while the bad things that happened and collapsed because of the sins we have committed as merajarelanya disobedience, moral corruption, disobedience of parents and juvenile delinquency, adultery, homosexuality, lesbianism, drinking, drugs, gambling, drugs, gambling, descry-nampakan nakedness without shame, woman fight like a man, or vice versa, and other sebagainya.keadaan like this that actually invites disaster and calamity from Allah Ta'ala.
so 15 things that invite bencan has been predicted by the prophet Muhammad PBUH as he explained in a hadith: that said "what if my ummah is doing 15 things, they would dtimpa disaster, they asked him: what are they, O Rasululloh?, and prophets were answer
15 things that invite disaster are:
1. as booty or state income simply outstanding on the ruler and the people are great alone. mandate to loot or stolen or corrupted on the way
2. Zakat on loans
4. husband was subject to the will of his wife
5. disobeyed his mother
6. be nice to her friends and disobeyed his father
7. frenzied voice in mosques
8. who became the leader of a people is the lower mind and character
9. respect him as a person in fear of crime
10. drink - alcohol is the habit
11. wearing silk for men is a matter of
12 . singer-songstress and
13. noise music has become a favorite
14. the final race was cursed and
15. chided pious people who formerly
then at that moment, the wait for a very hot wind or earthquake and landslides or disease that could change the face of men (Tirmidhi).
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