheikh Sulaiman Pasha al-baruni has sent a letter to a group of Islamic scholars that includes some of the most frequently disturb the mind of this people, he said in the question is, "Are the gentlemen here agree that the strongest factor that led to the division of the Muslims is the diversity and differences in school ? If you do not agree, is the main cause of the split? If the master agreement, whether the opposite opinion can be brought together, at a time when we desperately need a union? If not incorporated, whether the strongest factors that hinder the view of the master? Are the best to eliminate it? State which is best suited to present this? In how many years will give its fruit? How much it cost? How does the composition of the planning work? For all that, if the law for those who seek it, both politically and Shari'a? whether a reformist or a destroyer? "
Abdullah bin Humaid As-Salimi said:
"We have reviewed the Muslim community, there we pushed aside the curtain that covered the essence of the reality of life. Yeah, we agree that the main cause of disunity and bercabangnya schools are differences of opinion, as expressed in the memo you Jami'ah Islamiyya., And this split has Another reason is envy and hate each other and competing to reap the benefits while, like ambition arrogance of power and tyranny. This is the cause of the rift between the friends in the reign of Ali and Muawiyah (who showed defiance against the legitimate government.) From there then arises school disputes. Merging of people in the Islamic nature after the split is something that may be impossible in traditional logic and, as if God wills something must be done, "even if you spend all the (wealth) which are in the earth, surely you can not unite their hearts , but God had brought their hearts. Verily He is dashing, Wise. '
People who attempt to unite a reformer and of course the best way to achieve this is to invite people to leave all the label's schools and called them to label themselves with Islam, because the only religion according to Allah is Islam. If man is to follow this noble invitation, there goes a sense of fanaticism despite ingrained for so long. After that, someone will find out the truth for himself. Initially, the truth will be in any one of them, then spread little by little so he returned to nature, the call of Islam brought by Prophet Muhammad, while innovation will fade little by little. Humans become pillars of brothers (and if anyone astray, then he would be damned by their error). If the king and the government follow this mission, the people will soon receive. However, if the authorities do not accept it, then the matter will be difficult, because they are references to everything.
There is no school for us except Islam, therefore, we can accept the truth from anyone coming, though of a hate us and we will resist evil even taken one we love. We know the people with the truth. Humans are big for us right people with the truth and is a menyelisihinya dwarf. Ibn Ibadh not prescribed us a school, we are affiliated with the group only to distinguish other congregations. As for religion in our opinion has never changed. Praise be to Allah. '
Questions and answers have been so obvious, does not need to be commented upon or given an explanation. Efforts to comment or explain it requires independent research and requires the model and proved to be very long to discussed. We'll just let the readers themselves who dive into the mind, see details, answers and solutions are put forward intact.
Holding True to Values and Ethics of Islam
Islam appeals to always do the best in ethics and the interaction will not succeed unless through the science first. Therefore, one of the fruits of the tie shahwah islamiyah with Shari'a sciences is to instill morals and values of Islam into the soul of the people. Aqeedah make all behavior as a source of reward and punishment, which explains fiqh halal and what is haram, sunnah teaches ethical instructions for living examples of the Prophet sirah, history shows that other parables and exemplary examples, moreover 'adab' educate and teach the soul of the virtues of courage, honor, morality and so on.
With a good interaction, the fruit of the knowledge of the sources diteguk character in the Qur'aan and Sunnah, allowing shahwah Islamiyah peaked progress, carefully locked into an open, people increasingly closer together, paving the way creation discourse of universality of Islam. How young Muslims are now in desperate need of virtue and moral values of Islam who do not expect anything except the good pleasure of Allah, "And they give food to the poor he likes, the orphans and those who ditawan.Sesungguhnya We feed you only for pleasure expect God, we do not want a reply from you, nor (greeting) thank you. "
I pray, may Allah be pleased to bestow His taufiq towards goodness and bless all the hard work of people who are sincere, verily He has power over all things. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.
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