M emaparkan Fatimah's life was very difficult for me. Many features and qualities that carried Fatimah made me feel a sense of shame when pouring this paper. His life contains many valuable lessons. Apostle daughter's life, like a beautiful jewel that emits light. On this occasion, I would like to invite you to look at a few of his great personality, to be used as inspiration, especially for women.
No doubt, most of the problems and issues facing mankind is due to negligence, shall the nature of human beings, so he's stuck in the lures of the world. Instead, people can draw close to God as he knows himself and knows he has to do the task and accountable to God, the Creator of life.
Fatimah Az-Zahra, is a figure who excels in this priority. In his prayer, he often said, "O God, in my eyes and my soul kecilkanlah tampakkanlah greatness to me. 'God, sibukkanlah me with tasks I carry when you created me, and I do not you get busy with other things."
Sincerity in charity is the bridge to safety and luck. Humans who have a sincere soul will be free from all shackles of lust and will get to the stage of pure servanthood. Sincerity will provide beauty, kindness, and honesty to someone. The best example in this regard can be found in the private grand Fatimah Az-Zahra. Someone once asked Imam Mahdi, "Who among the daughters of the Prophet is more important and has a higher position?" He said, "Fatima." He asked, "How do you call Fatimah as a major when he was only short lived and no longer with the Prophet?" He replied, "God gave primacy and glory to Fatimah as sincerity and the sincerity of his heart."
Sayyidah Fatimah in Munajatnya often reveal such words, "O Allah, grant me sincerity. Remain subject and I want to worship of Thee in times happy and difficult. Currently bothers poverty or wealth came to me, I'm still hoping to You. Just I beg of Thee endless enjoyment and endless views of spaciousness to the darkness. 'God, adorn me with the faith and insert me into the class of those who get a clue. "
Fatimah love of God is called by the Prophet as a result of his steadfast faith. He said, "Faith in God has penetrated into the heart of a Fatima so deep, making it sink in worship and forget everything." Man who know God will adorn behavior and said she said with admirable morals. Asma ', a woman who is close to Fatimah said, "I never saw one woman more polite than Fatimah. Fatimah studied politeness of the One True Almighty.
Only those who trained with divine guidance was the one that could have a holy behavior and politeness. When God through His word commanded people not to call the Apostles by name, Fatimah then called him as the Messenger of Allah. The Prophet said to him, "Fatimah, scripture does not include you." In his home life, the Prophet's daughter is keeping ethics and morals. Fatimah Ali's life and keep each other's politeness worthy of being a role model for all.
Compassion and gentleness Fatimah recognized by all those who live one day with. In the history mentioned that the needy and those who have the intention to come to the house of Fatimah when all has been closed. Fatimah never refused their request, even though her own life completely lack.
Another important point to be an inspiration from the life and personality of the prince of this universal woman is responsive and caring attitude he displayed towards domestic issues, education and social issues. Many are prejudiced that a sincere faith and servitude to God will deter people from engaging in world affairs. Fatimah Az-Zahra life to all who will teach different things with that notion. In the eyes of the world he is a life, however that does not mean it should be ruled out. He asserts that the world is like the stairs to get to the peak of perfection, with a heart condition is not captured by deceit. Fatimah said: "O Allah, fix my world dependent life. Revitalise akhiratku, because that's where I'll be back. Panjangkanlah I was while I was still hopeful the goodness and blessings of this world .."
Final seconds of his life had come. Grief and anguish felt very heavy to carry by the Prophet's beloved daughter. However, with gentle Fatima knelt before the Creator denounce the situation. Asma said, "I see now that Fatimah raised his hand and prayed," O God, I beseech Thee by the glory of the Prophet and his passion intermediaries me. I beg of Thee by the name of Ali and his sadness over leaving. I beg of Thee by intermediaries Hasan and Husayn, and I feel their pain. I appeal to you on behalf of my daughters and their grief. I begged, my father's love of sinful people. Forgive their sins. Include them in Thy heaven. Surely Thou art the Essence of the Merciful of all merciful. '
Before the end came for her, Fatimah Az-Zahra facing the Qiblah, after ablution. He raised his hands and prayed, "O Allah, make the death of a lover like I am looking forward to. 'God, pour thy grace and inayah me. Put my soul in the spirit of the people is sacred and jasadku in the glorious bodies.' God , put into practice amalanku that you receive. "
Date 3 (or 6 in another narration) End of year 11 Jumada Hijriyyah, Fatimah Az-Zahra Prophet's beloved daughter close my eyes forever. He died leaving valuable lessons for humanity. To Fatimah, the Prophet once said, "Fatima, God has chosen you and menghiasimu with makrifat and knowledge. Clean you, and He also has been on the women's memuliakanmu entire universe."
Prophet's love for Fatima Az-Zahra is one specific thing that deserves to be learned from his life. While the Arabs regard as unlucky girls and humiliation, Apostle glorify and honor her daughter so much. Moreover, the Prophet would praise someone who has primacy. In other words, the Apostle praises to Fatimah was because he saw the glory in her daughter's. He knew what would happen after his death later.
Therefore, early on he had introduced the glory and majesty of Fatima to the people, so that later they can not reasonably do not recognize the primacy of universal women's prince. Fatimah is a clear example of an inspiration for women. With follow and imitate him, success and true happiness that blows example would be reached. Fatimah is that many women gain knowledge, and wisdom makrifat essentials.
At the end of this paper, I want to reiterate that I am running out of words to write the life of the Prophet's daughter. And there will be no one who could write. Hopefully what God has given him enough to represent all of them. He was the best woman in her time and the daughter of her best (Khadijah ra.) And best man (the Prophet Muhammad). He was also the leader of the women of paradise. Allah is well pleased to Fatimah and place in heaven paradise.
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