performance of worship was incredible, he was an angel with a much higher performance in comparison with the rest of the nation because of the quality mujahadahnya lainnya.bahkan angel, he is believed to Allah SWT for 40,000 years to become the caretaker of heaven, 80,000 years angels worship together, 20,000 years as a professor of angels, 30,000 years as king the angel karubiyyin, 14000 berthowaf year around the throne, in 1000 became leader of every soul.
Quality ketawadhuan devil in Allah SWT has not reached puncak.hingga test pengabdiannya.saat greatness that Allah Almighty commanded the angels to prostrate to Adam as, being the newly Allah swt ciptakan.maka all was prostrate, except Satan. devil reluctant to do so because they can not accept this fact. Satan as a being who felt he was the senior considers to be respected, not sebaliknya.keengganan is not without cause, the devil was more glorious than Adam as he felt something different in terms of his origins in creating. That confession when asked by Allah SWT, why he refused to bow down to Adam as. as stated in al-qu'an which means, "I was created from fire while Adam from the ground." (Qs al-A'raf: 12).
Sin caused by the devil himself disobedience is sin was first creature to kholiknya.itu precisely the source and seed are then transmitted diseases or transmissible to manusia.penyakit was spreading so fast that the second generation of humans who have had a similar sin terulang.sejak that moment of togetherness with the devil driven Allah Almighty and each time roaming seeking man for jerumuskan.
Wealth, power, position or title generally being the source of kesombongan.selain was rewarded with intelligence or beauty can also be the cause of the outbreak of a person with pride. Who is an arrogant person? The proud are those who reject the truth, demeaning others, to feel superior to others, deny the rights of others and acted arbitrarily by persecuting others.
Pride makes people who glorify Allah be stretched, which Allah has bestowed advantages, a high degree, it all becomes a blessing and even destroy their own glory, pride makes us stay away by all the people, and the more dangerous in murkai by Allah SWT .
source # ixzz2HwtfYg58
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